View Full Version : Air America Tank/Regs!! Fooey!

11-22-2002, 09:33 PM
Ok,well...After waiting 4 weeks to get my cocker(traded my mag)...i get it.I was so exited...so happy.It is so sexy.

I go up to get the tank filled..oh no..its leaking out of the reg!

we replace ALL of the reg internals..

and it still leaks!

next thing I know its gonna cost like 50 bux to get it fixed,and i wont have my baby back til monday:(

the guy working on my gun said Air America regs/tanks are crap..and i believe him.

i just thought ide share my rant..

i hate air america!

11-22-2002, 09:44 PM
i believe that AA has like the best warranty out there, and you probably could have sent it to them and got it fixed for free. i highly highly doubt that any AA is crap, you just think that because it messed your gun up and the guy at the store thinks so too. when i first got my mag, i thought it was crap, but that was because i knew nothing about it... and it broke a few times.

11-22-2002, 09:52 PM
Yeah, Air America has one of the best warrenties on their tanks of any other company. I mean all you gotta do pretty much is pay for shipping. Maybe you should look into some of the details before you go bashing a good company like Air America.

11-22-2002, 10:00 PM
yeh, AA has one of the best warranties in the business...almost as hot as AGD's :)

they make good tanks and actually their valves are almost identical to the Mag valve...which means if you like mags, you should like AA stuff. they work great. a teammate has a 6 year old geddon tank(one heavy *** SS beast) that hasnt had ONE part changed...thats quality

11-22-2002, 10:04 PM
I have used Air America. And never had a problem. My tank was 1 of the first ones ever made back in 1995 its a 3000 114ci. It has been rehydroed 3 times and I love it.

11-22-2002, 10:26 PM
Life Time warranty and fixed no charge...

Your getting taken buddy

11-22-2002, 10:27 PM
what kind of AA tank was it. i bet it was just a dirty reg seat that needed to be replace. they cost $2.50. i also think the guy at your store wants you to buy a new tank from him.

AA has a life time warrenty on there tanks so it would have been free if you would have sent it to them.

11-22-2002, 10:37 PM
it was a raptor...114/3000

where would i send it to,and how do i go about sending it?

i just got the tank today:(

11-22-2002, 10:47 PM

11-23-2002, 12:01 AM
AA Raptor, 3k/114. The guy at the field back-filled my tank w/3k, and blew out the guage and did something to the reg, sent it in and was fixed no charge, just shipping. Good folks!


11-23-2002, 01:54 AM
I'm 100% sure it was a dirty reg seat as you state it was leaking out of the reg which the only place it can leak is out of the screw at the end where you gas it up becuase Dan designed it that way unless you do something horrible.

You did not need to replace all the reg internals and there not crap regs. You had one bad experience so the reg is crap, that's the stupid statement a newbie makes.

As Rouge Factor said you bought an EXCELLENT tank and the only thing that was wrong was a dirty reg seat.

If your still not satisified I'll personally fix it for you. I am a certified AA tech by the owner himself and can completely disasemble any reg they have ever made and put it back together in a matter of minutes and have it work flawlessly.

Send it to Air America if your not happy, just please do not bash the product and give it a bad name when me and you as do many others here know that it's a quality product and you had a bad experience. Sorry if this comes off as a rant but it burns me to see people post like this when they have never even owned one of the products before and have one bad experience, especially with a company that I know, trust, and am good friends with the owner/inventer.

11-23-2002, 08:12 AM
I use only AA tanks. They are one of the best. Never had a problem.

Creative Mayhem
11-23-2002, 11:05 AM
I've only had an AA system, never had a single problem with it. I've bought mine used in '93 and I recently replaced the o-rings jut for arguments sake. So now I figure it's good for another 10 yrs! I'm sorry you're having problems with yours but AA is the shizzz. I will always have this Raptor 3000, but I may buy a Flatline for my other marker. AA systems will alway be part of my paintball arsenal, I think yo should send yours in to AA and have them look at it for FREE.

C Mayhem

11-23-2002, 12:36 PM
my fred shultz signature series raptor serial number 12 still in working order.

11-23-2002, 12:48 PM
Yeah, AA has a nice warranty... I dont know why the guy at your Proshop said that, but I wouldn't let him work on my equipment again... I have to much money invested in my stuff to have a moron work on it...

11-23-2002, 01:43 PM
When "creative mayhem" says his 1993 tank is good for another 10 yrs. thats not true. After reading about the firefighter that was killed filling a tank I called Structural Composites Industries which made my AA tank.
Their Quality controll people told me that their tanks have
a 15 yr. life, after that no matter how they hydro test they are to be thrown away. Im sure the Reg. can be saved and installed on a new tank. Alot of us old timmers have tanks that go back to 92 or 93. Info can be found at