View Full Version : ATTN all NE AOers

11-23-2002, 03:09 AM
Hey, I just got an email from the NEPL. If you're interested, Evil is looking to sponsor teams. They will be at Boston Paintball till 24th Nov. Billy Ceranski will be there...they are seriuosly scouting teams. Anyway, juat wanted to give any local teams out there looking for sponsorship a heads up.

EDIT: This at their Somerville store, NOT the one in Boston. Guess it pays to read the WHOLE email...:rolleyes:

11-23-2002, 02:46 PM
are we talkin amateur teams? Me and two of my buds wanted to try a 3-man sometime early next year, but it'd probably be rookie.

11-23-2002, 02:47 PM
No idea....email didnt say.

11-23-2002, 03:05 PM
OK, thanks for the heads up though, if I have time I might have to check it out.

11-23-2002, 10:20 PM
what requirements are they looking for?