View Full Version : Halo feed problems with black shelled paint ?

11-20-2002, 05:50 PM
I'm getting a Halo B very soon and I've heard that it has problems when using black shelled or half black shelled paint. Is this true ? What sort of problems does the black shell paint cause ? Does it not feed right or does it mess up the sensor which makes the cone inside the hopper spin ?

11-20-2002, 05:51 PM
I've heard that too, I would assume its a sensor issue since its enclosed it might not see the ball right if its using any type of light sensor... BUT I've also read on pbreview.com and a few other sites of people having no problems with black paint.

Dave K

11-20-2002, 05:52 PM
I use a silverish-black-shelled paint with no issues whatever with the HALO (A and B have the same sensor).

11-20-2002, 06:25 PM
Yes in fact it clearly says so in the literature and on Odyssey's site that the IR sensor can mistake Black as not even being there and therefore the rotor will continue to try and feed paint when there is already a ball in there potentialy breaking a ball by over feeding. This makes a mess. Half black shells may indeed end up turned towords the sensor and this MAY occur. I have tried half black in mine and not seen a problem but the odds are I would eventualy if the ball was to orient itself in such a manner as to allow this to happen. My trial was only one laoder full. So its not very scientific. But normally I just avoid any black or half black shelled paint. I don't have to buy it so I don't. Simple as that. But seeing black it is an issue with any IR type eye in any Marker or Loader not just the Halo.

11-20-2002, 06:40 PM
i personally can say they are right. my HALO doesnt register Black paint...creates a black stew....eww!

11-20-2002, 06:52 PM
just keep shooting really fast and you should be fine