View Full Version : U Guys dont know how lucky U are!

08-21-2001, 05:07 AM
I have just been reading a few of your posts. In Australia we have to have a licence for paintball markers, they wont allow Markers in Victoria, Tasmainia or Western Australia! The main reason for this is some knobend in Tassie decided to run rampent with a semi auto ( real gun ) and did what your Postal workers do killing 20 odd ppl.
So our Pollies decided in their wisdom to BAN all semi auto's.( it was almost going to be all guns!)
Luck has it that Polititions know jack-a-roo about Paintball. But that doesn't stop Customs barking like a big red roo when ever they see an Angel arriving into the Country.
we also need to have a gun licence to own a Marker.
If we want to play a tourney in New South Wales (the state that Sydney is in 4 those who dont know where N.S.W is)(I live in Queensland 12 hours drive north) We have to get a Gun dealer to transport the guns to a dealer in N.S.W b4 the tourney. there is a bloody good chance that they will loose them scratch or generally no take care of them.
So Next time you guys play interstate in the U.S think of Knackers over here in Aussie packing his Mag neatly into a foam filled case along with his $200 Smart parts barrel, just so that some piss-ant Dealer in N.S.W can start pulling the thing to bits to see how it all works cos he has never seen one b4.

If it's hurtin.....Walk! cos your gone Buddy!

[This message has been edited by Army (edited 08-21-2001).]

08-21-2001, 05:13 AM
I know about australia and their stupid laws!!! Talking about going too far!!!! I'm sorry for you, bro!!! Do what you can, and vote for people who'll try to change it!!! Hang in there!!!

Black Teflon E-mag
Warp feed
10" total Freak
Centerflag 201 68/45k

08-21-2001, 06:03 AM
Yes, we had a nice discussion on AU laws here on AO about a month ago. It was rather interesting....


“The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

08-21-2001, 10:33 AM
If they ban all guns in the US, then I am permanently moving to a different country.

08-21-2001, 10:36 AM
They came bloody close to banning paintball in Canada last spring, due to a typo of all things. An amendment to Bill C-15 would of classified Paintballs at firarms, and it's illegal to point a firearm at someone in Canada. We had the typo fixed, thank goodness.

Mykroft Holmes IV
My Mags:
CF11023, Classic Feed, 16" CP .689, 14" JnJ Stainless, Ring trigger, WGP Reg, Diamond Labs Ti Reg Adjuster.

VV00614(Valve)/VV00423(reg), Black Teflon HR Powerfeed, 16" SP AA,14" JnJ Ceramic, AGD Intelliframe Blade, Benchy Crossfire cradle/on-off, black foregrip, Macroline.
PMI 48/3K Preset HPA

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" R.A.Heinlein - 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'

08-21-2001, 01:18 PM
First of all, there is no way all guns would ever be revoked here in America. The Second Amendment sees to that. As for moving to another country, why? America has some of the most lenient gun laws in all of the First World countries.

As for Australia, there is a perfect example of why modern gun controls do not work. They only hinder the legal owner and do nothing to stop the illegal owner. I, as a legal gun ownder in America, would fully stand behind gun control if it was federally mandated. As long as you have one state with gun laws that are much more lax then andothers you will always have illegal gun ownership.

I fully support a 14 day waiting period. What is so important that you have to have that gun right now?

However, while I do support clip limits I do not in anyway support a ban on semi or full auto guns in private ownership. My reason is again based upon the 2nd Ammendment which states that in order to prevent against a rulership turned dictatorial the right of Americans the keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Basiclly, our wise forefathers were giving us a way to prtect ourselves if the ruling class went wacko.

That means that the populace should be, or have access to, weapons of similar quality and capacity as the standing army. Does that mean that I think that every Tom, Dick and Harry should have thermos? Of course not.

In order to maintain out rights we pay the price of eternal vigilance.

08-21-2001, 01:37 PM
I fully realize how lucky I am. Thats why I am a member of the NRA to preserve my rights. And I take the time to be an advocate for our sport when needed to fight proposed legislation against paintball.

Webmaster - AutoMags.Org
[email protected]
"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

08-21-2001, 02:15 PM
I feel bad for people in Australia, but us Americans really have to not be idiots when it comes to guns and paintball. Stupid people going to walmart and buying a BE gun just so he can go drive around in his car shooting at random people WILL get our sport BANNED! (My county has had SEVERAL incidents of people doing random paintball drive by's )

08-21-2001, 02:28 PM
Point to ponder (because I am sick of seeing BE getting ragged on for things that are NOT their fault.. they may not be the BEST by a long shot, but read on...).....

When was the last time you saw an Angel, RT, E-Mag, etc. at your local Wal-Mart? If you saw them there, the SAME stupid people would pick them up and do the same stupid things with them that they are doing with BE markers.

It is NOT the Marker that makes people do stupid things, it is stupid people. And everyone can moan and groan about Newbies playing with cheap markers and inferior products... but that is because that is what they had to choose from.

How many people here started with a "Wal-Mart" special.. liked the sport, and then upgraded? Sounds like a pretty common thing. So the next time you want to rag on BE, think about how many players got their start with them. Maybe you should be THANKING them instead. They are a pretty effective way to draw players into the sport.

I say get the better Markers out of the Paintball Shops and into normal stores, and you would see more Newbies playing with them. So everyone needs to take a realistic look at the way things REALLY are, and not jump on the Rag Wagon.


“The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

08-21-2001, 06:05 PM
Hmm....I'm going to Australia in a year, I guess I can't bring my mag. http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif

I realize how lucky I am to even live in this country.

08-21-2001, 07:15 PM
It is not that it is Brass Eagle's fault, their cheap markers have introduced many people into our sport. As for the selling of the higher end markers in either Wal-mart or K-mart is highly unlikely, simply because they are more expensive. If either of the two stores decided to sell the higher end markers vice Brass Eagle, the rate of drive-by type paintball assaults would theoretically drop, because most of the people who do that type of thing don't play the sport, they just buy the cheap marker to get the thrill. Now remember, I said most, those players who do decide to do random acts of violence with their paintball guns need to be punished even worse than those who do it for kicks, simply because they know better.

RT Pro P/F
w/ AGD Flatline

08-22-2001, 04:12 AM
The only thing our gun laws have done is take the Regestered gus out of the law abideing citizens, all it was was a smokescreen to make out that they were doing something about the problem.
It did stuffall about the nutcase that has just been showen the door from the loonie bin, grabing his older brother (Billybob)Unregesterd Semi auto and running riot!

Ps: u can check with Australian customs Magman5446 about bringing your marker in to the country, But it will probably only be useful in Queensland Good luck though!

Dont get me wrong though Australia is a great place to live, Stuff all crime, I can leave the keys in my car and go into a shop and the car will still b there 2 hours later. I just pisses me off that I find it bloody hard to get around the country with a bloody Paintball marker, when it comes down to it it's a TOY!

If it's hurtin.....Walk! cos your gone Buddy!

08-22-2001, 06:02 AM
Hi Knackers,

I'm in WA.....and YOU think you have a hard time???!!! http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

Anyway.....good news is legistlation has been put through for WA to be fully legalised the way it ought to be.

Will know more towards the end of the year.

MagMan5446, Australia is a great place to live and yes, it takes a bit of work to get a mag into Australia....but not impossible.

Best way is to have it pulled apart into bits and have a good contact to send it to. Or have someone send it over to you when you get to Australia.

Else, just sell it and buy one here.

Good thing about most if not all paintballers in Australia (well, WA anyway) is that everyone realises the responibility of owning and using a marker....so we don't get idiots shooting people on the streets.

08-22-2001, 12:35 PM
Actually...I am trying to sell the gun.

Hey, do you Aussies have any good places for mountain biking?

08-22-2001, 01:43 PM

Have you or do you play at Action Paintball Games near Sydney? Just asking because I played there recently and was just wondering how things there wer going. I know John was looking into acquiring more Shockers.


08-22-2001, 03:00 PM
if guns were outlawwed, only outlaws would have guns

08-22-2001, 10:27 PM
i think banning guns is so gay.i fully understand what they are trying to accomplish but its just not going to happen.simply as that they know it but those idiots get payed to say paintball is bad sighn paper saying they want to ban it its not there hobbi why would they care.and as far as banning real guns the only people they are banning them from is law binding citezens the outlaws will allways have guns.its no hard to get a gun i can go to school and give some one 300 bucks and i can get pistol not hard.and as far as people who do drive by shootings with paintball markers if i ever saw them after paintball was banned i would personally brake both there legs and arms that way while they are in hospital 4 months because they cant move theyll know they p o'd alot of people!as far as u guys in austraia i feel really sorry for u. man and 200 dollars for smarts part barrel even more over priced then america!And for your favorite sport to be paintball out there thats got to suck i bet kids really cant play there man that sucks.just lucky ones get license with nice parents

08-22-2001, 10:43 PM
e=mag...please work on your spelling and grammar http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Knackers, I am sorry to hear that paintballers have such a hard time in Australia...

As for the States, I believe if EVERYONE owned a gun their would be far less violence...and problems with gun control...

If anything their should be bullet control...if bullets were 5 grand a piece, you know there would be no innocent bystanders...the man or woman that gets shot must have deserved it http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

While our second amendment preserves our right to bear arms, remember they can always make another amendment that overrides it... http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif ...though there would be stiff opposition...


"It ain't braggin' if you can back it up."
-Dizzy Dean

08-22-2001, 11:51 PM
Hey guy's I'm really sorry when i hear how it is in Australia with paintball.There is always a dicussion going on in Germany because a lot of people who don't have a idea what paintball is about want to outlaw it. And It get's a really bad reputation because the news always tell stories about simulated war for nazis when they talk about paintball.
I really hope the future will bring some better understanding from teh public otherwise theer is always the fear that they'll forbit paintball totally!!

08-23-2001, 01:03 AM
Does anyone know why the U.S. has never been invaded. There are 270 million living here and there are 300 million firearms in the hands of private citizens ! Gun control is not the answer to the problem, the enforcement of the law is. Man that poor guy in Au didn't mention in his post that violent home invasion type crimes went up 80% in the first year !

08-23-2001, 08:23 AM
Hmm, we should have 2 more gunlaws and we would be set.
1. All previous gunlaws are nullfied.
2. Every person is required to have a gun on them at all times.

08-23-2001, 08:30 AM
Gee Knackers...It just ain't like you Aussies to lay down and take this government dictation. I am shocked it's gone so far. Rise up! Rise up!!! I say, Rise up!!!!! and smite them down and get your rights back Mate! Take em to Court, Protest, defy...do whatever you got to do.

I feel for you and God Bless America.

08-23-2001, 10:06 AM
Hey DarkPhoenix...
Just a note of interest, but you can actually buy an Angel from K-Mart. Of course, it's only through their online dept. but still. Blue Light special on aisle 8- Angels, $950!

"I don't have a creative bone in my body."

08-24-2001, 02:00 AM
Hey E=Magman,
The reason that a smartparts barrel costs Around $200 is that it is in aussie dollars. 1 Aussie dollar = .53c Us so u guys can come over here and live it up for stuff all. Bring 3 grand over and almost get $6,000 in the conversion.
Another stuff up by our brilliant Dictators.
In the late 70s or earley 80s our dollar could buy $2.00 us dollars but we decided to model our economy on the U.S economy. What they failed to realise is u guys have 270 million ppl over there and we have 20 million. our little island is about the same size as your mainland and our population cannot sustain the infrastucture costs that it takes to run the country. If we could have 270 million ppl in aus we could cope by a broardband tax. This is why they have banned semi auto's cos we need all the ppl we can get so the politicians Can tax the guts out ou them to pay for their stuffups!

Hi st6212, Its good to hear that u guys are getting your act togeather over there, I sounds like I might come over there 4 the next tournie, it would b a heap easier than going to Sydney.

Hi 3 wheeler, No sorry I havent played at Action paintball yet, But I will be going down there for a tournie next year ( if I can find a dealer )But I do know a fair bit about them I have heard thad they have good feilds.
I have seen a site on the Net from the states of a feild that has like a Bombed city feild? u know like rubble everywhere and sniper positions etc looks really good, I cant rememer what the site was but I WANTED TO PLAY IT!!!

When all is said and done Paintball is a GAME. Why wont the dogooders, (Who are Minority groups!) just leave us all alone to play the game we love. Instead of looking at the concept of the game (shooting another person to gain points for your team) if you look at the game that way it sounds bad, the trouble is people that run the country only look at Paintball in that way!

Cphilip U can count on me to make a stand against this garbage. Aussies dont put up with Bullsht 4 2 long mate, we seem to sit there and take it 4 a while and then when it realy starts 2 sht us off we fight our guts out to get it right! As I remember we kicked a little U.S Butt the last time u guys were over here in a Nato exercise.
Take it easy Guys

If it's hurtin.....Walk! cos your gone Buddy!

08-24-2001, 02:07 AM
Oh buy the way do u guys know how much it costs to get the top of the range LCD angel over here?....................
R u sitting down?..........
$4,000 aussie!!!!!
thats the 2001 mod
a couple of my team bought some. Too rich 4 my blood. My mag kikes *** so i will keep that. Oh a 2nd hand Mag costs $1,400 On air so U GUYS DONT KNOW HOW LUCKY U ARE!

08-24-2001, 04:27 AM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by Knackers:
Oh buy the way do u guys know how much it costs to get the top of the range LCD angel over here?....................
R u sitting down?..........
$4,000 aussie!!!!!
thats the 2001 mod
a couple of my team bought some. Too rich 4 my blood. My mag kikes *** so i will keep that. Oh a 2nd hand Mag costs $1,400 On air so U GUYS DONT KNOW HOW LUCKY U ARE!</font>

That's the Dark Angel right? Yeah one of my Teammates got himself a new Dark Angel for that price a few weeks ago.

Now imagine if it were a Cobra Angel??!!....What would that be....between $6000 - $8000 here?!