View Full Version : Hey TOM K and every one else

11-23-2002, 07:45 PM
i was wondering the c and c x-mag is milled to look good right? couldnt you mill the hell out of an xmag and make a realy realy small and light gun(not to mention ugly)? would a machine shop be able to do it, safely and accurately ?

Edit added c and c

11-23-2002, 08:18 PM
thats the purpose of the "Slugg-O" bodys... so you can havem milled the way you want...

11-23-2002, 09:29 PM
The C&C is already pretty light, but Manike proved that you can make it ligher. I doubt any machine shot is going to be able to do anything with it really. There is not a lot of meat to take off, and one mistake would ruin the gun.

11-23-2002, 09:57 PM
keep in mind you would also have to leave in enough material to maintain the structural strength of the body.

11-23-2002, 09:59 PM
you could mill off the top of the XMag where the sight rail usually goes, that would take off some weight...maybe 1-2oz

11-24-2002, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by confedman75
i was wondering the c and c x-mag is milled to look good right? couldnt you mill the hell out of an xmag and make a realy realy small and light gun(not to mention ugly)? would a machine shop be able to do it, safely and accurately ?

Yes you could make something even smaller and lighter. I even started modelling it. Wouldn't look so sweeping but form may prevail over function and from what I was doing, it wouldn't be that ugly.

It would look like some tubes filleted together and milled out all over.

The one I am working on for myself is lighter than the C&C, it's about 5.25 ounces. I expect I could bring a body down to about 4 ounces... Stock extreme body is 11.25 ounces.


11-24-2002, 12:25 PM
if oyu look in manike's sig, you can see the CAD file(or part of it) for HIS Mag

11-24-2002, 12:56 PM
it looks the same as a cut and carved.

11-24-2002, 01:09 PM
not the cut and carved in his sig, look behind it. theres a body that looks like it has X's down the side.

11-24-2002, 01:53 PM
manike.. lest do this comparison, how ugly would it be compared to your bushmaster??:D :D :D just playing man, i cant wait to see your body.. you know, i may just have to pay that 20,000 pricetag of yours..... it looks really really sweet....

I cant wait to see your new model also!

11-24-2002, 04:49 PM
dang that looks good once in comes in red(that matches the rest of the xmag) ill buy it.

11-24-2002, 05:10 PM
Boy I envy a guy that can burn 20K on an impulse buy like that. :D

dang that looks good once in comes in red(that matches the rest of the xmag) ill buy it.

11-24-2002, 07:10 PM
Confedman, thats not a production CnC Emag...you cant get one. its a special for Manike

11-24-2002, 09:21 PM
Im not one to push away new ideas or trying out new things, but is it really that important to shave off 5 oz from a body? R those 5 oz really gonna make ur arms fall off?

11-24-2002, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Marek
Im not one to push away new ideas or trying out new things, but is it really that important to shave off 5 oz from a body? R those 5 oz really gonna make ur arms fall off?

Probably not... but when you're whipping out from behind a bunker your marker is 5 oz lighter, you can move that much quicker...

that... and it looks so fricking sweet! :D


11-24-2002, 11:53 PM
after playin Tuba for 10 yrs, marching band or concert, whipping outta the bunker with those xtra 5 oz is not that hard. So join the band, play a low brass instrument and u will never notice the difference. :D

Besides, I like the way my marker looks, looks sweet already.

11-25-2002, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by Marek
Im not one to push away new ideas or trying out new things, but is it really that important to shave off 5 oz from a body? R those 5 oz really gonna make ur arms fall off?

Well if I made an 'ultralight' it would be about 6.5 oz off the body, an ounce maybe off the module... several ounces off the battery back and a couple or more off the grip frame.

That would probably result in a gun that is a pound lighter. That's a difference you would notice. A lighter gun is quicker and faster to point and snap shoot with.

Front players feel more comfortable with a smaller lighter gun.

Just because you don't want it or don't like the idea or don't think it's important doesn't mean someone else like Confedman won't. I know a lot of small young front players who want the smallest lightest set up possible.


11-25-2002, 07:24 PM
Just because you don't want it or don't like the idea or don't think it's important doesn't mean someone else like Confedman won't. I know a lot of small young front players who want the smallest lightest set up possible.

Well, I take it that u didnt read my post to well, mainly cuz i stated that Im not one to squash new ideas. You take this stance that im this narrow minded individual that does not like change, like if u even no me. Rather than take a condenscending tone with me from one initial comment about why would someone do that to there body, read everything and understand my point.
Now, Im asking is it really necessary to knock off a couple of ounces on the body, never made any mention to the battery or anything else for that matter. I never said that i didnt want it (thats y i bought an SFL over a reg Emag) or dont like the idea (never said that, just questioned that, u were the one who put words in my mouth) or think its important (again assuming). Now, if u have the equipment, the skill, craftsmanship, patience and money to do this sort of project, then go for it.
I was just asking why someone would wake up one morning and say, Self, how can I knock off 5 oz from my amrker?

And u answered my question, thanks.

11-25-2002, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by manike

Just because you don't want it or don't like the idea or don't think it's important doesn't mean someone else like Confedman won't. I know a lot of small young front players who want the smallest lightest set up possible.


dude manike hes entiteled to his opinion, leave him alone...if you ask me it was an honest question not saying that they shouldnt but rather asking why.

11-25-2002, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Marek
You take this stance that im this narrow minded individual that does not like change, like if u even no me

No I didn't. Your over sensitive. I made a statement about why people might want to do it. If you want to project an image from my words onto yourself then feel free, but do not blame me for it and heed your own advice by not putting words into my mouth please. I responded purely to your post, and how it comes across, not knowing you.

The body would just be one part of a shaving process. The original question was about making a small and light gun, and I was also answering that in my post, not just your points, even though I did start by quoting you.

I also made it as a general statement to all the people that like or don't like something. It's fine. It's an opinion. Not everyone always agrees (thankfully). If you look at this board it's full of different opinions on what people do and do not want. It is not possible to try and please everyone all of the time. I didn't try to do that when designing the C&C and I wouldn't when/if designing an ultra light.

If you try you fail with a mismatch product which isn't true to itself. It's a bad consequence of having too many differing opinions when developing a design. It's better, in my opinion, to stay true to an idea and make it appeal to different areas, not all, and accept those that do not like it. They can like it or lump it :D and wait for the next one.

I get tired of people that think there opinions are the only ones that are right. (not directed at you, just a general statement).

I get really pissed off with people that knock something or the idea of something just because it isn't what they want(not directed at you, just a general statement).

More general statements coming while I am in rant mode... If you don't like it you are welcome to feel that way. If you don't want something don't buy it. Don't knock it just because you don't understand why it's important to someone else or someone likes it.

I don't design things for the people that don't like them. I expect that from some. I design things purely for the people that will like them. That's an important difference to me.

I'm pretty sure I read your post just fine, you were belittling someones question about making a smaller lighter marker by saying you didn't think it was important and that they should make themselves stronger. I like the way you did it and it was amusing, but I replied about why it was important to some people and why your answer doesn't really help or sit well with me. I appreciate your opinions. Mine are above :D

I'm a big guy and strong, but I would also appreciate a small light marker...
