View Full Version : one more step

11-15-2002, 06:12 PM
ok everything is fine on the level 10 bolt upgrade on my e-mag except for one last part. i am using the longest spring with the size 1 carrier. the size 1 is the largest size that did not leak. and when the bolt hit my test misfeed paintball it would stop but would not recharge and recock so i added 2 shims. ok well everything is fine and dandy now but now when the bolt hits the test paintball it will recharge and recock but my input psi will drop from 900 to 600 psi and therefore my gun is unable to fire again unless i crank up the psi. please im really excited about the progress any help is greatly appreciated.

oh and sorry i posted this in the tech forum as well. can you really blame me for being this excited ;)

11-15-2002, 06:56 PM
how is the input PSI to the gun related to the LX? if your input PSI is moving around, then your tank has some problems.

Spray Painter
11-15-2002, 07:01 PM
bad reg seat posibley?