View Full Version : M3 Patriot Sniper

11-21-2002, 01:16 PM
Hey everybody! I was wondering how good a M3 sniper was. If any of you guys have shot it please respond. I can't decide between it and a mag or cocker as my second gun. I currently own a AM Sentinel TS and am lookn' for a second gun.

11-21-2002, 01:23 PM
there are a couple patriots floatin around my field, and they seem decent, but if you want a new gun i'd go for the mag or the cocker. the sniper is decent, but mags and cockers have more ways you can go with them down the road, more modifications and customization options. the sniper pretty much stays the same as you buy it. i haven't seen any mods for one around my local shop, anyway

11-21-2002, 01:46 PM
I *just* bought one. Should be here in a week or so(Just sending money tommorow). Really the barrel sucks, and they have a plastic trigger, it wont break but its still plastic. CheckIt makes a line of products for them (including triggers). They are capped at 20bps, and have an 'Angel Like' trigger pull. Essensially, the fastest gun you can buy for the money.

With that said, I would get a cocker, RT Mag, ect. There are just way more options, and will have better resale upgraded.

My .02
Jacob Jones

www.paintballgateway.com for checkit products

11-21-2002, 04:03 PM
I have had plenty of experience with all black dragun markers. First off, keep in mind that a 'patriot stars and stripes' is the SAME gun as a regular black dragun. It just has the LCD frame, the body is milled slightly different, and it has 'prety' anno.

Here's the link that goes through most of my deal with these markers. Hope this helps.

Needless to say, I would strongly reccomend the mag or the cocker if you plan on giving the gun lots of use.


11-21-2002, 06:21 PM
m3s are junk. My friend had one and it broke twice, he had to send it back to M3. Not only that but it was incredibly loud. A decision between an m3 and a mag should be no contest. Mags all the way!

11-21-2002, 07:16 PM
Darklord - My freind's cousin's daughter's freind had a mag and said they were junk. Get my point?

There does seem to be a problem with BDs being like an Autococker out of the box - it needs some tuning. But this is only with some. They are the same as spyder in 99.9% of areas.

Personally, I know a couple people that own them, and have had no problems. One person I know had a problem with his needing to be recocked often, but this is easily fixed.

Anyway, it just as good as any other spyder clone out there.

Jacob Jones aka ForgedSpeed

11-21-2002, 07:38 PM
Darklord - My freind's cousin's daughter's freind had a mag and said they were junk. Get my point? okay, what exactly is your problem? I had first hand experience with this gun.... it isn't one of those situations that you're describing. I don't see how this remark from you is any different from what I said:
Personally, I know a couple people that own them, and have had no problems. One person I know had a problem with his needing to be recocked often, but this is easily fixed. Get my point? Don't be a hypocrite.

11-21-2002, 09:07 PM
Ah, yes I see exactly what you are saying, but when refering to the BD that your freind owned you simply said "They are junk". I explained the problem the ones that I have had experience with have had.

If you did have "First hand" experiece with the marker, then what was the problem with the marker?

Jacob Jones aka ForgedSpeed

11-21-2002, 10:29 PM
Before this turns into a giant flame-fest, I'd be glad to clarify my experience with the m3 "sniper"... Like I said, one of my friends bought one a while ago. So he brought it to one of our many woodsball games, and shot it before we played. LOUD as all hell! Not only that, but, I'm not sure if it was just his crappy 12v revvy (the modern BE versions with the crappy shells), but I swear he must've dry fired every 3rd shot on full auto. So he used it the whole day with relative success, but I swear, it must've been less than a week afterward, it broke. He claimed something was wrong with the trigger, and he called up M3 and they told him to send it to them to have it repaired. A few weeks later he got it back, and all they had done was really put a little rubber buffer behind the plastic trigger, at least, that was all that was noticeable. Later he tried to fire the gun and it worked (still loud as all hell). A few days after getting it back, we had a game, and he played once and then it broke. Not sure if it was the trigger or what, but it didn't work. I'm no "M3 expert", but at the time I had a fair amount of knowledge about spyders, but I had no idea what the problem was. So once again he had to send it back to M3 to have it repaired, and finally he got sick of it and sold it to get an angel. There was some other thread on AO that had people's bad experiences with M3 markers, do a search and I'm sure you can find some feedback, both good and bad. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it was some sort of electronics/solenoid issue with the M3, but the problem couldn't be fixed using common tools. Well that's about as in-depth as I'm going to go with that little story....hope that whets your appetite, ForgedSpeed. I felt it was good enough to give my 5 sentence summary, but obviously not for you. Anyway I didn't just say "m3s are junk.", that was just my opening sentence. Like I said in the above, my friend had an M3 and it broke twice, and he had to send it back. Oh yeah and it was incredibly loud. I feel that those few sentences sum up the huge summary above. If you wanted depth, don't start a flame war in a thread, give me a PM instead. And sorry if it seems like I was flaming you, but, all I did was put in my $0.02, then you replied flaming me in your opening line.

11-21-2002, 10:40 PM
Thanks you for your reply, I had not ever heard of them having that problem. I do not believe I flamed you, but I really do not like it when people speak upon hear-say, now that you further explained your experience with the marker, I can not say that it was hear-say.

I guess you could say I apologize for "Flaming" you, but based upon your first post, I didnt not want hammy's opinion swayed upon hear-say. See my point?

On a side note, whats the deal with a gun being loud? I mean this isnt directed towards you really, but many people seem to have a major problem with loud markers. I do not understand this, is it just that people believe it is annoying, or does it give your opponent an advantage?

Jacob Jones aka ForgedSpeed

11-21-2002, 10:55 PM
on an indoor field, a gun as loud as the patriot makes communication difficult. it really is THAT loud

11-21-2002, 11:08 PM
Ah, I see. Thanks for the info!

Jacob Jones aka ForgedSpeed

11-21-2002, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by hammy891711
Hey everybody! I was wondering how good a M3 sniper was. If any of you guys have shot it please respond. I can't decide between it and a mag or cocker as my second gun. I currently own a AM Sentinel TS and am lookn' for a second gun.

What do you think of the Sentinel TS? Heard alot about them but I've never seen one. What do you think?