View Full Version : Big AO Welcome to Crossfire President Chris Havlock!!!!

11-14-2002, 10:08 PM

Once again this forum has made it's influence felt beyond the internet borders.

Chris Havlock is the president of Crossfire and while he was looking at the hit count on his website, he noticed a large number of users clicking in from here. Backtracking he found our technical roundtable and was shocked to see what he thought was a witch hunt against his products.

Unfortunately he had missed the whole WAS thing that started over at PBN and ended up here with his products on the testing line. After Chris spent quite a bit of time reading over the posts he came to the conclusion that this is no ordinary kiddie forum and in fact holds quite a reserve of intelligence.

With his new understanding of our community he realizes the potential benefits of submitting himself and his products to public scrutiny. In the face of what he already knows to be an intelligent and critical group, he has decided to put himself personally on the "firing line". This he hopes will demonstrate to all of you that he is committed to his company and his products and ready to answer any questions you have personally.

As with many ceo's his time is limited so I expect that he will be able to be very responsive in the next couple weeks but please don't waste his time asking about prices or delivery etc. After this introduction, the conversation will continue over in the Technical Roundtable forum.

I think we need to applaud him in taking this bold step which seems so simple but taken by so few leaders in the industry. So with no further ado I am very happy to be able to introduce Crossfire president Chris Havlock! Lets all give him a warm and deserving AO Welcome!!!


11-14-2002, 10:12 PM
Glad to have you aboard Chris! :D

11-14-2002, 10:13 PM
Welcome to AO!

Additionally,I do own one of you products, and am very impressed with it. Keep up the good work!

11-14-2002, 10:16 PM
Hello, and welcome to Automags.Org

Have fun and enjoy your stay.

:p That kinda made me feel like a robot

11-14-2002, 10:17 PM
Glad to see you here Chris, I hope that you enjoy one of the best forums in the PB community.

Welcome to AO.

11-14-2002, 10:23 PM
Welcome Chris from all of us here at automags.org. I appologixe for the witch hunt, but you see, here no matter what, we do not believe the hype. THank you for sparing us your special time with us. I assure you we all appreciate your time here. I hope to learn more about your product, as i have owned 2 and was very impressed with them. PLease, convince me with hard data, to purchase another.

THank you gain for joining us. I cannot wait to see what you have to offer. From my self, and all of ao. Welcome.

Load SM5
11-14-2002, 10:24 PM
Much like Smokee, I own a Crossfire 45/45 as a backup. It's a great little tank. Thanks for stopping by.

11-14-2002, 10:29 PM
Glad to see an industry "big-wig" putting themselves and their reputation on the line. I hope you enjoy your stay here at AO. :)

11-14-2002, 10:33 PM
Welcome to AO! I own a 68/3k Crossfire tank myself, couldn't be happier.

11-14-2002, 10:34 PM
Glad to have ya, Welcome to AO!

11-14-2002, 10:38 PM
I run a PE 68 stubby....but the tank itself is the same as yours:)

Welcome to AO, Chris. We ain't your little brothers' paintball site:D

11-14-2002, 10:56 PM
Welcome to AO! I look forward to seeing your input to the technical roundtable.

11-14-2002, 10:57 PM
Welcome Chris-

Bold move of you to put you and products up for scrutiny like this... I like it :D

by the way, I love my Crossfire tank!

Spray Painter
11-14-2002, 11:04 PM

11-14-2002, 11:15 PM
I've been promoting your 68ci 3000psi steel tank since I got one right after they were introduced. It's a great inexpencive product for someone just getting into N2 as well as for those who don't need and adjustable. Thanks for the good work and welcome to AO.

11-14-2002, 11:23 PM
Welcome to AO!!!
Thanks for coming by!!!

11-14-2002, 11:37 PM
Thanks for stopping to take a look at our little corner of the Internet! I hope you like what you see!


11-14-2002, 11:49 PM

Welcome to AO! I am one of the Round Table members working on the Crossfire project. I'm sorry if it seemed a witch-hunt - that was not the intention at all.

Currently the project has been on an 8-week hold - since I broke my wrist. I can't manage tools very well and have been waiting on the removal of 5 pins holding everything together. I expected everything out today - but to my surprise, even though the rod and 4 pins came off, they left one in and hard casted me for 10 more days :(

We will pick the project up as soon as I am fully back online - although it can continue moving forward at anytime. We'd love to work with you on this if you are interested and any input (as a designer of HPA systems) that you can offer would be appreciated. The plan all along (refer to thread in Round Table forum) was to present our findings to each product's manufacturer at the conclusion of each test anyhow. By working with you we can all learn a lot - which is the big goal of the whole endeavor.

I did make some rather critical comments regarding the condition that the system I purchased for the project arrived in (and the manner in which it was shipped). Sorry if it seemed a little harsh - but I just write it like I see it. Regardless of the comments on the aesthetics, I along with everyone have an open mind about the whole project.

Again welcome to AO!

-Calvin Ledford

11-15-2002, 12:44 AM
Welcome to AO. You have lots of good folks here to help bounce ideas around. I hope you find this place enjoyable and informative.

The Frymarker
11-15-2002, 06:02 AM

I agree with oldsoldier, you will find many great ideas and opinions in this forum.

Very informative.

Hope to see you around


11-15-2002, 06:45 AM

11-15-2002, 07:09 AM
Welcome to the Forum. Hopefully we don't razz you too bad.

11-15-2002, 07:18 AM
Great to hear Chris is here! Welcome Chris. We look forward to your input here on AO.

11-15-2002, 07:23 AM
Welcome to AO Chris.... :D

11-15-2002, 07:39 AM

cant wait to hear what you have to say:D

11-15-2002, 07:46 AM
Wizelcome to aizo

11-15-2002, 07:58 AM
Welcome to AO Chris.

I've got one of your alloy 68/3000 stub tanks that I run on my backup marker. Very nice little tank. Glad to see you here on AO and I hope you find the feedback here useful.

11-15-2002, 09:31 AM
Welcome to the forums Chris. It's always nice to see manufacturers taking a personal interest in the views of the people who use their products.


11-15-2002, 09:32 AM
I'd also like to welcome Chris to AO. A few weeks ago I emailed Crossfire about their new regulator, the Biatch. Not only did Chris reply personally, he was thoughtful enough to enquire about my feelings on the regulator's name and how it might affect his business. I don't know if I was the first to ask him to check out these forums and post those kinds of questions here (although I'd like to think so! :) ) but I'm glad he's taking the time to speak with all of us here.

11-15-2002, 09:54 AM
Welcome to AO!

Glad to hear you're confident enough in your products to do this! As everyone else is saying, this isn't meant to be a witchhunt or anything. Just checking to see if a manufacturers claims are the truth or not. I too have used crossfire tanks and have had great experiances every time. Thanks again.

Creative Mayhem
11-15-2002, 10:46 AM
Hey Chris, thanks for coming out and

W E L C O M E :D

Creative Mayhem

11-15-2002, 01:32 PM

A discussion on PBN concerning WAS was deleted from PBN... and because of AO interest, was reborn on our forum. Although it is not in the Round Table forum (was temporarily until it was thought best to be moved), it is somewhat of a prototype flavor for Round Table discussions... and I believe is what sparked the idea of the Round Table forum to begin with.

You may find it interesting...


/me owns a 51/3000 Crossfire and really likes it. :)

11-15-2002, 02:43 PM

I really don't think we should draw any parallels Mr. Havelock and WAS. I mean that's not really kind is it? :)

Besides that, Welcome to AO Chris.

11-15-2002, 02:46 PM
Welcome!!! Love Crossfire tanks! :)

11-15-2002, 03:04 PM
? What parallel? WAS is a completely different situation... and it turned out how it did because that was the flow of things. The nature of WAS's commentary on PBN and AO made it heated...

But... I think I kinda know what you're getting at...

I wasn't thinking about the spats from the WAS thread... I just wanted to point out the level of technical details that we got into... and how we try to cut through the hype and figure out what's real. When I said "prototype flavor," I wasn't talking about the mud slinging... that's definitely not desireable. :)

Lot of shady stuff went on with the WAS situation... bogus claims, taking things to personal level... etc... that we wanted to cut through.

Crossfire is a totally different situation... not making any comparisons. I think the review being worked on is doing well... and hopefully more of the like will come.

Yay! Crossfire is here! :)

11-15-2002, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
But... I think I kinda know what you're getting at...

Actually, Parallel was a bad word, I kinda meant, we really shouldn't mention Mr. Havelock and WAS in the same sentence.

Hey, why doesn't "WAS" trigger the cuss filter? :)

11-15-2002, 03:52 PM
Welcome, pull up a keyboard and join in the fun.

11-15-2002, 04:28 PM
Wow, I'm really impressed that SOMEONE in the compressed air tank industry is finally letting us take pot shots at him.

I, for one, Want to know the FACTS. I'm tired of this "higher flow, better performance" BS that I'm being fed all the time.

I currently own a 68/3000 flatline, and I would like to know all the specs on it. I want to know WHICH tank is, in fact, BETTER, has higher flow, or recharge rate.

Glad to know Chris is in here, and ready to talk to us about his products.

11-15-2002, 04:54 PM
Looks like I have to visit these round table forums. As for Crossfire I have TWO of their tanks. Both of them work great for my purposes. I'll probably upgrade to a Flatline in the near future because I want an adjustable tank for my Retro.....but as far as my Crossfire tanks go I am a satisfied customer.

Oh yeah, Welcome to AO:D

11-15-2002, 05:11 PM

11-15-2002, 06:26 PM
Chris is trying to respond but is having problems with his computer. He really likes the response so far and appologizes for not being up to speed with his computer.


11-15-2002, 06:31 PM
Welcome to AO. I am very impressed that you have decided to join/put up with us. ;)

11-15-2002, 06:47 PM
Welcome Chris!
I have owned a Stubby tank, and aside from the wieght, I loved it!
Of corse now I run a crossfire 68/3000 psi fiber (because I'm a weakling ;))

11-15-2002, 07:01 PM
welcome chris,
In my time spent here the one thing I have noticed is that this place gets better and better, And I am sure that you will add to its betterment (is that a word?:) )

11-15-2002, 09:51 PM
Welcome Chris-

Glad to see you aboard. My first tank ever was a Crossfire 47 cu 3000, aluminum. It was always a great tank.

I liked its flow so much, I am buying another one for my secondary mag (45 cu 4500 instead of the aluminum).

We will be interested in hearing what you have to say!


11-16-2002, 11:30 AM
welcome Chris!!
one of the only tanks I have never had a problem with is your Crossfire 68/3k ... blew a burst disk, but that's only $3 ... Great Products =]

Welcome again!!

11-16-2002, 12:52 PM
First thing is first, welcome!

Second, I have had the greatest success in using your HPA tanks. You have one of the greatest customer service departments I have EVER encountered. I dropped my tank on the ground (yes, stupid me) without a thread protector (again, stupid me). The upper o-ring lip was bent.

To make a long story short, it began to leak about a month later. I emailed Crossfire, within at MOST 2-3 days (not sure, don't check my email that often) I had a response. Send it in, we'll fix it. I sent it in, 10 days later, I receive a BRAND NEW reg tip. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. Since then, I have recommended Crossfire tanks to anyone looking for a great screw-in.

Once again, thank you for such a great product and even better customer service. You will provide valuable insight for this forum, and will udoubtedly increase the intellectual capactiy here.

It is truly amazing that an industry leader such as yourself would join a forum, and it will help progress the knowledge of paintball players everywhere.

Thank you once again, and have a nice day.


11-16-2002, 02:58 PM

hey im poor can i mooch a free nitro tank off ya?

11-16-2002, 03:28 PM
howdy chris and welcome to the best paintball forum in the world.

11-16-2002, 09:39 PM
Hi Chris, hope you enjoy all the time that you will end up spending on these forums. Great to have another source of knowledge around on the forums.:D

11-17-2002, 01:25 PM
Hi, and welcome to AO! I too got interested in this place because of the high level of technical detail in many of the discussions.

11-17-2002, 03:00 PM
Welcome, I have two Crossfire 68 4500's preset to 450 for my Intimidator and I couldn't be happier with the performance. Thanks.

11-18-2002, 01:15 PM
Am I on.

11-18-2002, 01:16 PM
Am I on now

11-18-2002, 01:29 PM
Yes, you are....and Welcome finally!

11-18-2002, 01:35 PM
Am I on now

11-18-2002, 01:37 PM
LOL Anyone else find this funny? ;)

11-18-2002, 01:38 PM
Um... yes you are. :p

11-18-2002, 01:53 PM
Hi, welcome to AO...and yes you are on now!:D

11-18-2002, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by shartley
LOL Anyone else find this funny? ;)

Is it really him or is it that guy on the cell phone commercial.........can you hear me now? j/k :D

11-18-2002, 02:33 PM
Ok, for now I am trying the other computer.
Thanks for the great introduction Tom.
Thanks for the warm welcome from the members. I am excited to be here and look forward to helping you out with any of your tests.
Now I'm going to send this and see if it goes through. As you have seen I'm having a little bit of trouble.
Chris Havlock

11-18-2002, 02:34 PM
Wallah! See? Works like a charm. Now when you want to add space between your paragraphs, double return between them.

Good job. But try it with your first account.

11-18-2002, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
Is it really him or is it that guy on the cell phone commercial.........can you hear me now? j/k :D

haha that's what i was thinking. now his next post needs to be, "Good!" lol.

welcome chris! we can hear you now. :D

11-18-2002, 03:00 PM
I have to say that this is one bunch that is very educated. I have not seen a site with this much interest. You deffinately want to know everything about the product.

Anything that I can do to assist you in your tests, I will be more than happy. When you figure out who is going to do it or where, just let me know what you want and how much. You got it!!

I would like to give you some insight to the demo that we do. We wanted to do something different than the others. We can run ads saying that we have the highest flow rate and no drop off. We can tell it to your face at the events, only to have you tell us, that the guy 3 booths down said the same thing. I had to offer something that you have never seen. That is where we show you not tell you.

The set up is very basic,I thought. All the Angels are from the same year. The dwells, lpr's and shots per second (full-auto 11bps) are set the same. The gauges are set right at the ASA's (screw-in) or directly out of the reg..

I wanted the demo to show how the valve (regulator) reacted with the source it was supplying with 1 shot or multiple. The Angels, at the time, were the easiest to set at full auto. That is why we chose those.

That's it. I had to show how well the valve supported the source and get past the +-00.00

Chris Havlock

11-18-2002, 03:15 PM

11-18-2002, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by Crossy
I have to say that this is one bunch that is very educated. I have not seen a site with this much interest. You deffinately want to know everything about the product.

Anything that I can do to assist you in your tests, I will be more than happy. When you figure out who is going to do it or where, just let me know what you want and how much. You got it!!

I would like to give you some insight to the demo that we do. We wanted to do something different than the others. We can run ads saying that we have the highest flow rate and no drop off. We can tell it to your face at the events, only to have you tell us, that the guy 3 booths down said the same thing. I had to offer something that you have never seen. That is where we show you not tell you.

The set up is very basic,I thought. All the Angels are from the same year. The dwells, lpr's and shots per second (full-auto 11bps) are set the same. The gauges are set right at the ASA's (screw-in) or directly out of the reg..

I wanted the demo to show how the valve (regulator) reacted with the source it was supplying with 1 shot or multiple. The Angels, at the time, were the easiest to set at full auto. That is why we chose those.

That's it. I had to show how well the valve supported the source and get past the +-00.00

Chris Havlock

Welcom a board... no pun intended

I loved my cross fire tank. Worked great.. too bad my Impulse didnt.. :)

You know that you are obligated to post cool pictures from major events right? Its in the contract!

11-19-2002, 03:54 PM
Welcome to AO!!:D :cool:

I love my Crossfire Stubby 88/4500. My first one had a problem with the safety valve blowing (high pressure relief), but my new tank has been perfect! The size on it is just great.:)

11-19-2002, 04:05 PM
How was the customer service? I like to check up on how the guys are doing. Did we get it back to you quick?
Chris Havlock
Pres., CrossFire

11-19-2002, 05:48 PM
Yes, extremely quick, VERY good customer service, no excess communication, no back-and-forth phone calls, etc.
I believe it was 10 days from the time I sent it in (2-3 day priority) to when I got it back.

However, the SAME thing just happened to me, the reg tip dented over the lower o-ring. This time I am not sure how it happened, because I always keep a thread protector on it (and tank protector, fill nipple cover). Well, LMK what you think Crossy, because I really don't know what to do. I'll try contacting the customer service department again, but they may wonder how I managed to do the same thing again. Ah well, I'll have to see.

11-19-2002, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by Crossy
How was the customer service? I like to check up on how the guys are doing. Did we get it back to you quick?
Chris Havlock
Pres., CrossFire

The tank blew a week after I bought it. National Paintball Supply just exchanged it for me for a new one, so I never dealt with your customer service dept.

11-19-2002, 11:13 PM
Welcome to AO! :) :) :)

11-20-2002, 12:11 PM
When I sold my old Crossfire 47 3000 aluminum tank to a friend of mine, he had it sent off to be hydrotested about a year later. During the hydrotesting procedure, something went wrong, and the company that was doing the hydrotesting contacted you guys at Crossfire. Crossfire sent him a brand new 47 3000 tank as a replacement for the old one for free!

He is very happy with the tank, in fact, he still uses it on his new Timmy.

I think that speaks for the customer service itself!

11-20-2002, 12:35 PM
I had no clue that our service would be so appreciated. Don't get me wrong, I know that we try hard. It's is pretty fast and cut and dry. Once we get it, it's on the way back usually within 24 hours, and we do not hear any feed back. I guess that I go by the saying, "no news is good news."

I appreciate everything that you all have said so far. It makes it worth it. Now, on the other hand, we can not do this all the time. I know that you understand that. These free-bee's, may have some special circumstances that go along with them. I do remember, virtually all of you though that are posting praises. All questions that come through the CrossFire web site are answered by me, and I field most of your calls.
Chris Havlock
Pres., CrossFire

11-20-2002, 12:47 PM
Welcome ...

As said before its great when the people who make the products we all know and use take the time to actually come and discuss things, learn more about us and so on ... congrats on all the support your giving and opening your mind to everyone who has been speaking with ideas.

I plan on using a Crossfire tank when I upgrade out of my steel on shortly (had to pick up a cheapy to get the nitro goin' immedialy) .... so we'll see how it works out, but I'm sure I will get the proper support needed now if I do run across an issue.

A Thankful,
Dave K

brian terry
11-20-2002, 03:55 PM
well well chris nice to see you on AO. by the way i love my 72/45 and 88/45 and 68/45 .hope you have fun on AO.

11-20-2002, 04:00 PM
Well great to have you here, I bought your 68 4500, and really love it, I have seen so amny of my friends have problems with there PE tanks, With the great design you guys have you should work on an adjustable tank,

Thanks for the great product