View Full Version : New team accecpting players in VA area that play at pevs or close to them

08-24-2001, 08:41 AM
Hi im Thomas me and my friends have recently made paintball team.We got 2 new member yesterday http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gifone that was captain of his novice team for 10 tournies so we have some experience.I am a very good player my self.here is a list of the team

1.Thomas(me)tape player shoot emag
2.Alan shoots 2001 sto (very experienced tourny player)playes anywere
3.matt Shoot really tricked out cocker (mid or back)
4.Davin shoots cocker plays mid or back
5.Sean shoots matrix mid or back

so if u are interested send me a email at
[email protected]
I think the team could benfit from good back players and some die hard tape players http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif im the only one.thx ahhhhh why am i surrounded by cockers http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gifAlso if u want to join dont expect to be going to skyball or sc village anytime soon.we are going to take it slow by hitting tournyes around va and pa first.

and as of rite now the team name is
Krazy Kidz damnit that sucks hehe o well

E-MAG with warp and a flatline.


08-24-2001, 09:14 AM
damn I would love to join, I live 15 min from Pev's, arggg but I am only 15, been playing for 2 years, I have a mag, I couldn't put in the time right now, tho I would love to join a team or start one of my own, Thanks for the oppertunity anyways. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-24-2001, 09:40 AM
hey automagseeker we arent going to be the team that practices every weekend maybe 2 a month and would love to haev u we al ar ein the 13 to 16 range of kids

08-24-2001, 10:11 AM
Thank you for the oppertunity, it all depends on if I can also get enough $ for paint, b/c I have no job, and belive I do everythiing that I can do around my house to get $, LMK when you have practices, and I will see if I can come out just to play, and if you think I am good enough to play on ur team, once again Thanks alot, my aol sn is automagseeker and tang52joey , later http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-24-2001, 12:00 PM
yo dude, our team is just playing at Pevs on the 2nd of Sept, you wanna come play with us? Not a practice, just for walk ons. Do you have AIM?

08-24-2001, 12:02 PM
hey and does Sean also have a Bushmaster? Cuz i know a Sean that has a Matrix (i might be buying soon) and a Bushmaster.

08-24-2001, 03:18 PM
I don't think u are talking to me are you FeeltheRT? I am prob gonna go play soon anyways, I might come out on that day to meet my fellow AO'ers, goodluck with the team, later http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

08-24-2001, 04:41 PM
feel the rt i hope i can heres my im
Tman0000002 o are zeros and no sean does not a have a bushy

08-24-2001, 06:12 PM

08-25-2001, 12:27 AM
mur i live in charlottesville, too far away http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif

Im a 1.5 callorie treat that everyone loves to eat!

I can fly but i have no genitals :(