View Full Version : CALLING ALL RATM fans!!! NEw Reincarnation!

11-21-2002, 06:05 PM
Well thats right, im a little slow on these things since im in chile but i just saw the new project.. Audio Slave... Yes it doesnt have Zach, and its really wierd... and im not sure if i like chris cornell from sound garden or not.... but i ordered the new cd and cant wait to check it out..

IT should be a new sucess... im deffinitely going to see em in concert, since i never got to see rage, i really want to see them...

iu just want to know every one elses feelings

11-21-2002, 06:13 PM
It's just not the same w/o Zach :(

I LOVED Rage Against the Machine. The new Audioslave single sucks in my opinion :(

Ah well ... RIP Rage

11-21-2002, 07:26 PM
I've got a couple songs by the RATM/Chris Cornell combonation, I think the single he mentioned was Gasoline.
I actually like them. I LOVED Rage, they are my all-time favorite band. I was also a huge fan of Soundgarden...so that made the transition alot easier.

They deffinately have a different sound now, but I still like it.

11-21-2002, 07:32 PM
naw it was something like, tell me how to live my life... pretty cool music vid... but tom still dances like a dork when he plays!

11-21-2002, 07:33 PM
Whoa... I like RATM... and I love Sound Garden... will have to check it out.

11-21-2002, 07:35 PM
I've always been a fan of both RATM & Soundgarden.

AudioSlave I'm still not sure of. It seems like just another band, ya know? Not much to rave about.

11-21-2002, 07:36 PM
Oh yeah, the song getting all the playtime now is Cochise.

11-21-2002, 07:53 PM
well you see, the problem is they released those like 3 demos under the name citizen... so all the radio stations have all 3 songs.. from what i know, tell me how to live is the official 1st single... atleast, it has a video

11-21-2002, 08:32 PM
well if you go into listening to Audio Slave expecting RATM then your not gonna be impressed the first time around....but if you give it a chance and approach it like ist a brand new band then I garentee that it will impress.....Id give my right arm to sing like Chris Cornell

11-21-2002, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by nouseforaname
well if you go into listening to Audio Slave expecting RATM then your not gonna be impressed the first time around....but if you give it a chance and approach it like ist a brand new band then I garentee that it will impress.....Id give my right arm to sing like Chris Cornell

my opinion exactly...i bought the cd hoping it would at least be a little rage-ish, was dissapointed, but listened to it anyway. if you don't think in terms of "this isn't rage", then its actually not that bad, i don't remember what its called, but track 6 is probably my fav..

11-21-2002, 09:00 PM
now, i know the singing isnt rage ish, but in all serriousness, the tracks i have herd, more than tell me how to live, all sounde rage ish in guitar, bass, and drum sections.... And tom morello is my god on guitar... so im glad he is still stickin with the old funky sound of his....

11-21-2002, 09:17 PM
it is indeed chris cornell.. well, i believe that without the vocals of chris cornell, just tom and the rest playin without a singer... that would just blow everyone out of the water. but, audio slave still does have the classic tom morrelo guitar rifts so it cant be that bad.

11-21-2002, 10:28 PM
I hate when people are like "Chris Cornell from Soundgarden and all the guys from Rage except Zach."

GET OVER IT. Rage and Soundgarden are GONE, Audioslave is a NEW BAND, not just a project. That's like saying "Pearl Jam, a compilation of Motherlovebone and Temple of the Dog". NO, its a DIFFERENT BAND!!!

Die hard RATM fans needs to realize Zach is gone, RATM is gone, and Audioslave is NOT Rage with a new singer, so don't expect it to be.

11-21-2002, 10:34 PM
hes right... zack is rage:(

11-21-2002, 10:58 PM
I could not believe it when I heard rage was breaking up. At least I got to see them in concert. that was awesome.

Anyone know when zack is going to put out some music?

11-22-2002, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by nouseforaname
Id give my right arm to sing like Chris Cornell

I loved Rage, and I really WANT to like Audioslave, but I just haven't been able to get into it yet. The main reason? Chris Cornell. I couldn't stand the guy when Soundgarden was around and I can't stand him now. IMHO, I don't know who told him he could sing but they lied to the man. uuuhhhh...there are some songs his voice is as grating as fingernails on a chalkboard. I wish they would have gotten a different singer, but that's life. Zach is supposed to be doing the solo thing, but I haven't heard when any new material will be out.

11-22-2002, 11:18 AM
After thinking on it, Cochise is a pretty good song, but as a whole, I think AudioSlave is gonna bite the big one...

It's too Soundgarden-ized. Granted, the guitarist, what's his name?, still has is sweet riffs, but those worked best w/ zac's off the wall vocals.

Bring back soundgarden. Brink back Rage.

Don't put 'em together.

Temple of the Dog anyone? :cool:

11-22-2002, 12:57 PM
DUDE ZACH WAS NOT RAGE! Olny his voice was.... the true man be hind rage is Tom Morello (that guy who plays guitar.....)

Tom is the man with the plan, the one who has the insite... THe man who graduated from harvard.... then played his music to get his point across....

Rage will never die, and they will continue to get their message across....

I know Audio slave is different... i didnt mean it that way.. I meant to say, they still have the rage sound.. but with a different mentality.... Tom, Timmy, and Brad are all still rockin it out.

Tom was the one who never wanted to use samples.. or edit the music... THat was all Zach.. Renegades Of funk used samples... first time ever... Renegades was part of why Zach split...

Zach was cool, dont get me wrong.. But never say he was rage... Because he wasnt, he was part of it... But not it...

Il admit, his vocals helped make the songs... but in no way made them on his own

IM not expecting any thing from audio slave... I dont know what their message is... if tom is changing his out look? Apparently he has a nice new statocaster he is playing.... Didnt see what it said tho... Did tom get rid of the Arm The homeless? if he did.. well then there switching gears...

All in all, i hope to keep diging both bands.... I hope audio slave keeps a little rage mentality, but spreds another message with it.... Aslong as they stay true to the music...

11-22-2002, 12:58 PM
I hate it .. I REALLY hate it ... I cant stand Chris Cornell's whiney voice on hardcore rage sounds ...

I heard a track the other day, started off GREAT ... Tom was bustin out the insanely weird guitar noises and then "high pitch" comes in and ruins the song ...

I am waiting for zach's solo CD and his project on an upcoming movie hes doing a track for.

Dave K

11-22-2002, 02:39 PM
dude, rage is obviously not all tom, you said it yourself, zach never wanted to use samples. one of the main reasons i listened to rage was because of how original they were, and how they never used samples, all of the sounds on their albums were made by instruments.

i was not to impressed with renegades...

btw, where in renegades did they use samples?

11-22-2002, 05:47 PM
on the song renegades of funk... check the back cover man...

Rage is not all one person... true, but it is more tom than any one else... Timmy and brad were very much of rage also....

Btw, isnt brads tatoo sick?

11-23-2002, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by EsPo
one of the main reasons i listened to rage was because of how original they were, and how they never used samples, all of the sounds on their albums were made by instruments.


IF you look on the inside cover of the first rage CD it says something like no samplers, or synthasizers were used. all sounds by ratm.....its kinda cool

11-23-2002, 11:02 AM
i have a rage DVD... its got a bunch of their live stuff, and a few of their old school vids.. and one of zachs poems.. its friggin awesome. and at the end of the DVD a screen pops up and says, all noises on this movie were made by drums guitar bass or vocals... or something along those lines.. you get the idea.

11-23-2002, 07:13 PM
As a few of you know, I am a big Rage fan. I really don't know what to think of AudioSlave right now though, It'll be eaiser to tell after the second album is out.

I mean, with most bands, they evolve. So you can't judge a band when they only have one album out. You can tell if they are good, but you can't really tell if they are gonna be huge, or a one-hit wonder.

11-23-2002, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by nouseforaname

IF you look on the inside cover of the first rage CD it says something like no samplers, or synthasizers were used. all sounds by ratm.....its kinda cool

magman's right though, they used a very short sample in "renegades of funk". the voices you hear in the background saying "move sucka" and "groove sucka" are samples....