View Full Version : Sonic Bushmaster Opinions

11-19-2002, 11:38 AM
I have been shopping for a new electro and have been looking at the Sonic Bushmaster. Anyone own one? Anyone shot one? I used to own an Impulse and never shot it because my E-Mag blew it away. Anyway I have the bug for a new gun and am looking for something that is quality. Alot of folks talk up the MacDev products here on AO which is kinda what led me to look at the sonic. Any imput would be appreciated.

11-19-2002, 03:42 PM
ive never shot the soinc bushy, but i have shot a soinc cocker and used many mac dev products. i love it all. if you like bushys then go for it. i think MD makes some of the best stuff around today...

11-19-2002, 06:31 PM
I used to own one with a matching conquest and full cp kit.. But i had to downgrade to my MicromagRT :)

I'll PM you later with MANY details. I mean..I have a few books to share with you i've written in the past and have kept because of the interest in sonic bushys :)

11-19-2002, 09:04 PM
DCMANDERS red sonic bushy was soooo sweet looking. i would do anything for it. its a shame he sold it. I can tell you, the trigger frames on those are AMAZING. ABSOLUTLEY AMAZING. Feels like a angel frame

11-19-2002, 11:19 PM
Yah they are real nice. This weekend I'll dig in my old PMs and find some with some good info for you.

Here's a pic of my old sonic :( Brings tears to my eyes :D

11-19-2002, 11:45 PM
Get an Impulse. 'Nuff said.

11-20-2002, 09:04 AM
A sonic bushy will always be a bushy at heart. For the money you could have something way sweeter. I've never liked them, anybody can make a nice trigger but actually having a very reliable and good gun is harder.

11-20-2002, 09:49 AM
You can look at an angel ir3 too =0

11-20-2002, 10:22 AM
Yea I am kinda steering towards an IR3. But there are 2 pretty good deals on ebay right now on sonics.

11-20-2002, 11:18 AM
Trust me. The sonic bush feels nothing like a regular, stock bushmaster (even though the 2003 stock bushyis are pretty sweet). The only thing that will feel the same is the heigh and if that bothers you, you can get a lowrise from MD for 20$.

They are great guns.. Very consistant and I would take one over an IR3 anyday.

They are very reliable..I had mine for 6months and the only problem I had with it is that I got mad when I got dirt on it!! :D

11-20-2002, 02:30 PM
They are great guns.. Very consistant and I would take one over an IR3 anyday.

*insert Dr. Evil voice* riiiiiiiiiiiight

11-20-2002, 05:44 PM
Believe it. :)

The Sonic has a substantially larger LPR and better flowing valve. My team has several and they are VERY impressive.

Running at about 170-180psi input and 65-75psi cycling pressure, they are a lot lower pressure and smoother cycling than other bushmasters.

The biggest "feel" diff is the trigger. The sonic trigger/frame is unreal. Unlike Angels and many other high end electros, you can do the trigger job without removing the frame. It gives you complete control over the spring tension, travel length, and activation point. More importantly is the triggers easy to achieve HROF. It rips.

Not one of our Sonic bushys has ever broken paint.

And consistent... wow. I watched my team mate Jeff's shoot 290-291 all day on many occasions.


11-20-2002, 06:22 PM
No, I've shot a Vapor Bushy before with all the Mac Dev goodies packed into it... it was all done up by Goldie... and it was horrible! I much prefer an Angel, and that's not saying much considering I dont like them either...


11-20-2002, 06:29 PM
How's the kick compared to other Bushys?

11-20-2002, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by AutoMaggot
No, I've shot a Vapor Bushy before with all the Mac Dev goodies packed into it... it was all done up by Goldie... and it was horrible! I much prefer an Angel, and that's not saying much considering I dont like them either...

Ah Vapor Bushy's aren't Sonic Bushys.... Goldie started making MacDev knock-off parts (that didn't work as well). That's also why he isn't a MacDev dealer anymore.

Angels are good markers (I've had them and liked them). But as a former mag shooter ;), I still like the option to tear down a marker and do my own maintenance. The Bushy's design is simple and MacDev has successfully refined it.
