View Full Version : your opinion of an em1

11-16-2002, 11:56 PM
Ok well i was looking at getting another gun and came across a thread for a em1 for $150. Now this is one that has been remanufactured from kingman but dang for 150 you cant go too wrong. I couldnt find much about it so i was just wondering what you guys thought about it. I only want people who have one or have shot one to respond. I know a lot of you think it is just another crappy spyder but i kinda liked my last spyder. So any real feedback would be great.

11-17-2002, 03:17 AM
I had one of these things for a week. I can honestly say that it has the worst electronic trigger I have ever used in my entire life. That includes slap-on e-spyder Frames.

Personally, I wouldn't pay $150 for it. You'd need a good hopper, a Good barrel, and gettind drop forwards for it is hell.

GG offset bottomlines. Smart Move Kingman. I hate them for that.

You're basically getting a crapped out Bushmaster. I personally would just save your money and get an RT (haha, what I did) or look at a differant Electro. Perhaps a bushmaster BKO, or an Impulse.

Trust me, you don't want to put the time and effort into making these things good guns. It's not worth it.

I probably could have poured money into mine, but it was "clunky" and not very well designed. You noticed Kingman hasn't tried making another "True" electro gun.

gee, i wonder why :rolleyes:

11-17-2002, 01:30 PM
For that matter kingman has never made a high end gun...not that I would buy it anyway but sheesh they can't make crappy guns forever...can they?

11-17-2002, 08:33 PM
i personally don't like the spyder's performance after seeing it in person.

but, think of it like cars...

there will always be a market for the spyder... were talking about an inexpensive marker for the curious player who doesn't want to break the bank.

remember the player could always buy a emag, LOVE the gun, BUT HATE THE GAME, therefore it would be a waste of money, and you would have one disenchanted player.

on the other hand if the player buys a spyder, LOVES the gun but hates the game then he didn't "waste" as much money as the other guy.

however if he likes the game, then he will probably look for another gun soon enough, or just grow to like the spyder (limited horizon type of person).

kingman will have good business up until paintball is banned worldwide or another company ups the aunte.

11-17-2002, 08:57 PM
Right, they are decent starter guns...able to compete (when you put enough money into them) on the field. You can get them cheap, and not have to gripe on all the money spent if you only play occasionally. I know of a guy who has put almost 2k into his...and now he wants to sell. He'll be lucky to get 400. Lesson learned? If you spend half as much on upgrades as you do on the gun, but another gun.

11-17-2002, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by benzy2
it is just another crappy spyder

'nuff said

11-17-2002, 10:09 PM
well i play with guys about once a month and the best guns there are a tippmann a5 with responce and a 98c with response. We dont play much and i dont feel like droping 400 in an impy to just play once a month. I understand they arent impys. But are impys 2 and 2/3 better guns. If i get a gun that can shoot paint out at 8 a sec i will be faster then almost anyone. The last spyder i had shot accurate enough and i only put 180 into it. We just dont play real high tech around here. Nobody has ever used hpa althought i am buying a tank to help performance out. I just think it would be a good gun for the level we play at. 150 for an automatic just seems too enticing.

edit: Oh and i cant save too much money for a gun as i have to pay for college($20,000 for 6 years=$120,000) So that kills me getting anything with a price of very much.

11-17-2002, 10:14 PM
My question is: since you made up your mind already, why post and ask for our opinions???

11-17-2002, 10:17 PM
Since you mentioned it,Em1 MUST run Nitro/HPA.

Also construction quality SUCKS,whole firing mechanism depends on what looks like a Bic pen spring.

Very inconsitant velocity.

Other than that that they shoot O.K.

Just my experience,

11-17-2002, 11:10 PM
i havent made my mind up. I was just saying my situation. I mean if i can find a better alternative for 150 i will but at this point it just seems like the best choice. I would rather a imp or bushy or rtp but just CANT spend that money. So i have to setle for 150ish. I would love to not get a kingman if i dont have too.

11-17-2002, 11:29 PM
I owned an EM1 for about 2 weeks. I got mine in the first batch that the produced. The real problem that I had with it was that the velocity on the gun was never constant. I spend 20 minutes at a chrono once just trying to get it to stay constant. This thing would go from 250 bps to 320 bps every other shot. But I traded it away for a 2000 Autococker instead.

11-17-2002, 11:49 PM
It's crap. Save your money and buy something a little higher up on the paintball 'gun chain'. I've seen '02 autocockers stock for $200. You're better off getting something like that then any type of spyder.