View Full Version : barrel trouble

11-18-2002, 02:10 PM
i got a new cp barrel for my minimag rt. When put it on the gun it was rather loose... when i gassed up my gun it started leaking out the barrel, when i pushed on the barrel it stopped..when i shot a few more times it leaked again when i pushed on the barrel again it stopped and so on and so forth..... now i put the same barrel on my emag and it worked just fine no problems. Ive used several barrels on both guns and never had a problem like this what could the problem be? and how would i go about fixing it?
(I changed barrel o rings and same problem occured)

11-19-2002, 03:24 PM
Sounds like you need more tension on the barrel pin!!! That is the pin that locks your barrel in place, take off the grip frame, and tighten the set screw under your pin, see if that works!!! Also, make sure you have nice new barrel 0-rings!! Hope this helps!!!

11-19-2002, 05:44 PM
no. it doens't sound like that
micromag uses cocker threaded barrels correct?

look at your input pressure, clean your line passages (teflon), look at your reg seat, bolt spring

also try changing PT spacers see if that work.
hold down the trigger also, any leaks?

11-19-2002, 09:18 PM
Minimag is not a Micromag, Minis use mag threads (or locks w.e). Yea just tighten the pin, or you can try putting or you can try putting orings around the orings already on the barrel if its the CPs OD which is the problem. I had a CP on my mag worked fine so its probably the pin.

11-19-2002, 11:39 PM
ohh oops, missread it:rolleyes:

but that wouldn't explain the leaking would it? it doesn't even come in contact with any part of the entire valve except the bolt. how would it cause a leak? my guess when he moves his barrel, his barrel hits the bolt and then moves it and voila, no more leak. so i'm thinking i has to be the power tube