View Full Version : Level 10 notes from IAO tech - please review and comment...

11-19-2002, 11:35 AM
I found my notes from the IAO tech conference. I typed them up to post here at AO for reference, but would ask that they be reviewed for accuracy first. Keep in mind that these are not installation instructions - just notes and general level-10 trivia I thought important enough to write down during Tom's lecture.

If there are no errors I'll post them to the Level 10 thread.



1. Pull trigger nothing happens = to much oring friction.

2. vent hole size = 22/1000s of inch

3. Shims should be used when leaking or bolt sticking only.

4. 1.5/1000s = difference in each carrier size.

5. Shims move oring closer to vent hole.

6. To choose correct carrier slide onto bolt stem, it shouldn't fall off, but also shouldn't stick.

7. !Use largest oring size that does not leak.

8. When installing DO NOT oil carrier oring, it will cover up any small eaks which will develop when oil dries.

9. Best carrier oring will feel like it's not there when sliding bolt back and forth in power tube.

10. Step down carrier size 1/2 size at a time.

11. Shims = to few will cause bolt stick, to many will cause leaking down barrel.

12. Steps to tuning:

- Nothing when pulling trigger = turn up velocity
- Bang, hiss - turn up more
- Shoots reliably, chrono
- if velocity to low continue to turn up
- If velocity to high change/trim/adjust main spring

13. Level 10 produces a 10-15% reduction in efficiency.

11-19-2002, 11:46 AM
Everything looks good to me.

Thanks for the condensed notes! I just printed it off to go into my tech book at work!.


11-19-2002, 03:00 PM
I'm not sure I totally agree with #3 and #11.

Too many shims will cause leaking down the barrel. Too few will cause the bolt to possibly not reset when it stops on an object in the breach.

Bolt stick is almost always caused by a carrier that is too tight rather than not enough shims.

11-19-2002, 03:30 PM
#1 can also be caused by too-strong of a mainspring if your velocity is too low.

11-19-2002, 04:11 PM
looks pretty good Cal...i have about the same in my notes

11-19-2002, 05:52 PM
3 and 11 are fine, lack of shims do cause bolt stick. If the carrier is what's causing it, then the fit was too tight for you to install in the first place.

1. Pull trigger nothing happens = to much oring friction.

*or velocity is too low(mentioned at bottom)

8.When installing DO NOT oil carrier oring, it will cover up any small eaks which will develop when oil dries.

*also gives false sense of friction. In order to keep the kit running properly you will have to constantly oil the o'ring.

9. Best carrier oring will feel like it's not there when sliding bolt back and forth in power tube.

*will ALMOST feel like it's not there

11. Shims = to few will cause bolt stick, to many will cause leaking down barrel.

*leaking down the barrel is usually a shim/loose carrier fitting but may also happen if the bolt stem shifts.

12. Steps to tuning:

If a leak out of the velocity adjuster happens when turning up the velocity to install a kit, you may need a new reg piston(possibilly a springpack).

11-19-2002, 06:39 PM

Thanks, I'll make the updates to finish things out.
