View Full Version : are you a spam victom?

11-15-2002, 09:09 PM
hey, i'm just wondering how everyone else here gets spammed. I am just a huge spam magenet. I was getting like 40 new mails a day a while back, but i started to block certain domains and unsubscribing to some of the mails that were unsubscribable. But I have also been getting porn ads over IM and recently, porn sites have been using net send command and sending ads to me, it is just so annoying, espeically when i'm playing a game or something. Anyone else get ads via AIM or netsend? What i really want to know is how they managed to get my IP. Will setting up a firewall prevent future net send messages?

11-15-2002, 09:11 PM
yea, ive been getting those messages too, usually when im playing CS, they get very annoying...

11-15-2002, 09:14 PM
Nope, actually I have been suprised. I created a new MSN email account a while ago, and have not activated filters or anything, and I have not gotten ONE spam email sence then. I also dont let people search for me on AIM, and I dunt know if that helps at all or anything..

11-15-2002, 09:33 PM
yea i like it fried

11-15-2002, 09:35 PM
I have gotten one piece of spam from my primary email, a hotmail address. One. Ever. I even subscribe to stuff, and enter contests. I just read the privacy policy beforehand. It helps that I have a very odd email address that would not get produced up by email list makers*. The same is try of all my other (about 5) email accounts, and my school email address as well. I've never gotten ads over AIM, and no netsend messages, since I heard that my ISP blocks that port (whatever that means :confused: ). In other words, I hate spam with a vengence, but don't actually get any. That's not entirely true. My ebay email (techically my mom's, but it's used for ebay only) gets spam like nobody's business. Hasn't been signed up for ANYTHING outside of ebay or c2it. It is three letter followed by two digits, which means random email generators* probably just send stuff to it.

* do these even exist? I think it's a good guess, and the only way to explain spam on a few email addresses of mine.

11-15-2002, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by ttoad4000t
yea, ive been getting those messages too, usually when im playing CS, they get very annoying...

hohoho ESPEICALLY during CS. It pops up but i'm still in CS, but u can see my mouse in the middle of the screen kinda stuck to the crosshair, very annoying.

For the past two weeks, i have been trying to unsubscribe to alot of the spam mails in my hotmail account, yet the same company/list keeps sending me stuff just with a different address to send it with. And many of the pornography mails don't even let u unsubscribe. Some just have a fake "unsubcribtion link", where it just sends u an html file saying that ur address has been taken off their list, yet in the url, it seems like its just a simple html page that's the same to everyone. AArrgg, anyway i can get rid of the netsend messeges? or atleast attempt to

11-15-2002, 10:12 PM
i get like 5 emails a month for morgatages ( SP?) but thats it i used to get all that junk, the um "Adult" ads really pissed me off.

11-16-2002, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by FeelTheRT
But I have also been getting porn ads over IM and recently, porn sites have been using net send command and sending ads to me, it is just so annoying, espeically when i'm playing a game or something. Anyone else get ads via AIM or netsend?

I believe that's a virus, my GF's computer has that and whenever shes on AIM and talking to me or someone else, it sends a message to that person telling them to click a link and it leads to a pr0n site.

something like:

"Hey check out this great link!"


it's wierd..no virus scanner seems to find anything wrong. I'm gonna wipe and re-install witha decent virus scanner.

Also if you use any P2P software like Kazaa or morpheous etc alot of them have spyware that hides things like gator and all that in your PC. they monitor what sites you visit, then send you targeted marketing pop-ups. Real lame if you ask me.

However if you must use a p2p client, goto www.zeropaid.com and download something like kazaa lite or some other one with the ad stuff hacked out.

11-16-2002, 06:32 PM
for lots of information on fighting the internet underworld.
hope this helps.


11-16-2002, 07:11 PM
I was until i realized that on some emails you can find a link that says Unsubsribe from this mailing list

11-17-2002, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by warpfeedmod

I believe that's a virus, my GF's computer has that and whenever shes on AIM and talking to me or someone else, it sends a message to that person telling them to click a link and it leads to a pr0n site.

Netsend isn't a virus, its actually a feature built into windows that spammer have recently started to take advantage of.

11-17-2002, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by xmetal2001

Netsend isn't a virus, its actually a feature built into windows that spammer have recently started to take advantage of.

Yep. It has just recently been put into widespread use...I don't know why they never used it before. I recommend getting yourself a decent pop-up killer, and just ride it out.

11-17-2002, 01:20 AM
As somone who actually fighs spam for a living right now I would suggest that you all avoid the 'unsubscribe' links. More often than not those links are actually a way to verify if a random address is read by a live person. Spam is a huge problem, and it's not getting any better. Some new filtering techniques are being worked on that should help things a lot. The best thing you can do is ignore any and all spam. And never respond to spam in any way. Do not 'unsubscribe'. Do not use the service they offer. If the no one ever responded to spam, the economics would drive it's use way down. It's people responding to the offers in spam that keep it filling our mail boxen.