View Full Version : Three simple questions

11-21-2002, 05:25 PM
Can you take a reg off of a tank and use it on a tank of a different volume. Like going from 88cu to 68cu or any other combination. I don't want to mess up my regs to i have to ask first

What exactly is snap shooting. I think i have a good idea but i must know exactly.

What is WOOT? I have seen it here i have seen it in online games, and when i asked there i was basicaly laughed out of the game.

11-21-2002, 05:41 PM
1)yes, but you dont want to be switching back and forth during the day...the bottles need loctite on them to secure the reg

2)snap shooting is poping out of the bunker taking 3-4 shots and poping back in. my team does drills for this all the time in practice

3)not exactly sure, but its a sign of happyness/joy/goodness

Creative Mayhem
11-21-2002, 05:42 PM
Yes you can swap regs between different volume tanks.

Snap shooting is when you pop out for short bursts of 2-3 shots. When you've mastered this, you will have no problem when playing.

WOOT/w00t Is just that...:D

Hope this helps man.

C Mayhem

11-21-2002, 05:43 PM
Woot is like a net term for "hell yeah" .... how it came around I dunno, but when I play games online occasionally I even use it and from time to time in the forums.

... that rocked ... w00t
... I popped that dude in the head.. w00t

and so on.

Dave K

11-21-2002, 05:43 PM
for number one...........most HPA tanks do NOT use loctite. they have an o-ring that seals them and that is all. Co2 tanks use loctite. But you should always follow the spec that comes with the tank.

11-21-2002, 05:47 PM
Woot = Yay

in Everquest

Woot = Wonderful Loot

11-21-2002, 05:47 PM
copied from everything2.com

Woot: Woot is often used in the 31337 hacker community, especially on IRC as an exclamation of happiness or joy. Much like the word hooray.

Example: "Woot", my node got cooled.


Woot'n I just haxored into the Gibson at the pentagon.

Also acceptable is "Wooty Woo!". Which can be used much like "Wow" or "OMG".

11-21-2002, 05:49 PM
yeah my air america raptor rex had locktite and an o-ring but my angel air was nice and easy and only had an o-ring.



11-21-2002, 05:51 PM
The 'Geddon tanks have necks on them, so they CAN be swapped. You get two tanks, each with a "neck" on it, and each has a gauge, then you screw it into the reg. At least, that's how I understand it.

c sherer
11-21-2002, 09:14 PM
The origin of w00t!

Ever play quake2? The sound your guy makes when he jumps is spelled "woot". This has been modified by the hacker/geek/gamer/pc enthusiast community into what is commonly called "leet" or elite writing. Hence w00t!
Today the term's actual meaning is as posted before, basically meaning a happy exclamation such as "yay!" or "woohoo!"

(and no, I am not making this up. That REALLY is the origin.)

C Sherer
THE font of useless knowledge

11-21-2002, 09:34 PM
Thank you! :)

That was the question i wanted to know the most out of the three. I figured, like everyone else above said, it was a woohoo type thing but to actualy get the background of it makes me feel good. I had a feeling it was from quake. I definatly herd it mostly in Q3 so it does make sense.