View Full Version : The Emag Experience

11-21-2002, 10:39 PM
I just got my Polished Emag and AGD clear warp yesterday, I have come from a tricked Impulse vision,anyways, I just traded for an Emag and I got it yesterday and installed a lvl 10 on it; wow this thing rocks. The warp feed body makes it so small and compact, and lvl 10 will not chop a ball, and it has no kick. It only took me a couple of minutes to install, after a tech at a store here in town tried to install it, but failed(but i did it.) Now, I got the Emag up and running and was chroning(very consistent 299 301 300 301 298 299)outside my house here at college(CALPOLY SLO), and a bunch of people came outside, almost all of them where paintballers,all of them asked what type of gun is that(it was 7pm dark)I took it in the light and they were impressed. I let all of them try it, and all were blown away. Some kid said "So I thought there was a problems with mags; like chopping?" and I proceded to take the balls out and stuck my finger in the breech and the kids mouth dropped, I then put a rolled dollar bill in the breech and "psst, psst, psst!!!" Major jaw droppage!!! ALL I CAN SAY IS INCREDIBLE AND AMAZING!!!Tom, this is so insane the most amazing trigger, good job on these guns!!!!!!!!

11-21-2002, 11:06 PM
Another convert....

Welcome to the fold brother... :)

11-21-2002, 11:32 PM
I am so impressed with this gun, and I have converted the crowd around me, they were all used to the Impulse, which is a nice gun, but not quite as nice as the Emag with lvl 10 and warp! Im going to post pics soon.

Is there anyone who knows if there is regular emag valve trade to xmag valve trade, and how much will it cost and what about xmag bodies?

11-21-2002, 11:48 PM
Welcome Wallace and thanks for preaching the gospel!!


11-22-2002, 12:35 AM
This is the only place where the President of the company would respond back, wow!!! Smart parts was way behind on all this. pics hopefully up soon

11-22-2002, 02:08 AM
I just got my RT-Pro earlier this week and BlackVCG one of the moderators here got me to stick my finger in the breech. And wadda ya know psst psst. I had seen all the videos (the dollar and so on) but i was a little hesitant to stick my trigger finger in there :eek: I can't wait to take it out to the field and show people i love this marker

11-22-2002, 02:33 AM
Welcome wallace! I have just recently converted 2 people as well...what a wonderful thing huh? Spread the word, and welcome to the insane asylum!

11-22-2002, 02:37 AM
The lvl 10 is the most amazing engineering feat!!! go mag!!
I hope I can convert more people about mags too!Warp feeds are so insane also, what a great idea, I dont know how I could have gone without it before. Emags are incredible again!!!

11-22-2002, 06:04 AM
I have just put 1000 rds through my Emag trying all i could to get it chop but no go. Not one break and only one feed problem(psst,psst sound, ball not feeding totaly into the breech), what the warp can not handle the lvl 10 takes with stride!!!
All types of paint have worked, proball, and cheap nelson hotspot , and diablo blaze and inferno. Even paint that was handled by me for a while trying to mess it up, and dropped paint!!!AMAZING!!!!

11-22-2002, 01:51 PM
welcome to the brotherhood, as you've already discovered, a lvl 10 emag is a wonderful thing.


11-22-2002, 04:01 PM
Wallace, the new X-mags have level 10 AND an ACE :).
Yes the E-mag plus level 10 is a great thing :)

11-22-2002, 05:13 PM
I know how you feel Wallace. I just got my E-mag about a week ago, and can't wait to actually get out to a field to show all the Matrix owners what they are missing. I am getting my warp left body tonight and the warp is already waiting to be put on. Hope you enjoy your E-mag.

All I need is the level 10 (come on Christmas:D :D :D )

All we need now are pics of your gun:
We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics, We want pics

11-22-2002, 11:40 PM
does anyone on here, do powdercoating?

11-22-2002, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by wallace9111
does anyone on here, do powdercoating?

PM or search for AO member "Junky" in the Dealers section. He does great work for a fair price.

ENJOY! (I soon will be part of the brotherhood...but not quite yet)

11-22-2002, 11:45 PM
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
dang it i hate high prices.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.
I wish i had more money.

11-24-2002, 06:20 PM
hey will, im happy your happy with my, well, now its your emag. thanks for the trade, hope you get many many eliminations with it. i love the imp as well, havent shot it yet, i have duty this weekend, ill be out at the local field this week though.

hey everyone, this guy is a great trader, dont let anyone tell you otherwise, good luck budy.

oh yeah, i sent you that rev motor, you can throw a shell on it and have an intellifed rev as well, i dont know what hapened to the shell i used to have for it, email me if you want more info on how i had it set up :D