View Full Version : Impulse??

11-13-2002, 05:09 PM
Hey, im looking to get a electro and was wondering if the impulse is a good marker? Also how is the regular bushmaster (not lcd) and matrix? thanks

11-13-2002, 05:27 PM
the impulse is fine. i, though, would suggest an rt-pro. no batteries and a trigger that is just as good.

if you dont want an rt-pro for whatever, i would first reccomend doing a search(the links in the top right of the screen).

besides that its all preference. i have shot both the bushmaster and impulse and they are nice. also the impulse runs great on co2. i have shot a matrix but it was a tequila matrix which is a heavily upgraded version. i would suggest going to your local field or pro-shop if there is one and trying out some different guns and seeing what you like.

11-13-2002, 07:52 PM
ok thanks, yah the rt pro is nice i have shot it but i have a small hpa tank so i need something that can run decent on c02. Also the rt is more expensive.

11-13-2002, 09:49 PM
if you would like to lear everything you can about impulses, please go to the impulse forums on www.pbreview.com and ask a few questions (but PLEASE read the FAQ at the top of the page, it will answer many of your questions)

Lind to FAQ: Impulse FAQ (http://www.kamworld.net/paintball/ImpulseFAQ.html)

P.S. i would recomend buying all of you Imp items from www.e-paintballoutlet.com