View Full Version : Grease Santa Game in Gurnee, Illinois

11-20-2002, 11:52 PM
Ok... Well I'd like to know who of you Chicago Aoers will be in Gurnee for the big game on December 21? Last year it was fun and I loved it!! The price may be expensive, but they had a food drive for charity last year, and required you to bring 5 big cans for free entry/ rentals. Check out www.paintballblitz.com for some pics.

Also, I was wondering if Mr. Kaye may be interested to go, since the feild is owned by Air America...and supposedly they had some help from AGD some time back. It would bew cool to have a AO gathering and to get TK to come out.

So, Just post if your coming.... and lets all ask TK to come.

11-21-2002, 01:08 AM
Yea I work there I'll be there for sure.

11-21-2002, 10:24 AM
This is the first I heard about a big game at Blitz.

The majority or AGD Pride live within 10 min of the place, we'll see if we can make it. No guarentees since I might have the "In-Laws" and other family in town for the holidays! :D

11-21-2002, 11:05 AM
I'm probably going to that this year. I missed going last year which kinda sucks, but i really didn't have the money. Sorry to you guys who work there, but ur prices do tend to be a little steep. I love the place, i even played my first game of paintball there and fell in love with the game. I hope to make it out this year and to see some of you guys there.

11-21-2002, 02:42 PM
i looked at the web site but found no prices for anything. How much is paint, it is FPO right? And entree fee for both the santa thing and the Thanksgiving Special. Thanks.

11-21-2002, 07:55 PM
You have to call for prices....I can't tell you them now, cause I haven't called this year. I had a blast last year, even though the prices are relatively high. Hey, hubadlatimmy, will you be selling Blaze this year? It shot well last year, and hopefully we will get more snow this year.

Awesome... so people from AO are going. I think we need a few more to convince TK to come..... SO COME TO THE GAME!!:D

11-21-2002, 10:54 PM
Ok Field Paint Only I'm 100% sure. Yes his prices are a bit steep but he does cater more to newbies if you havent noticed from the field.

Paint will be Diablo Blaze and should be $110 a case like usual unless there is some special pricing. It's really a must to play in becuase there's usually about 250 people there which is big for this area.

Many different games and many games at once. I encourage everybody to come play and I'll try to get more info for everyone this weekend.

Pile & A Half
11-21-2002, 11:57 PM
Ouch....that paint price is a little below the belt there. I know you can't do anything about it, but maybe I like living here after all :).

11-22-2002, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by hubadlatimmy
Paint will be Diablo Blaze and should be $110 a case like usual unless there is some special pricing.

I was considering coming and bringing some of my team until I saw the paint price. $110.00/case is not going to get me out there. That is really steep for a case at a big game.

11-22-2002, 11:29 AM
but its cold out.... :rolleyes:

EDIT: holy *poop* $110 a case!? are vasoline and kneepads included with that?? :eek: For that price Ill go let country club stick it to me... at least Ill be indoors..

11-23-2002, 04:42 PM
Anyone else going?

Come ON!!!!

11-23-2002, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by hubadlatimmy

Paint will be Diablo Blaze and should be $110 a case

Ouch! We probably won't be able to make it if its going to be that expensive.

I'll get my big game fix at Paintball Sam's with 650 other players.

11-23-2002, 07:30 PM
well i just found out i'm probably gonna be outta town on the 22nd so i guess i'm not going. oh well i'm actually saving up to get my first mag anyways :) soon i will actually be able to come in here and not be the only one who doesn't have a mag. *thinks about how beautiful it will be to hold a mag in my hand and not have to hand it back to the person who owns it after one game*

11-24-2002, 09:25 PM
yea the case price sucks I know, but if you play indoors you play country club and pay that much.

I don't make the prices or have any input in them. Thats his deal not mine. If you guys arent happy with it I'll make it a point to say something to him about maybe charging a bit less for that.

Just remember where that field is located. Half the people that play there are rich kids/adults that live in lake forest and can throw down $200 a day without even worrying about it. I know I can't but it does influence alot. I'll see if I can maybe get him to lower it to $75-$80 or something like that. I know it's not $65 or anything but it's still $30 cheaper:)

11-25-2002, 12:34 PM
Yes, I can backup what hubadlatimmy is saying about Blitz. Most of the time, parents just drop off their kids with money for the day and then pick them up later. There are days when the parking lot looks more like a Lexus/Mercedes dealer.

11-25-2002, 07:48 PM
HEY! You got a problem with Benzes!?

Anyways, hubadlatimmy, may be get an AO members deal going or something. Some sort of thing that lets us play for cheap. If we can get enough people to come from AO alone, then we should have TK come out.

Thanx for your effort hubadlatimmy, I really appreciate what your trying to do for us. Maybe we can get a list from AO of people saying that they for sure will be coming, like 10 to 20 people, and then have the price lower.

Hope to c you.

11-26-2002, 09:46 AM
Yes I have a problem with Benzes...I don't have one!!! ;) Hope you guys can all make it out to Blitz on the 21st. I played in it last year and it was a BLAST!!!:cool:

11-26-2002, 09:49 PM
Hubdalatimmy, any more info?

Anyone else up for some fun?

Please come TK!

12-12-2002, 08:19 PM
Just a couple more days.....

Anyone interested, check out Paintball Blitz (http://www.paintballblitz.com)

Hubdalatimmy....Any more info?

12-12-2002, 10:08 PM
I'm desperately going to try to make it. My sister gets in from New York the day before, so maybe I can convice her to play. She's staying with my parents in Lake Bluff, so we won't be far. Any word on if AO'ers can get a break on paint (what are the member prices?)? I'd rather bring in more food, of which I already have plenty, and pay less cash for the paint.

Paint prices are the only reason I stopped going there and made Badlandz my home field. They're the same distance for me, but I save about $50 per case on paint.