View Full Version : Looking for feedback on an .mpg (Old mag stuff, really)

11-17-2002, 05:47 AM

EDITED TO REFLECT NEW LINK, which is 3.6 meg, but the rest of this post is untouched from the original!!!!!

That's the link, now the explanation.

I just recently got new video editing software, and decided to try it out. So I broke out an old ('92) video of Fred Schultz playing some speedball in St. Louis before a big game. So I took the video, re-edited it, added a soundtrack, some FX, and all that.

I mention all this here because the two main guys, Freddy and Dan are shooting Mags (And you gotta see it to believe it, trust me...) So I thought it would be of intrest. The file is 27.7 meg, and took me a while to upload on my wimpy dialup server (I heard it groan a few times, I swear I did...)

The upshot of all this, and there's a reason I'm spamming the universe with this, is I'm looking for some feedback on all this. IF 'yall like this kind of thing, Web Dog Radio will be taking on a diffrent direction, as well as I will be finally finishing hte "Roadtrip" movie I started over a year ago.

So, if you're bored and want to see something intresting, take a quick look over there and let me know what you think of the 2 minute presentation. Thanks 'yall for the help!


11-17-2002, 05:56 AM
looks great! make me wanna go play right now:)

11-17-2002, 06:01 AM
I hate guys with high speed access.... :)

Actually, if you guys are intrested, I have video of Tom Kaye playing too. A few big games, the Sam's big game and St. Louis to be exact. Tom Kaye in teh woods, it's kinda intresting to see. He's using his Dual trigger and a VERY early gen Nitro system. If there's a demand, I'll put it up there.

That and if Tom says it's ok.... (Don't hurt me too much, ok?)


11-17-2002, 07:09 AM
Wow, Holy nostalgia batman.

Vents Predators
shaking your Indian Springs hopper
Ammo pods in your choice of black or 4 types of camo that Unique had stocked.
coiled hose for expansion of the co2
16 inch All A barrels
Fred in the all black, everyone else in camo's Oh and that Youngblood kid weren't the only ones ith style!

Who remembers when Warpig had the REAL reason for it's name still on the site?

PS, I think I was still shooting a slingshot when this was filmed
pps, it took 6 minutes to download :D

11-17-2002, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by banzaimf

Fred in the all black, everyone else in camo's Oh and that Youngblood kid weren't the only ones ith style!

Who remembers when Warpig had the REAL reason for it's name still on the site?

Actually, Freddy is in a black sleee Tiger Stripe pullover, and an ICS vest (And you're saying the 16 inch AA barrel is nostalga?!?!) Those were stylish, IMHO.

And I know why Warpig is really Warpig... :)

So far, a lot of talk about the video quality, but I'm starting with source footage that's washed out a bit, that's old video tho.


paint magnet
11-17-2002, 03:52 PM
You're making me feel like a newb;) I'm dying to know why warpig is really warpig and what it stands for besides world and regional paintball information guide?

11-17-2002, 05:11 PM
and what the heck ever happened to Fred anyways?

11-18-2002, 06:20 AM
You're all gonna love this....

I had to yank the .mpg becasue I was informed by m hosting service that I'm over my outflow quota by a gig... (3 GIG flowed out of webdog in 24 hours....)

So, it's down for now, until I can make a SMALLER file of that...

Meanwhile, if you're hungry for video : http://www.webdogradio.us/shorts/RT2.wmv Assuming that my server has recovered from the hard usage.... 2 meg file, fast upload, the NEW trailer for the "Roadtrip" video.

And Fred? Last I heard he had a nerve injury that kept him out of paintball for some reason.


(Who will, for a good bribe, tell paint magnet the origin of the Warpig name...)

11-18-2002, 08:40 AM
PM me, I got some space that I can drop your files on. I have unlimited D/L and enough space to put a few DVD's up:) Give me a yell and I'll give you an FTP name/password.

If no one does it by the time I get out of my weekly meetings, I'll explain the "WARPIG" name and a few other interesting things about the Mills'.

BTW: I think you need to do another road trip. I mean the footage you got is sooo out dated, and I wasn't there;)

11-18-2002, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by paint magnet
You're making me feel like a newb;) I'm dying to know why warpig is really warpig and what it stands for besides world and regional paintball information guide?

I'll give you a hint.... Anna Nicole Smith.



sometimes I just feel evil.

11-18-2002, 05:03 PM
Oh hell ya ... not only was this shot at the first field that I ever played paintball at (and my home field for almost a year) ... but myself and my buddies played in this game :)

Was funny as hell, after the speedball game they actually came up to us and said that we put up a stiff competition *LOL* ... oh man it was a slaughter on our side.


11-18-2002, 09:04 PM
Muzic : You'll have mail in a minute...

Loptc : That's scary man... If you want I'll do the other footage from those games, see if I can get better quality.


11-18-2002, 10:05 PM
Please do ... this takes me back to my start in p-ball *L* ...

That field was flooded back in the Saint Louis floods of 93, and they never really recovered. Miss that place.


Originally posted by Tyger
Muzic : You'll have mail in a minute...

Loptc : That's scary man... If you want I'll do the other footage from those games, see if I can get better quality.


11-18-2002, 11:34 PM
HAHA that road trip clip was great. I love those bunker moves ;).

11-19-2002, 04:20 AM
Originally posted by lopxtc
Please do ... this takes me back to my start in p-ball *L* ...

That field was flooded back in the Saint Louis floods of 93, and they never really recovered. Miss that place.

Tha'ts what I heard, which really peeved me off, becasue I wanted to PLAY that speedball field!!!!

Oh, BTW : http://www.webdogradio.us/shorts/92Fred.wmv NEW movie link.


11-19-2002, 09:29 AM
It was a very nice field, the would change the layout ever couple months. Always proved to be a fun field to play. That is where I first met Total Greif and played against them a couple times. This was back when they were wearing the camo shirts with black sleeves.


Originally posted by Tyger

Tha'ts what I heard, which really peeved me off, becasue I wanted to PLAY that speedball field!!!!

Oh, BTW : http://www.webdogradio.us/shorts/92Fred.wmv NEW movie link.


Creative Mayhem
11-19-2002, 10:40 AM
WOW I feel 10 years younger after reading that. That was awsome, makes me want to watch the prodution videos from a local amature tourney an old team of mine was in. Good job man! As for the Tom videos, bring it on, he wont be embarrassed.:)

C Mayhem

11-19-2002, 03:13 PM
that was awssome filming. i wish that the newer ones were like that

11-20-2002, 11:50 AM
Hey Tyger:

Nice to see ya somewhere other than PPIG. I was waiting to see this when I first saw your post. Great footage and editing.

Those rigs were shootin' fast huh? What was that 3 BPS? 4?



paint magnet
11-21-2002, 05:43 PM
Aggghhh.... cant...stand...suspense! Somebody please tell me? What kind of bribe? I'll sell you my cocker cheaper (not kidding)