View Full Version : problem with first trigger pull

11-23-2002, 10:58 PM
Hey I havent found any similar problems as this one.

First: I have an EMAG with the LX installed. Using the largest carrier possible without any leaks (1.5 I think) 2 shims and the cut spring. It shoots fine but there is this strange quirk that I cant seem to fix and I cant tell if its from installing the LX or not.

The problem:
when I gas the gun up it shoots fine. however if the gun sits for about 3 minutes or longer it wont shoot on the first and sometimes second trigger pull. In emode you can hear the solenoid click with each trigger pull but it'll only shoot after one or two pulls. If I let the gun sit and try to shoot it in manual mode it wont shoot either on the first pull. The trigger goes all the way back and pushes the sear rod all the way back too!! Very weird situation. It seams as though the sear assembly is sticking or the on/off pin is not being pushed all the way out when it resets

What I've done: I've inspected and oiled all the orings. None of them seem to be worn at all. I took out the sear to make sure the solenoid wasnt bent and causing some friction. Everything seems to be in line.

This is a pain b/c I always have to pull the trigger a few times to make sure it will fire before I snap shoot or something

please any suggestions would be great

11-24-2002, 01:04 AM
From what Tom has said, that's normally an overly tight carrier problem. If size 2 carrier leaks, try a different o-ring in it. I do recall someone having some really weird similar problem due to using a freak, although it was a cocker threaded one in an X-mag.

11-24-2002, 11:42 PM

I'll try that and see what happens.

11-25-2002, 03:27 PM
whats your velociety? Your spring may be to large for the pressure your at. Try either turning up the pressure/velociety or dropping in the next size down spring. Remember if you can always clip the mid spring a hair shorter if thats the one you REALLY want to use. I run the shortest spring now and its plenty easy on paint. remember when cheaking the carrier for the right size DO NOT USE OIL, oil will cover up a leak and you may mistake a carrier one size to large for the correct fit. I had my mag origionally set up with one carrier to large (it dident leak when oiled) and one spring to large and i had the same first shot problems...i also have very inconsistant velocietys.

01-03-2003, 01:28 PM
Get it working, Doc?

01-03-2003, 05:33 PM
My E-Mag does exeacly the same thing, I thought it was a emag problem. It is not that bad. The gun will have to sit for a while before it affects the shot. I just fire a few a couple minutes before the break and I am ok the rest of the game

01-03-2003, 07:38 PM
The ideal o-ring fit with the carrier is such that you can take just the bolt, hold it at the top of the powertube, drop it down and it will fall all the way to the bumper without stopping. If it stops due to o-ring friction before the bumper, the carrier o-ring fit is too tight and you will run into first shot stick problems. This was the first problem that AGD ran into with the Level 10. The fix was to have the adjustable carriers. You need to make sure you get the loosest fit possible.

Sometimes o-rings are just picky and they like to cause the first shot stick problems and if you step up a carrier size, they start leaking. If this is the case, try another o-ring.

Also, I plug their product a lot, but only because I believe in it. Use KC Trouble Free Oil. I've used it on my Mags for over 5 years now and have yet to have an o-ring failure and my guns just perform better with it. It really shows its benefit when you use it with Level 10.

The last thing you can do to fix this problem is super-polish your powerpiston. If you have one of the older two-piece piston bolts, you can remove the stem by tapping it out with a drift pin and polishing it by wet sanding it with 1000-1500 grit and using brasso or a polishing compound.