View Full Version : Alright my Xmag questions(agd please)

11-14-2002, 06:50 PM
An offical response would be greatly aprecieated

1. What fade colors are there to chose from?
*red blue silver black
2.Expected ship date of teh first batch?
*same answer, I dont know.
3.Will the first batch have the milled battery packs?
D.Was a barrel selected for the xmag yet?
*yes we made it ourselves its on the black demo gun
8.If the first batch doesnt have the milled battery packs is there a plan for getting them perhaps milled later?
*You cant mill them after they are polished and anoed.
VII.Will the xmag have the multiple mode jumpers?
*No semi only.
X+Y=z-A.Can you posibly mak e a more pimptastic marker?:p
*Only with all of your help :)

Rock on with your bad self
*If I dont get these things out I am going to have to hide under a rock....


11-15-2002, 12:42 AM
also, whats the approx. price on one of these badboys?

11-15-2002, 07:48 AM
hey wow he edited right into my post !!! if your gonna hide under a rock tom could you just leave the Xmags someplace easy to find?:D

11-15-2002, 01:06 PM
are you happy now dan? now you know, now you can stop yelling at me....