View Full Version : Gimme yalls opinion on my paintball forum.

11-13-2002, 10:24 AM
Hey I did a website for my paintball club and I also developed a forum for it. LMK what yall think about the forum. Yall can't post since it is limited to RIT students only. If anyone wants this program I will be more than happy to give yall it, if you are a non-profit orginization. I am going to work on it for an indpindent study next quarter, where i will port it from perl to cgi. This is not totally complete.

btw the roster is automaticly generated from what the users inputed.www.rit.edu/~fapwww/forums

11-13-2002, 10:35 AM
Another GREAT non-profit/free forum is IKONBOARD ..Its VERY similar to UBB and stuff ...... its what I use.

But you blended the site forum quite nicely .... good job.


Dave K