View Full Version : by request, online video of VINTAGE Tom Kaye

11-21-2002, 07:42 AM
**that sounds like an e-bay ad, doesn't it?**

Anyhow, just finished it tonight. What I won't do for you guys! It's footage from old "Paintball World" tapes of '92 and '93.


AGD edit: I moved it to the AO server.

IF you look carefully, you'll see the prototype nitrogen backpack rig. There's also a LOT of auto-response trigger stuff too, I couldn't count how many shots he took at the Sam's game in the one best long shot there. It's old school 'ball at it's finest. Just what all you AGD fans want, right? :P

I think I'm ready to attack the 'big project' now. So off into the abyss. Share and enjoy, feedback alwasy loved.


11-21-2002, 08:57 AM
Thanks tyger, I love to see that old stuff! (um..old equipment, not that tom is old):D

11-21-2002, 10:36 AM
hehe that was cool =) Thanks for posting it!

11-21-2002, 06:41 PM
Glad 'ja liked it guys.

Now when Tom gets wind of this, and sends me an e-mail informing me that no matter what I do I'll never get another 6-pak spring, I may leeave it up anyway... :)

Regardless, like I said, mirror, save, share and enjoy. :)


11-21-2002, 07:38 PM
Cool! That auto-response is purty quick... never saw in action before.

11-21-2002, 08:30 PM
Will not download for me. Send me the file and I'll put it on the server here.


11-21-2002, 08:43 PM
E-mail me, I don't have your address. (tyger@webdogradio.us)

I could make this into an intresting hobby. :)


11-21-2002, 09:16 PM
whoa....cool : D

11-21-2002, 09:20 PM
yeah i dont get anything from that it just pops an error up.

11-21-2002, 10:30 PM
this shot made it all worthwhile : )

11-21-2002, 11:31 PM
Is this the famous Tyger? (stock player extraordinaire)

What format is this in? I can't get the darn thing to play. Should I go Real Play, Quicktime, or Windows Media Player?

11-22-2002, 12:00 AM
Thanks Tyger,

That was a blast from the past! God I've gotten old....


11-22-2002, 12:08 AM
just as i thought...even back in the day he still had the mustache...
skinnier too.

11-22-2002, 12:41 AM
Thanks Tom!


11-22-2002, 01:55 AM
wow that was some pretty cool footage. I like tom just sitting there talking to the camera and shooting guys as they pop out as if its not big deal and he does it everyday of his life. ;)

11-22-2002, 02:10 AM
Classic Rush soundtrack.... (careful about the royalties there) and Paintball Sams [it still looks the same 10 years later].

Definitely VINTAGE!

11-22-2002, 02:52 AM
*** Back Then ***

"Looking long range into deep cover... you gotta pick your shots" *Shoots off 20 rounds* "We're gonna move them were gonna move them right now... ready..." *Shoots off 20 rounds* "He's outta there"

*** Now ***

321 Go *Shoots off 30-40 rounds* "Back left beer can, Back right beer can, center dorito, and the 30 laydown"

Just a tad different :p :D :o

11-22-2002, 04:38 AM
Wow, it' a sticky! :)

Soundtrack : I'm not so much worried about Rush suing me (good ears, BTW, I wasn't sure if ANYONE would get it...) as much as Dan Prusak finding me and givin me a whoopin.

Hey, could be worse, I *was* going to use "One Man Army" by Our Lady Peace, but I figured Tom is just a more classy guy. And "Red Barchetta" suits him better....

And Sam's never changes, at least radically.

aaron : Yeah, same Tyger. Don't hit me too hard, ok? Actually, Nero is talking me into getting a Lvl 10 Mag, says I can't live without it...

everyone else : The best way to get this is to try a few things. right-click on the file name, SAVE IT on your hard drive, and open it with Windows Media player, or a like player.

Oh, and this wasn't caught on video, I wish it were. I was playing in the '93 St. Louis big game wiht Tom on the red team. In the second game (which I didn't use footage from) I crash into this rock outcropping with Tom (not knowing it was Tom...) He says "There's a bunch of guys over there." As I'm getting back to my knees to shoot (pump gun, need to set it up), Tom opens up wiht a barrage. I look over the rock, and see five guys get up, and walk off the field wearing Tom's colors.

That was cool.


PS : If you liked this, more will be coming soon. More "what", I'mnot sure, but more videos. If they're small enough, I'll make 'em .mpg's.

11-22-2002, 07:37 AM
Tyger: Funny you should say that. I heard that story from Tom him self. I think that story might even had been a post here a while ago.

Would this be the same story???

11-22-2002, 11:24 AM
Is that Diet Pepsi TK is drinking during that clip?:p

11-22-2002, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Tyger
aaron : Yeah, same Tyger. Don't hit me too hard, ok? Actually, Nero is talking me into getting a Lvl 10 Mag, says I can't live without it...

I wouldn't hit you hard! I think you write hilarious articles! While I'm too lazy to play stock I admire those that do. Oh and you will like the Lvl 10 Mag (just to change the pace every once in awhile).

Hopefully I'll actually be able to make it to one of these automags.org events (although the wife keeps coming up with reasons why I can't go to them *grumble*). If we meet up at one someday I'll try to give you some backup fire:D . Glad to see you posting on AO.

EDIT: Right click save as worked. Anyone who hasn't seen that video should download it. It is funny!

11-22-2002, 08:19 PM

I got it to play!!! =]

I have a NEW Respect for Tom ... :D

the way he just sits there... out in the open.. and STILL doesn't get hit...

no wonder he bunkered me!!!! :p *I won't mention the fact I had no paint* lol....

11-22-2002, 08:34 PM
Ahhhhh, gotta love Paintball Sam's. :D

11-23-2002, 04:46 PM
MAN, paintball is so much different now than it was in 93, it isnt cool. :(

11-23-2002, 05:30 PM

11-23-2002, 10:27 PM

Wow old school makes the grade with original AGD video. :) So let's see here.

Players in camo
Nitro being the thing to get
Rose with a new unique pack with a Nitro bottle holder
Double triggers?
agitating loaders!

Wow!!! So long ago.


11-24-2002, 12:04 AM
man tom is that one of those 2000 psi :eek: :eek: tanks?!!? whew dunno if id turst that bottle with that stuff man

11-24-2002, 11:52 AM
that was very interesting...that was only about a week ago right Tom...:)

he had that late 80's, early 90's macho guy look...


11-24-2002, 05:45 PM
why isnt it working for me?

11-25-2002, 03:25 AM
Originally posted by Muzikman
Tyger: Funny you should say that. I heard that story from Tom him self. I think that story might even had been a post here a while ago.

Would this be the same story???

Umm, no, Tom didn't leave the field for that one.

That and Tom was just going to town that game. WHOOA!


11-25-2002, 06:12 PM
What software do i need to view it?

11-25-2002, 08:27 PM
Right click and download it to your computer. Then use windows media player. You will like it....

11-25-2002, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by aaron_mag
Right click and download it to your computer. Then use windows media player. You will like it....

I guess I need an updated version of windows media player, mine won't play it. :(

11-25-2002, 08:31 PM
Love the background music Rush:D

Will Wood
11-25-2002, 08:40 PM
Cool movie! Just got around to viewing it. TK kicks butt on the field :)

11-25-2002, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by hitech

I guess I need an updated version of windows media player, mine won't play it. :(

Just double checked. Mine plays with Windows Media Player...

Creative Mayhem
11-27-2002, 10:26 AM
WOW I can't remember whn I could hear silence between shots... The markers now seem to be firing all the time where as, back then you had to work at pulling the trigger.

Thanks for the flashback tyger, and the rush was great tooo. Gotta love that Canadian Rock!
C Mayhem