View Full Version : Im back, and have a bit of a rant

11-18-2002, 03:52 PM
I decided to get out of paintball this past June. For the months precdeing that, I just never had any fun playing. I got irritated at the number of babies cheating. The little kiddies, many of whom were in their thirties, who couldnt face the fact that they were hit and should leave the field. I was seeing countless people wipe the hits right off and continue playing. Mind you, these were perfectly visible hits, not something inbetween the cracks of your pack that you would not be able to see, I am talking about gogging someone, shooting them square in the chest, getting a string of five on their arm; still these morons wiped. This made the game no fun for me.

Another thing that contributed to my overall disdain for the game was the sponsored tournament players. At a local field, they would play with the regulars, although they would get as much paint as they wanted, free or at a minimal cost. No biggie. Well, playing speedball with them, they decided to play tournament ball. Had I known thats what we were going to play, fine, but since there were newbies on the field, I figured it would be a rec ball game. I have no problem using a case in a five minute game, done it before, but when there are people out there for the first time playing, you dont do that. It isnt fun. Do you remember the first time you played? Chances are you were excited, and yet a little scared of being hit.

During this speedball game, I got eliminated, called myself out and raised my gun over my head with barrel condom on. The second I step out of the bunker, yelling "HIT HIT, OUT" I get lit up by one kid who decides its fun to shoot people walking off the field. This wasnt accidental, I got hit fifteen times, I stood where I was and let a string of choice words out, while the kid continued to fire away, never noticing the bright orange barrel condom on the top of my gun. What if I was some first time player, or some reporter, think that would give positive press? When kids come home like I did that day, and their parents see what happened to them, you begin to wonder why some people are so against the sport.

Its been almost half a year since then. I started thinking back to when I actually had fun playing paintball. I was using a Sterling STP, and playing against pretty good people with whatever they brought. Often outnumbered, and always having a good time. Not to mention, I wasnt going broke on paint. Last night I purchased a Phantom VSC, and will be making my rounds to the local fields to play some stock class games...bring what you want, Im goin to have my fun and hone my skills.

With that being said, I still plan on getting an X-mag around this time next year.


11-18-2002, 04:01 PM
Well, I hope you don't decide to quit again. Try to talk to the field owner about setting up advanced and rec games. They have those at the field that I frequent, and I find that almost all of the people are honest. Maybe it is just where you live, but I have never had that problem. I hope you enjoy all the time that you play, and good luck with getting an X-mag.

Hope you stay with the sport this time around. :D :D :D

11-18-2002, 04:09 PM

Brutha, call me, ill pm you my number, Dont know if ya remember, but I was one of the "nice" guys at that field. I also have been playing a boat load more pump games.

Lets get together for a beer and compare phantoms!

11-18-2002, 04:41 PM
I dont even know what do say without getting flamed...

11-18-2002, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Chris
During this speedball game, I got eliminated, called myself out and raised my gun over my head with barrel condom on. The second I step out of the bunker, yelling "HIT HIT, OUT" I get lit up by one kid who decides its fun to shoot people walking off the field. This wasnt accidental, I got hit fifteen times, I stood where I was and let a string of choice words out, while the kid continued to fire away, never noticing the bright orange barrel condom on the top of my gun.

That should have gotten the offending player ejected from the field. Period. There is NO call for that, even if it WAS a tournament.

11-18-2002, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by hitech

That should have gotten the offending player ejected from the field. Period. There is NO call for that, even if it WAS a tournament.
Heck, even MORE so if it was a tounament. There should be NO excuse then.

11-18-2002, 06:00 PM
Say your piece Squid, Im not goin to flame you. Just cause I had a bad experience and decided to voice my views, does not mean that everyone needs to agree with them. In fact, I welcome a change of opinoin. However, be prepared to back up what you say.

As for the kid who lit me up, he didnt get kicked out, we were reffing ourselves, using the "honesty" method. I did give him a piece of my mind, and nearly shoved a couple of barrels right up his arse for it. If he didnt believe in a God before then, he sure does now :D

Creative Mayhem
11-18-2002, 06:07 PM
Glad to see you have decided to give it another try. I've had the same thing happen to me, but I've tried to stay with it. Hope you have fun getting back into the swing of things.

C Mayhm

11-18-2002, 06:18 PM
I say who cares...it doesnt really hurt to get shot. Mabe against the new players yes, it would be unfair. But thats the fields fault, kinda. If you were a tournement team you dont "take it easy" because you have to practice against newbies, it wont get you any better for tournements, but if it was the teams choice to play newbies, then I completely agree with you. As for 15 shots, sure, thats quite a bit, I will admit that :) But I dont think its worth getting torn up over. Like I said it doesnt really hurt to get shot unless its the testicles or something nasty :(

11-18-2002, 06:19 PM
Yeah I've been bonused balled moronically almost exactly like that before. Had my gun up and I was out of bounds and some kid shot me 5 times. And then after I said "I'm blankety dead!!" the manager chewed me out. :rolleyes:

*EDIT* Let's not abuse the cuss filters, shall we? Army

11-18-2002, 06:26 PM
Thats just it Squid, this was not tournament practice. Maybe I wasnt clear, but this was a rec ball day. There happened to be some players from the fields team there at the time, and while I thought that they were playing a bit rough, particularly for the new guys, I only really had a major issue with the kid who lit me up. Again, had we been informed that it would be a tourney play, then I have no issues, I would have come out on field with my pack full, and changed my style quite a bit, but playing against a bunch of newbies, I am out to have fun...not just win.

I have played tournaments before, I have reffed them as well. I will tell you that reffing a tourney I was hit more times in one game than I have been hit while playing.

About gettin hit in the balls, yeah, Ive had that happen too...different time though. I have been playing for almost a decade now, and chances are that if you can think of a place to get hit, I have been hit there.

Back to the point, I guess it irks me that kids depend on laying down a case of paint to win a game, instead of making their shots count, and knowing that it only takes one hit to eliminate someone. There is no reason to keep shooting at someone once the ball breaks on them. If you are unable to control yourself, then you should not be playing.


11-18-2002, 06:39 PM
Squid, I, for one, do not LIKE to be shot up. I don't like to be "bonus balled", "lit up", "used for target practice", etc. Face it, it doesn't feel good to get hit, it hurts. Granted, it's still a great game, but don't tell me it DOESN'T hurt. I have NO respect for anyone who says that. If it doesn't feel good, it's pain. That's what those nerve endings in your skin are THERE for. As I said before, it's part of the game, and it's just a sting (usually). However, it does hurt. Therefore, it is not FUN to get lit up, nor is it part of the sport, whether you enjoy the pain or not.

Sir Chopsalot
11-18-2002, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Ultimator
Yeah I've been bonused balled moronically almost exactly like that before. Had my gun up and I was out of bounds and some kid shot me 5 times. And then after I said "I'm &^$#ing dead!!" the manager chewed me out. :rolleyes:

yea i saw something like this at a field i dont play at anymore for a number of reasons except this guy got lit up by 5 people quite a bit and he started cussing at them so the guy that got lit up was banned for 3 months from the field

Spray Painter
11-18-2002, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Chris

I have been playing for almost a decade now, and chances are that if you can think of a place to get hit, I have been hit there.

have you ever been shot in your eye?;) J/K:D

welcome back:)

11-18-2002, 07:11 PM
Dude, if you want to play tourney ball again move to calgary, we got an awesome team reffing the local tourney series, that work their buus off every tourney. I'm thankful we don't have to deal with that kind of stuff up here, Big ups to the dudes from Personal Vendetta!

11-18-2002, 09:46 PM
oh man, something like that happened to me last week, i was playing the back center standup and i got hit while reloading and looking out, so i call myself out, raise my gun over my head and beegin briskly walking off the field, about 4 or 5 steps out of my bunker, ig et shot in the back of the head twice and my gun gets lit up like 6 times!!!!

Needless to say, i almost blew up on the guy that did that to me (he is on my team and we were practicing so i didnt say much except for a few very harsh words aloud when he lit my gun up.....somewhere along the lines of *EDIT* Blatant cussing, and circumventing the cuss filters will get you a temp ban. Do not try that again. Army

that seriously pissed me off because i had to sit out for 3 games to make sure that the paint didnt screw up my circuit board (i was shooting my impulse) because the dude literally painted my gun orange, from the grip fram to the top chamber!!!

also that day, this guy was running ACROSS THE FIELD with his marker IN THE AIR, while saying that he was out, and the SAME guy proceeded to follow him, shooting him a few times along the way!!!!

we are now considerring finding a few replacements..........

11-18-2002, 10:14 PM
I had a fall out with PB because of rampant cheating. I try to organize games with people I know and trust. I also try to talk with the field owners and voice the issues I have... although unfortunately I've yet to meet one that wasn't a tool... so... :)

11-18-2002, 10:31 PM
Sad to hear this, but sometimes things happen...

11-19-2002, 03:45 PM
I got out of paintball 6 years ago. I just started getting back into it this past spring. I know the game has changed a ton, but quality s still quality. Play at a quality field with good refs and you will not have a better paintball experience!

I play On-Target in Pemberton now because it is a great field. They take charge and keep it fun. Yes, "Bonus Balling" still happens, but there anything more then 3 and you are sitting out a game. More then a few events and you are going home!

Welcome back and enjoy!:D

11-19-2002, 05:38 PM
Bonus balling someone 15 times is uncalled for. I could understand maybe shooting the guy once as he was walking off the field because he turned around and gave you the finger, but shooting anybody 15 times especially when they're dead is just being a newb. Its not cool to bonus ball+most likely if that person got shot 15 times when he was eliminated he would throw a fit.

11-19-2002, 06:54 PM
I have played two times at fields where TWIBS or real tourney teams are "practicing".

the first time the team named after a certain Battle Creek MI field that is only speedball, my two friends and I found ourselves the only walk-on players... when the home team that is practicing consists of about 16 guys with cockers/angels/bushies, and you're shooting two tippmann's and a Phantom, its not much fun at all.

I won't play there again, period.

the other time was at Futureball, and I actually offered to practice with the team in question since one of their players couldn't make it. We played drills,and I just sat back and took snap shots at the guy who was workin on stayin alive in a 2 on 1 situation. that was fun!
during the rest of the games they split their team up amongst the walkons, and played very fairly.

I don't play advanced class mostly to avoid the TWIBs, who just can't seem to figure out why people don't like them after they light up newbies and laugh about it in the staging area...


11-20-2002, 11:33 AM

Nice to here that you have not given it up entirely and kudos on the method you chose get back into it. If you want to find some stock class games, contact the Paintball Marshals (not a spelling error). Some of the most stand up boys and girls in the sport and also some of the best players out there.


11-20-2002, 12:15 PM
Nobody likes to get more than necessary, I can certainly say that people don't like to get hit at all(they wanna stay in the game right?) But 15 bonus shots is outrageous. I dont know what I would have done if it were me, I don't even like to think of myself in those situations, it makes me uncomfortable.

I have received some accidental hits before, not more than 4 at a time, and everybody knows it sucks. But then again, I've been guilty of some accidental shots as well. Everybody knows how intense some games may get, sometimes your reactions are quicker than logical thoughts, and you light someone up. Then you feel like a total idiot.

So when it happens to me, sure I get irritated, but then at about the same time we realize what has transpired, and I hold no grudges, because it could have easily been me in that situation.

I try hard to look at things in more than one way, it helps me to better understand most people. But yes, 15 is nuts....maybe they should hold drug screening events before entering the field?;)

11-20-2002, 12:28 PM
Thanks for the support guys, but I think you are taking this bonus balling thing a little too far. Thats not why I got out, I quit cause I had no fun for a number of reasons. The bonus balling incident was just the final one. The biggest one for me was the blatant cheating that went on. What the kid did was way out of line, accidental or not. Had it been three or four balls instead of fifteen, it would have had the same outcome for me. I still wasnt having a good time playing. Anyways, I will be playing at a new field, with a number of pump guys, maybe I will see you there.
