View Full Version : Palmer's Typhoon and Nasty Typhoon Question

08-23-2001, 09:42 PM
What's up guys,

Got a question, does anyone out there own or has anyone shot a Palmer Typhoon or Nasty Typhoon. I have seen them in magizenes and on line but never in real life. Are they any good, how do they compair to a mag, I love my Angel and my Retro-Minimag more then anything else but I would like to get a Nasty Thphoon for the hell of it. But I don't want to spend almost $900 on something that shoots like a stock spyder compact.

Any help is appriciated.

Don't try running, you will only give me a better story!

08-23-2001, 10:03 PM
Palmer Pursuit Shop (www.palmer-pursuit.com) makes some fine paintball guns. The typhoon is a closed-bolt semi, very similar in operation to the autococker. I believe Glenn actually made his guns before Bud Orr did, but I'm not sure. They're solid, shoot like a dream, and run very well on co2. They're also very heavy compared to most of the paintball guns today. People also complained about their non-removable barrels, and the Blazer was created at least partially because of this.

I actually considered selling my minimag more than once in order to acquire a typhoon, but I haven't. (Yet)


And remember that Palmer's Stabilizer is considered to be the best regulator you can use with co2, on a 'mag or any other gun.

08-23-2001, 10:14 PM
If you get a typhoon - get it for its craftmanship and uniqueness.... if you get thier high end trigger job, you trigger will be pretty fast...although I would say certain cockers are as fast - if not faster. It used to be people got it just for the pivot trigger - but now that the new WGP frames are out, there is little sense. Does it work? Yes. The barrel is very accurate, and its a piece of real work. If I had an extra 900 I would get an emag...unless I already had one, then maybe... the angel and emag will rock a typhoon on a pure speed level. But the typhoon works well on co2. It also has a very unique character. So... anyway - if you are looking for a race gun - keep looking. If you looking for a fun one - you found it!

Webmaster - AutoMags.Org
[email protected]
"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

08-23-2001, 11:45 PM
Thanks alot for the info guys, I love the look of the Nasty Typhoon and would love to see the look on people's faces when I pull out a double barrelled paintball marker. I love the unique aspect of the marker and the fact that there isn't too many of them out there. As for a "race gun" as Webby calls it, I have a 2k blue cut and colored angle with cobra fang trigger that I can get up to around 14 a second during play. I am just looking for something unique to use as a back up to my back up (Retro-Minimag with benchy 2x that I can get to 12-12 a sec.) and something that I can really show off at the field.

If anyone else has any info or if someone has one, I would really like the Nasty, for sale let me know.

08-24-2001, 06:56 AM
I've never seen a nasty fired, but I've been told the paintballs corkscrew around each other as they fly downfield. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif It would be heavy as heck, however, considering you're carrying almost the weight of 2 guns, plus 2 hoppers full of paint.


08-24-2001, 06:59 AM
Webby's right. Palmer has been saying Since the 80's that pivot triggers were better.

and cocker people laughed.

now they're using the same pivot arrangement that a blazer has been using since the prototyping before 1997, and saying that cockers are faster with pivot triggers... will it ever end?

I have a classic phoon (tentatively for sale...). It seems the only person that can shoot it is me. traditionally you can get around 80 shots per ounce, but depending on the weather you can get more.

I have an incredibly light pull, it took me awhile to learn, and i'm the only person who can fire it. I USED to out shoot a rev. now when i try that I chop. http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif

There is no issue with cycle speed. they use palmer pneumatics, the barrel will take any paint smaller than .693, any bigger and you're asking for barrel breaks.

Tack, it will be very difficult to find a nasty, and some fields don't allow them. I have two friends with nastys... one had to get written explanations from palmer to allow it on the field.

Oh, and they are NOT heavy compared to the guns of today. Ever hold a fully loaded emag? Then pick up a similar typhoon...

Most of the reviews were written years ago, before palmer started making changes to the design to accomodate modern player needs (he likes his triggers so stiff it's like one of those hand squeeze things...). If you have any specific questions about typhoons or palmer products, let me know. I'd be more than happy to answer. Or go to www.paintmagazine.com/forum/palmer (http://www.paintmagazine.com/forum/palmer)
Craig posts, and Glenn even lurks there from time to time.

08-24-2001, 07:30 AM
Do not sell your Typhoon without telling me http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif
I want one, and might as well give yours a good home.

Jason "Muzikman" Beam

68 Automag
68 Automag (Pumpmag) w/ 6-Pak+
Automag RT


08-24-2001, 07:30 AM
wait a minute. doesnt mister palmer himself post on here. why dont you throw us all a pitch good sir, im starting to get curious myself too about these so called "paintball guns".


08-24-2001, 07:46 AM
No, the palmers DO NOT post here.
They try to stay specific to their guns, and, if i'm correct, this is the AGD forum.
they hang out at http://www.paintmagazine.com/forum/palmer . most likely you'll get your questions answered by myself or another palmerite who has been using the guns so long they know them by heart, and the palmers won't correct them. But that's where you'll get the most accurate information, and more in depth than I'm willing to go here, for obvious reasons.

if you really have questions to ask the palmers about product cost and specs, Glenn's email is [email protected], and Craig is [email protected].

And muzik, i DID tell you. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif