View Full Version : For all you RICERS out there!

11-18-2002, 10:47 AM
For those who want to know how to get a stock Sentra in the 14's here you go!!


I about fell outta my chair reading this! It's kinda funny if you think about it.. Poor guy...

11-18-2002, 11:04 AM

I almost fell out of my chair as I kept reading. :D

11-18-2002, 11:30 AM
Yeah, I have that issue at home funny seeing them taking saws to the car, putting spare tires on it and other stuff. Although I love imports I feel there is no replacement for displacement. I'd rather have a nice piece of Detroit Iron under my hood rather than relying on turbo's for my power.

11-18-2002, 12:01 PM

11-18-2002, 01:25 PM
poor car...it didnt do anything wrong..it took him to work..sure it lost power and cried when mr. to race slapped them 19" on..and it didnt mind the outrageous body kit that made it look like matchbox had built it..it went on doin what is was made to do..

but nooo!!! they had to chop it apart!!
poor car...

.......................but still....that was funny as hell!!:D

Archangel Damien
11-18-2002, 01:44 PM
i still don`t know how anybody can drive a rice rocket

11-18-2002, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
"Senden Sie nie einen Jungen, um a zu tun bemannt Job."


I think it's: Sende nie einen Jungen, um einen Maener Job zu tun.

Give my German gramar is rusty, I think that's still pretty close, least the spelling is right and all hte words used exist, heh

Spray Painter
11-18-2002, 07:39 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LOLOLOLOLOLOL. i spent all my money on a body kit and paint and now mommy won't give me more to spend on "real" parts. guys like this crack me up:)

11-18-2002, 10:38 PM
That has to be one of the funniest things I have ever read. I bet that guy regrets giving his car to those guys. :D