View Full Version : Stock feed Mag pump gun anyone?

11-15-2002, 06:47 PM
Here's a mag pump gun I'm working on at the shop.

Here's a before and an after pic. Almost done with it, just a few little things to do.


11-15-2002, 06:52 PM
looks great Brad! I gotta get my hands on one.:)

11-15-2002, 06:53 PM
Wow looks really nice. Maybe could use a .45 grip but other than that great job.

11-15-2002, 07:01 PM
very nice, will they be for sale anytime soon?

11-15-2002, 07:05 PM
I dont understand how a mag pump works.......does it fire from a closed postion?

11-15-2002, 07:36 PM
The pump works by resetting the bolt after it "sticks". You replace the bumper with a wave spring that doesn't let the bolt reset completely. The pump simply pushes the bolt back slightly to reset it on the sear.

Will they be available for sale? If you have a pump kit, I can build you one but I don't have any pumps to build you one. Sorry. Wish I could.

Thanks for the compliments.

I've got more pics of the construction if you would like to see them. Nothing fancy, just pics of the parts during the machining.

11-15-2002, 11:34 PM
Nice work Brad--wish I had a pump kit so you could build me one of those! Phantoms are no longer the "Ferrari" of pump markers!
Marker looks sweet!

11-16-2002, 07:11 AM
Man o Man, thats what I'm trying to do! Have you thought about what kind of tank you'll use for modified SC play? I'm going to use one of those 13ci HPA tanks, there only a little bigger then the 4 oz co2 tanks, but they cost like $85. But hey all that money you'll save on paint right?

That is so sweet! more pics!! more pics!!


11-16-2002, 11:55 AM
what money you save on paint?

13ci would give you ~130 shots or so, a 4oz would give you ~200 or so...

11-16-2002, 02:29 PM
With any SC marker you'll spend less money on paint because you will shoot less. Being limited by your marker is a great way to play on a budget. I have never played a game with a SC pump, but I have played pump. A mag would be pretty bad on a 12gram, so true stock would be hard. So you decide to go to a small tank, thus a 4 oz naturally presents itself to your mind, but if you must use a tank, why not go hpa? It will be more consistent, give you no problems in cold weather, and would allow you to run urethane orings in your on/off as opposed to the stock teflon that are required for co2 operation. Urethane orings will give you a slightly smoother trigger. In a SC gun the trigger picks up some priority places do to the fact that there not about how fast you can shoot. Though the top two should be consistency/accuracy, thus hpa. Plus I just wanted to mention that there is a small hpa tank perfectly suited for that setup. I mean hey you could even run a Retro valve if you wanted. Its all about what you want from your marker.
70 shots per fill would'nt make that much of a difference because, from what I'm told, a SC player may use 40 shots a game at the most.


11-16-2002, 03:06 PM
I am in love!

If only I hadn't sold my pump kit a month ago... doh!

How much for a SC body???


11-16-2002, 03:38 PM

It's me, Sygyzy from PBN! I still haven't received the stick feed converter thing you promised. Hope you didn't forget about me :(

1. How much for the SC body?
2. Do you need to use CF barrels?
3. Do you happen to know how if the pump mag works with level 10? I am not at home right now and I figure you had both so you could try.


11-17-2002, 01:29 AM
Here's a few more pics, linked to our shop's forum. Enjoy.

Those little HP tanks would be so cool one of these. I'm off to find one.

Fred, the body is a top feed emag body that the feed port got knocked off. I just cleaned it up and built the feed block for it.

Sygyzy, sorry, totally forgot about it again until last week when we were mopping up the shop after another Houston flood. I"ll get it out on monday, promise.

How much for a stock feed body? Well, just like the one here...I'm guessing about $100 for everything. There's a bit of machine work in that feed block and tube.

You would almost have to use a top feed barrel although the barrel in the pic is a regular left/right barrel, just slid into the body for looks. I think a regular barrel would work, just keep an eye on it that it doesn't come out.

I emailed Tom about a level 10 and a pump kit and he says everything will work. This gun's getting one but I'm sure it won't work on a 12 gram, since you need a bit more pressure for the level 10 to work. I'll let everybody know what I find out.

Thanks for the compliments. I've got one more pump kit and it's for my gun. This one is being traded to a friend for some stuff...if you think this one is cool, wait for mine.


11-17-2002, 03:55 AM
Toss an Intelliframe on there. Warp-feed is optional.

11-17-2002, 01:19 PM
RobAGD put a warp on his stock feed Phantom...looked neat-o.

I actually thought about an Intelliframe too. I was going to hook the switch up to an LED or something like that just for looks. Still working on it.

11-17-2002, 04:46 PM
Level 10 and Pump Kit works? That is very interesting...to say the least. I need to contact you. There are some things about Level 10, Pump Kit, and the Intelliframe that we need to discuss. What do you check on a regular basis? PM's? Email? And oh yes, I want one of those bodies. The price seems fair. Did you mean $100 for a SC body or $100 for you to convert an existing body?

11-17-2002, 08:38 PM
You can contact me through PM's (they send a notice to my email) or email me directly ([email protected]). Either way is fine.

$100 is to convert your body. Basically, build the block and tube, and mount it to your rail. You will need an old school rail and body for the pump to work (which I know you have) or I can machine them to work.

Level 10, pump and intelliframe together? Cool, just let me know.

11-17-2002, 09:50 PM
awsome, are you planing on doing this in the future?

11-18-2002, 02:01 PM
Hey Brad!

this is the only place I know of that has the 13 ci tanks.


11-18-2002, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by kevmaster
what money you save on paint?

13ci would give you ~130 shots or so, a 4oz would give you ~200 or so...

200 would a little on the low side...........I get about 600 shots from my phantom on my 4 oz

11-18-2002, 05:23 PM
How do you have your gun set up to get that many shots? just curious.

11-18-2002, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by BradAGD
How do you have your gun set up to get that many shots? just curious.
simply put, because its a phantom... i can get about 30 shots out of a 12 gram with mine... it said you can get 40 with some springs. so if Xen has nice springs he can really crank it out...

11-18-2002, 05:45 PM
I have it modded alittle. I cut the front off the tuned port compensator(so it is one big hole). I took the valve spring out and added a sidewinder reg to it. it shoots at about 600PSI now. It made the gun alot more efficient. alittle bit quieter too, but not much...lol

11-18-2002, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag

simply put, because its a phantom... i can get about 30 shots out of a 12 gram with mine... it said you can get 40 with some springs. so if Xen has nice springs he can really crank it out...

ya, I get about 30-35 shots on a 12 gram.

also, phantoms use plain old nelson springs. So you can buy a cocker spring set and play with your springs.