View Full Version : OH oh guys, i think i have the phantom bug!

11-16-2002, 12:37 PM
Just as the title states, i want to get a phantom i think. It will be a while, as i need ot pay off my sfl... but i think that i want a phantom. Baisically, i want it to be all stock class. I want to go to a stock class tourny and play, and not worry what class i need to be in. Also, as a normal person, i want the top of the line. Also, something good in the way of annodizing... Any one care to offer their opinions on what to get, what color, etc... also, throw in a t stock.....

or should i just go for a dye carter buzzard ??

Spray Painter
11-16-2002, 12:45 PM
get the phantom:)

11-16-2002, 12:46 PM
phantoms are LESS over priced than carters... mine was 90 used. just got it today, no regrets http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/10036/p/135605_2144604557497230144_vl.jpg

11-16-2002, 12:59 PM
i also really want a phantom. i want to play stock class tournys, only gotta buy like 500 balls:D . I would also take a sniper 2, i always wanted a cocker, and i also always wanted to play stock class, the best of both worlds:D.. also, no need for the little expensive parts that always seem to get you mad, like a revvy, 50 bucks back in my pocket. the only reason i wouldnt get a stock class gun, is because there is NEVER any stock class tournys in CT.

btw, when you comin back to us magman, what state wil u live in.

11-16-2002, 01:05 PM
<a href="http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=56602">This</a> thread will give you some ideas on what to get. i like the phantom posted by kamikaze chickenz with the clear pump handle.

11-16-2002, 01:14 PM
heh thats the thread that got me thinking. I like the idea of playing with not much of a marker, no hopper, no tank.... it excites me!

11-16-2002, 03:04 PM
Actually espo there was a stock class tournament a little while back here in CT. it might have been a PGP tournament, but i think it was stock class.

there are quite a few fields that have stock class games and tournaments every once in a while, you just have to look.

11-16-2002, 03:14 PM
look at the AMP Illusion... i think thats what it's called

11-16-2002, 03:23 PM
i have looked at it, but to tell you the truth, id rather not support that company. they have made bogus claims before, and i will not buy into any of them... id much rather have a phantom or a carter any ways

11-16-2002, 03:26 PM
To the best of my knowledge, AMP hasn't made any claims that are more outrageous than any other paintball gun manufacturer... but if that's the way you feel, well, don't get an Illusion.

There are pics of my Phantom here: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=52328&highlight=my+baby

I highly recommend them, I love mine, and will never part with it. :)

for more info on Phantoms check out the Phantom Owners Group: http://pub15.ezboard.com/bphantomphorum75007


11-16-2002, 03:59 PM
fred, while reading apg, i noticed an add for the sentinal, it claimed best semi, most acurate, farthest shooting etc... it really bothered me.... your phantom is my insporation, i hope to get mine some where near yours

11-16-2002, 04:41 PM
:( i too have gotten this bug, after seeing a pump tourny at the local feild... Ive been looking at the Sterling's and phantoms

heres a website with some info

:) i guess this bug isnt all that bad

11-16-2002, 05:24 PM
go with the phantom you get 95-99% of performance of the Carter, for half the price look for the Phantom owner's group.. you can get a good deal there, I got a SC .45 Grip and a crap load of stuff, for $220US shiped.

11-16-2002, 05:41 PM
Phantom all the way. Here is a site loaded w/ info and a great forum for phantom lovers. Get a phantom you won't be dissapointed. Lee Kinney of Punisher's Custom's can hook you up w/ any sort of Phantom configuration that you can imagine with all the best colors and clear parts.Phantom owners group and PHORUM (http://airsoldier.com/~phog/)

11-16-2002, 05:49 PM
i know nothing about phantoms.. i think the ones on <a href="http://www.phantomonline.com/paintballguns/custom.htm">this</a> site look cool. the one with the really small barrel would look good with a t stock.. thats what i want mmmm:D :D where is a good place to get accesories?

11-16-2002, 06:28 PM
urban camo verticle 12 gram stock class phantom with a T stock... SWEET!

11-16-2002, 06:33 PM
www.phantomonline.com (which you linked to already) is the CCI website, CCI is the one man shop that has made Phantoms since the 80s. :)

I would argue that you get every bit of Carter performance out of a Phantom, for half the price. :) the Phantom is highly refined, and the new ones are even better.

I love my Sterling too, I just set up a female stab on it, and its going in next week for a tune-up... :)


11-16-2002, 07:00 PM
i hate to bring this back up again, but in their ads, actionmarkers never made false claims.

11-16-2002, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Coaster
i hate to bring this back up again, but in their ads, actionmarkers never made false claims.

iv never actualy seen the ads, but i rember the hub bub that was on AO over it but i cant rember, did they have quotation marks or not?

11-16-2002, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by magman007
i have looked at it, but to tell you the truth, id rather not support that company. they have made bogus claims before, and i will not buy into any of them... id much rather have a phantom or a carter any ways

From what I hear they are good pumps and they can customize between stock and non-stock. Also I think that the barrels are cocker threaded so you can buy one barrel for your SFL and your pump (you are still planning on using that SFL aren't you!!!! :D )

I also saw the ad but I didn't think it was a big deal. They are a new company trying to break into the market...they are going to make some mistakes on the way. I think someone (Fred?) mentioned that Manike and a few others bought them at Shatnerball. You could see what others think.

11-16-2002, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag

iv never actualy seen the ads, but i rember the hub bub that was on AO over it but i cant rember, did they have quotation marks or not?

Yes, there are quotations around the things that could be contronversial. At the bottom of the page they say things like "extremely accurate" and such, that is clearly not saying how accurate it is, just saying it is "extremely" accurate.

11-16-2002, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by Coaster

Yes, there are quotations around the things that could be contronversial. At the bottom of the page they say things like "extremely accurate" and such, that is clearly not saying how accurate it is, just saying it is "extremely" accurate.

well its "OK" as long as they had quotations, casue then it becomes some ones opinion really...

11-17-2002, 12:22 AM
Ah, yes bill, the phantom bug bit me about 1 month ago. I bought a phantom, and it is amazing. I will post pictures as soon as I can get my hands on a digital camera.

11-17-2002, 03:09 AM
I know Imight offend some, but I have shot all kinds of pumps, and totally fell in love with a Sterlign a few years ago. Last year I saw a great deal on ebay and got me a beautiful purple anodized sterling. I shoots like a dream. Don't get me wrong, the Phantoms are great, better than most, except the sterling. It is just perfect. Whatever you aim at, you hit. The range and accuracy are matched by no other. I too have a Phantom bug, mainly because I like the marker and I want another pump, but the Sterling is a must own. Trust me!

11-17-2002, 04:24 PM
I'm not offended, I have both that beauty of a Phantom and an old Proline Sterling STP (which is my project marker at the moment... :) )

I don't agree with your accuracy and range asessments... people say the same things about every marker in the "my gun is better than yours" arguments.

I will say though, that the Sterling's pump stroke is WAY nicer than the Phantoms, and with a good stock or tank to use for one... you can get them crankin 5 or more BPS in crazy-mofo-autotrigger mode... hehehe :eek:


11-17-2002, 05:09 PM
I have had the "pump" bug for a while (not neccesarily the Phantom). My first gun ever was the BE Talon (lol) and I have always loved the pumps. It would be nice to have a gun that didn't go through nearly a case a night like my mag does.

There is just something cool about a pump.

11-17-2002, 06:18 PM
I have a brand new red Phantom ($300.00) that i thought I was going to use. Instead it has only been shot in my back yard. It is a phantom Stock class, with vertical air. and horizontal feed tube. Comes with the pantom shoulder stock ($50.00) . This marker is red and in perfect shape and excellent condition. not a scratch what so ever. If you are truly interested i will email you Pics. Along with the marker i have a Red dot site ($100.00), wrist holder for co2 cartridegs ($15.00) , and a side leg 10 round tube holder ($30.00). Now I emphasize all of this equipment is in excellent shape and is considered new. I am looking to trade for an autococke (black magic or oracle style) or sale for about 400.00. let me know.

11-17-2002, 06:20 PM
wrist holder for co2 cartridegs ($15.00) , and a side leg 10 round tube holder ($30.00)

where did u get them, im lookin for some. please tell me

11-17-2002, 06:22 PM
sprry man, i believe i landed a green acid wash..... altho, id like to see pics of the leg holder and the wrist holder... can you get pics and pm them to me thanks