View Full Version : what Drop for AA Raptor tank?

11-21-2002, 05:36 PM
hey guys this is my first nitro tank and i got a steal on it (AA raptor 68/4500 for 140 w/ 2 day shipping). but theres one problem. i can't find a drop to fit it! Raptors need certain drop fowards for them, and i can find a decent ones that say they fit it. so can someone help me out and help me find a drop that will fit the raptor?

Creative Mayhem
11-21-2002, 05:54 PM
Myself and two other teamates have raptors. I use a Benchmark left offset cradle/drop, and the other two use the Kapp dropzone cradle/drop. Both work well but it's a matter of preference, try them out and see which you like.

C Mayhem

11-21-2002, 05:58 PM
i believe shocktech drops work.

11-21-2002, 06:19 PM
i dont think the shocketcs work. they take rails, the raptor needs a cradle....

the DZ should work fine...as will some tohers

11-21-2002, 08:02 PM
dye makes a nice short one that I love to use... a 68 45 on an inteliframe mag puts the gun RIGHT where ya want it with the dye cradle... i think skanline.com has a few of em


11-21-2002, 09:13 PM
I like this one :)http://moss.servebeer.com:3000/camera/11-20-2002%201254a/DSC00001.jpg

hehe...made it last night. I'll make you one for 125 bucks :) Gotta be like Manike...raise that price to ensure exclusivity.