View Full Version : Powertube Assembly... Rattling?

11-13-2002, 07:39 PM
I'm having my gun currently worked on by White Wolf Airsmithing, he's removing a microline fitting from my valve (need a macro!) polishing my body, and rethreading some holes...

I have my powertube in front of me, I found an o-ring in my bag and assumed it was my o-ring that goes behind the spacer... so I assembled the powertube with my new powertube tip (Thx Jon :cool: ) and I hear rattling from it... I take it apart and lube it and reassemble it... still there... could it possibly be I'm so stupid I lost my o-ring? ... probably :(

11-14-2002, 02:19 AM
Could be the PT spacer rattling around a little bit. As long as the o-ring is the same diameter as the PT spacer, then it's the right o-ring. Just gas it up and if it leaks heavily, then it's probably the wrong o-ring.

11-14-2002, 06:37 PM
I know its the PT Spacer thats rattling, it SLIDES right in, I mean it has no tension when I pull it out... its almost as if its the wrong spacer... are teh RT spacer and the Emag spacer any different?