View Full Version : Tourney Lock AND The black Thing

11-18-2002, 05:57 PM
Hey guys its the newbie again!
I got to lookin at my mag took it apart to clean it up and oil it.
I pretty much figured out what all i need to oil. I did not take the Valve Apart, I figure that will be fine since it probably does not get too dirty. (IF YOU THINK I SHOULD TAKE THE VALVE APART LET ME KNOW)
Any how. I cannot get the tourney Lock off, I took the set screws out, and i cannot get it off, Anybody have any ideas as to how this things works?

and i notices on mine, it has a black "block" with on inlet for air line. And then 2 outlets goin into the Valve Body. I did not notice it on anybody elses guns.
CAn anybody tell me what this is?

oh and while i have it apart what are some o-rings i should replace, just for Good Practice, I have the complete parts kit. I just want to but all new everything in it soo it shoots good.

11-18-2002, 07:46 PM
sounds like you have smart parts magic box (slogan: we will patent ANYTHING), a "low pressure" mod.

11-18-2002, 08:34 PM
yea went to the paintball store and that is what he told me. He said it is a very rare item to find on a mag. I think i will, just keep it.
how about gettin the lock off?
i need to clean arond it, its all dirty

11-19-2002, 08:17 AM
O>K Got the Tourney Lock Off, I had to take and wrap the regulator in a piece of towel and put it in my vice (with care of course) and took a pair of channel locks and broke it loose. I took it all apart and cleaned it a greased and put some anti-sieze on the velocity screw threads. I had ignorant people that do not maintain their guns.

11-19-2002, 02:51 PM
Since you indicated that the mag was quite dirty, it wouldn't hurt you to take your valve completely apart and clean it. Replace all o-rings in the process of putting it back together. That way you will be starting with known good, clean parts which should work reliably for years.

The plus of taking your valve completely apart is that you will become familiar with the internals of your gun. The mag is very simple to take apart and put together. Just do it.

The magic box doesn't do much on the mag. It was more hype than functional.