View Full Version : whats YOUR category

11-23-2002, 11:23 PM
ok, i know we're all paintballer's here...but i'm wondering what ya'll consider your selves outside the paintball community.

11-23-2002, 11:26 PM
me....i'm more of an emo

11-23-2002, 11:31 PM
The gothic odd man out. Yep, sux to be me.

11-23-2002, 11:34 PM
i'm the kid who argues with his teacher till he gets to sit in the back so peole wont see him practicing fanning the trigger and daydreaming about bunker moves and such.

11-24-2002, 12:18 AM

I love being able to add to these things:)

11-24-2002, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by Crimson_Turkey
The gothic odd man out. Yep, sux to be me.

thats one odd thing bout emo...kinda like like a punkish odd-man out sorta thing...but emotional...to be emo..you have to have a naturally emotional attitude...sorta depressed

11-24-2002, 02:10 AM
you forgot thug, azn, and druggie... lol

11-24-2002, 02:42 AM
lol i think the punk thing is funny though, a group of ppl aginst the world, all nonconforing anti everything and yet they are all uniformed and exactly the same, just like preps.

11-24-2002, 02:46 AM
Bah, stereotypes suck.

Me, I'm a bit of everything rolled into one shiny package. :D

11-24-2002, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by FeuerFri
lol i think the punk thing is funny though, a group of ppl aginst the world, all nonconforing anti everything and yet they are all uniformed and exactly the same, just like preps.

umm...one difference. punks dont think they're better then everyone else...all they want is to be left as is

11-24-2002, 02:14 PM
most punks at my school think they are better then everyone cause they are all non conformistists and individuals but, as feuerfri said, they are all the same.
edit: and most preps at my school dont think they are better then other people.

11-24-2002, 02:19 PM
Well, seems you missed some things… how about “country”, “trailer park”, “gangsta”, “redneck”, etc.? :rolleyes:

11-24-2002, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by petefol
most punks at my school think they are better then everyone cause they are all non conformistists and individuals

well their are such things as "poser punks" which try to be punkish and think they are better then everone else...which in fact they're just preps trying to be cool looking like a punk..hehe...look at my x-girlfriend for an example, but coming from the mouth of a somewhat punk...MOST(some people have problems) most of us, if your cool to us...we're cool to you...if you act to good to us...we're to good for you...thats sorta the way it is


also...preps USUALLY all have the same mentallity..."i'm cool" well, the ones at my school do atleast, while punks have diffent ones. some are just quiet which can be mistaken for thinking their better then everyone...they just dont like to talk alot(trust...i'm like that) some are loud, talk alot, and very friendly to those who are friendly back, and others just dont care about anything

11-24-2002, 03:45 PM
Engineering Student by day... Magic Motion Machine Man by night... that's right girls.

11-24-2002, 03:51 PM
i got friends across the boards from wearing all black ad eye shadow to being obsessed with football to ONLY wearing Abercrombie.

Maybe im jsut messed up

11-24-2002, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by AssassN
i got friends across the boards from wearing all black ad eye shadow to being obsessed with football to ONLY wearing Abercrombie.

me last year. kinda odd...through the summer i was, and i quote from my sister "semi normal and all of a sudden freak"

11-24-2002, 04:37 PM

but I don't have your stereo-typical stupid, I'm actually intelligent.

11-24-2002, 05:13 PM
You don't got a metal-head category in there man. It don't matter I'm a little bit of everything. A lot of oldschool punk/metal all rolled into one. And can't forget about being a computer geek at heart.

11-24-2002, 05:24 PM
I'm in the "Apathetic" category.

11-24-2002, 05:54 PM
I play football. My life in a way revolves around it. Season is over so now I lift weights everyday instead of going to practice. Benefits? I get a ton...hell, I was walking around last night at around midnight and this guy pulled over and said "you play football?" I go "yeah" and then he asked if I wanted a ride. Turned out to be a Varsity player and I said no because I just felt like walking and didn't really know where I was going anyway.

But yeah anyway, I don't think I would classify as a "jock". I don't really hang out with all the other players too much...but I do at some points, but I really hang out with everybody.

I'm just me.

11-24-2002, 06:37 PM
Before I go out on the limb and answer this, what context are you asking? Clothing, Personality, or a mixture of both? For me it would depend on which area you were asking!!


11-24-2002, 06:40 PM
I hang out with the people that I like. I steer clear of those who I don't. I can get along with just about anybody, but I am not "popular". I have friends who could be considered nerds, goths, preps, punks, drama kids, etc. I have friends who can't really be categorized. I think it's foolish to limit yourself to a single group of people to associate with. Everybody has some common ground. My best friend and I are at totally opposite ends of the political spectrum. You would not, in a million years, guess that we would get along. We wound up sitting next to each other on a bus one day, and got into a conversation, only to discover that we have very similar senses of humor. Because of that, we wound up hanging out more, and discovered all the other things we had in common. Only the two of us know how similar we are, despite being totally different from an outside perspective.

If I had never spoken to him simply because he was a goth (he was my first friend who was), it would have been my loss. I wouldn't have nearly as many friends as I have today, because I got to know many of them through him (none of them goth, he has the same mentality as I do).

I've never understood why anyone would feel the need to fit into a certain social group.

11-24-2002, 06:41 PM
this is a hard one...i guess ill put a 'mixture' of some..but i dunno

11-24-2002, 06:54 PM
Prep/Jock/Fine, Upstanding Citizen That Any Parent Would Be Proud Of

Guess it depends where I am....:D


Spray Painter
11-24-2002, 06:58 PM
you forgot "grunger". whatever that is:D

11-24-2002, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by paintbattler
this is a hard one...i guess ill put a 'mixture' of some..but i dunno

Ok, so if I go by a "mixture" then I would have to say I am also a "mixture" of categories. Goth, Punk, Normal (jeans and a t-shirt normal i mean!), and every now and again preppy.

Clothing: When I get up in the morning to get dressed, 70 to 80% of my clothes are black. Not because I WANTED to be gothic, but because black matches everything, and because it is my second favorite color. So I wear alot of black - goth.
I also have my big boots (they add 6.5 inches to my height) that I wear with some crazy, unmatched outfits. Normally when I want to go out and hang with my friends we go to a place called "Franks House of Rock" which is like a consert hall and a hang out place for teenagers to go on the weekends instead of parties. The play christian music and it's alot of fun. Most of the people that go there are "punks" or "skateboarders" or a combination of both. When I go out with Jason (my fiance) or family I normally wear jeans and a t-shirt.
Then I go to church twice a week (Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings) and I wear "Preppy" clothes to church. Mostly dresses. I am also in a professional business fraturnity at Drake so I have to dress "professionally" when I have meetings.

Personality: I think that I have a fun personality. I enjoy hanging out with anyone and everyone, so the type of people I hang around is very diverse. If you "categorized" me by the type of people I hang out with then you would have alot of troubles narrowing it down to ten or twenty categories! :)

So when you mix clothing and personality categories together when it concerns me then I am just an extremely odd mixture of alot of different categories!


11-24-2002, 07:15 PM
I though Franks was shut down because of a problem on their "reopening concert"

I guess the firemarshall was really unhappy about them letting WAY too many ppl in there at once and shut them down till they could bring the place up to code? I've been watching www.itickets.com and there hasn't been a listing to franks in a while.
But hey, that was a sweet concert!!! Reliant K, Philmore bleach and Holland. I even got to rescue a little girl that night....makes me feel special!

Oh yeah, I'm a cross between punk and prep. More prep then punk but...
See society is intolerant to punkish stuff, piercings, tatoos, odd clothes that sorta stuff. Pluw I'm freaking 23 I need to be presentable for my jobs, so ppl at church. That sorta stuff, so the punk thing doesn't fly. Heck I even wear suits all he time. But if you look at my likes and dislikes, I've got some punk in me. A few piercings, my choise of music and even some clothes. But punk isn't what is used to be so my definition is going to catch some flak anyway... but I don't care :D

11-24-2002, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Spray Painter
you forgot "grunger". whatever that is:D

You can also call it "poser-homeless"

11-24-2002, 08:17 PM
Musician...whatever that would fall under...

11-24-2002, 09:10 PM
I am called a Prep at my school. i dunno...

11-24-2002, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by RPK
Before I go out on the limb and answer this, what context are you asking? Clothing, Personality, or a mixture of both? For me it would depend on which area you were asking!!


clothing is nothing..you could dress in pure black and hang out with pure preps and I owuld call you a prep. attitude descibes what you are in my opinion

11-24-2002, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by davidb
I hang out with the people that I like. I steer clear of those who I don't. I can get along with just about anybody, but I am not "popular". I have friends who could be considered nerds, goths, preps, punks, drama kids, etc. I have friends who can't really be categorized. I think it's foolish to limit yourself to a single group of people to associate with. Everybody has some common ground. My best friend and I are at totally opposite ends of the political spectrum. You would not, in a million years, guess that we would get along. We wound up sitting next to each other on a bus one day, and got into a conversation, only to discover that we have very similar senses of humor. Because of that, we wound up hanging out more, and discovered all the other things we had in common. Only the two of us know how similar we are, despite being totally different from an outside perspective.

If I had never spoken to him simply because he was a goth (he was my first friend who was), it would have been my loss. I wouldn't have nearly as many friends as I have today, because I got to know many of them through him (none of them goth, he has the same mentality as I do).

I've never understood why anyone would feel the need to fit into a certain social group.

I agree with you. just because you are or aren't someting doesn't mean you cant be friends with people of other "groups" my best friend since second grade is a really big prep. dresses in pure abercrombie/aeropostale/hollister (and all those other stores i have sworn to never step foot in) he's on the wrestling team, hangs out with total preps and etc... if we chose not to hang out with each other just because we are "different" we would both be loosing alot because we both have a lot in common even though we act different. i have alot of friends which are preps and jocks. I cant stand alot of preps..but as i said, the ones that dont care how i like to be i dont care how they like to be...everyone has common grounds. just because your goth doesn't mean you cant be friends with preps...its just the way you are

11-24-2002, 09:45 PM
I am the gothic odd man out (as mentioned above) but out of my friends there is the preppie who wears polo shirst to the gym, the jock, the pshychopathic short guy and the trek-nerd.

11-24-2002, 10:20 PM
Since there wasn't a category for old, bald, fat, ugly, geeky, computer/electronics nerd, dorky, theologian, I selected odd-man-out. :cool:

11-24-2002, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Heat
I though Franks was shut down because of a problem on their "reopening" [cut]

I'm not sure, I havent had time to go out there in a while. Was this when they were over by sears? Last I knew - it has been a few months, but they have a new location that is larger by pennys. I even helped clean it up before it was offically opened.


11-24-2002, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
Since there wasn't a category for old, bald, fat, ugly, geeky, computer/electronics nerd, dorky, theologian, I selected odd-man-out. :cool:

What about when you buy paintball guns, take them apart, make a newer better gun and GIVE IT AWAY?! (I don't think you have really sold a gun)


11-24-2002, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by RPK

What about when you buy paintball guns, take them apart, make a newer better gun and GIVE IT AWAY?! (I don't think you have really sold a gun)

RPK Well, I have sold a few of my markers, but not many, comparatively speaking. would that (taking them apart and making them better) fall under the geek category? :D

11-25-2002, 02:52 AM
I put mix.

If you were to judge me by my musical taste, you'd call my a goth. I listen to a lot of Import Heavy-Metal, and very little else. Angry music is good.

If you were to judge me by my clothing, you'd most likely call me a prep. I wear jeans, cargo-pants, and button-up shirts.

Then, if you looked at my personality, you'd call me a looser/dork. I'm pretty anti-social, and spend a lot of time on my computer either gaming or on AO, etc..

Computers, paintball and photography are what drains out my Checking account.

11-25-2002, 05:32 AM
Originally posted by RPK

I'm not sure, I havent had time to go out there in a while. Was this when they were over by sears? Last I knew - it has been a few months, but they have a new location that is larger by pennys. I even helped clean it up before it was offically opened.


actually it's behind JC Penny's which is why they poponed the reopening. JCP didn't want the noise coming through the wall while customers were there, so they couldn't start the concert till 9 pm. I mean the stage is on the backside of the JCP store. Then back in august they had the grand reopening. And they were closed the next day cause the firemarshal shut them down. I work with Josh Dobie who works for franks as a side job and he didn't really know the details either last time I talked to him, but that was the night after. It really sucks though, alot of good band have already made their rounds in the midwest and we missed out :(

PS i'm a good source to unload used paintguns :D

Mr Pink
11-25-2002, 06:09 AM
Ex-Goth, Performance artist (But not one of the unhinged ones:D )

Oh, And I love wearing Pink (Cudja guess:p )

11-25-2002, 06:34 AM
I'm a mongrel - little bit of this, little bit of that.:D

11-25-2002, 07:16 AM
well i picked punk, but i'm more of a combination of punk/skater/emo

since i listen and think punk/emo and i skateboard(for the past 8 years) so yeah, thats me.


11-25-2002, 09:35 AM
You forgot the "frat-guy", which is sorta a jock-prep mixed with beer.

I was a jock-prep-dork all though high school, which meant I got along with pretty much everyone. I played sports, but I also was in honors classes and played D&D back then, so I got along with the dorks too.

Then when I went to college, I dropped the D&D, associated with less dorks (by chance more than by choice), and added beer into the mix :)

I don't have a "style" though. I'm too tall to wear abercrombie stuff, though. They make their stuff for midgets. It sucks because they make really nice sweaters that I can't wear because they are too short, and they cut off circulation to my brain because the necks are so small.

But I do have a lot of stuff from AE and Structure, and Old Navy since its cheap :)

I don't like being classified though. It's too limiting. When you classify yourself as A, it might mean you discount the possibility of getting to know someone else who is "B". I'd rather be my own person, and not what someone tells me I should be, and get along with as many people as possible.

11-26-2002, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Thordic
You forgot the "frat-guy", which is sorta a jock-prep mixed with beer.

I was a jock-prep-dork all though high school, which meant I got along with pretty much everyone. I played sports, but I also was in honors classes and played D&D back then, so I got along with the dorks too.

Yep, me too. Cept I wasn't into D&D. Right now I'm prep/boarder/jock type of thing.

11-26-2002, 12:35 PM
My girlfriend is the prepy, band geek thing and she always tells me im a jock. I dont understand honestly, yes im obsesed with sports, i played football, and wrestled and lifted seven days a week during the off season but....does that make me a jock? i dress in baggy jeans, Paco, and some other brand name no one has heard of but they are cheap and comfortable, i always wear a t shirt and a pair of vans, i guess i dress like a skater...... but i dont skate... i dont own a coat, all i wear is a hoodie, my favorite is my Vans Hoodie. I listen to linkin park, limp bizkit, korn, stained, disturbed? IM CONFUSED WTF AM I??

11-26-2002, 12:53 PM
what about bikers and "tough" groups? im mostly in those, but i have a few preppy friends.

except when it coems to paintball.. im the oddman out., but alot of my friends play too so..

11-26-2002, 01:32 PM

there are only like 20 "punks" at my school..

we all get all along,and we all know everyone else..

these "insta-punks"..the kids who buy the band tshirts from Hot Profit,and wear "unity jackets"...they arent punks..they are posers.

11-26-2002, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
Since there wasn't a category for old, bald, fat, ugly, geeky, computer/electronics nerd, dorky, theologian, I selected odd-man-out. :cool:

I'm with RP, well the geeky computer nerd..


11-26-2002, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by SkElL~ObIsSiS
My girlfriend is the prepy, band geek thing and she always tells me im a jock. I dont understand honestly, yes im obsesed with sports, i played football, and wrestled and lifted seven days a week during the off season but....does that make me a jock? i dress in baggy jeans, Paco, and some other brand name no one has heard of but they are cheap and comfortable, i always wear a t shirt and a pair of vans, i guess i dress like a skater...... but i dont skate... i dont own a coat, all i wear is a hoodie, my favorite is my Vans Hoodie. I listen to linkin park, limp bizkit, korn, stained, disturbed? IM CONFUSED WTF AM I??

IMHO....how you dress has little to do(it does some though) with what you are. yes...while its tru goths wear all black....they woudln't be goth if they didn't...but i wear all black and i'm emo. it's your attitude which makes you what you are. I trully doubt you will see a punk in abercrombie..well atleast a tru punk...you see what i mean...its your attitude

11-26-2002, 04:39 PM
What would you be if you don't know what those mean? (Besides old)

11-26-2002, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by hitech
What would you be if you don't know what those mean? (Besides old)


i had no clue i was emo until i was told what it was...come to find out...its what i was. i thouhgt i was just odd until i was told a few things

12-01-2002, 01:03 AM
I listen to punk music exclusively, and tend to hang out with the punk crowd. However, I'm missing some of the main "punk qualities," prolly a little emo with the punk. I just voted mixture.

12-01-2002, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Emagster
me....i'm more of an emo

im the other one!

12-01-2002, 01:29 AM
id say im a goth.. right coffey?:D

12-01-2002, 01:45 AM
I don't know what my category is but..

I'm just the "professional procrastinator"..I do it so well, I should get paid.

12-01-2002, 01:58 AM
haha claire.... i know how that is...

anyways, i change my first statement. i am whatever i wake up as... my personality chages so much its not even funny... my only constant is i, like claire, procrastinate alot...mostly cus i'm always on AO ;)

12-01-2002, 02:03 AM
im mixed skater/punk/normal. i skate listen to punk and get along with almost everyone.

12-01-2002, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
I don't know what my category is but..

I'm just the "professional procrastinator"..I do it so well, I should get paid.

HAHA yeah you should! :p

I'm not sure what mine would be. Maybe some fusion of "circus clown" and "lumberjack" (http://www.wilken.freeserve.co.uk/Montypython/Songs/song40.htm) :confused: :D

12-01-2002, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
I don't know what my category is but..

I'm just the "professional procrastinator"..I do it so well, I should get paid.

if ur a pro then im Grandmaster procrastinator.

I have never done a project except on the last day possible. Infact i got one due next monday and i garanntee u ill be starting next sunday.

12-01-2002, 02:06 PM
Don't even get me started on that one. ;)

Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
I don't know what my category is but..

I'm just the "professional procrastinator"..I do it so well, I should get paid.

ANYWAY- I'm me. Nobody else like me. EVER. Granted, I'm the guy you can bring home to mom, I'm also the guy who can go out, and be "life of the party joke guy" or "Don't piss him off, he's the 'hellfire-powered temper guy'."

But I can still be cute and loveable. Granted, you can't meet the parents by saying "Hi, I'm here to take advantage of your daughter."


12-01-2002, 02:43 PM
I am a jock... I play more sports than I have appendages...

Basketball, volleyball, Soccer, Track, Crosscountry, Indoor soccer and Paintball!!! I might add Football next fall... not sure yet... Still cant walk... lol!

12-01-2002, 04:21 PM
p p punk

02-14-2003, 11:34 PM
I dress like a prep/skater...like baggy pants and a sweater, but I don't hang out with them. I like punk-ish music, and I'm like...****ed up...angry ****ed up...Girls suck now...

Archangel Damien
02-14-2003, 11:42 PM
Fine upstanding Citizen that any parent would be proud of
odd man out:D

02-14-2003, 11:42 PM
I picked the last one

02-15-2003, 12:15 AM
It seems like most of you people put a lot of stress on what group anyone is in. I know and hang out with a lot of preps and jocks. I used to skate but the skatepark got tore down so all of us "former-skaters" still hang out. I listen mainly to punk music (NOFX rawks :)). That's me. No specific category or nice little slot to fit into.

02-15-2003, 05:13 AM
I'm dead neutral. I don't break the law but I also don't do anything like community service or visit animal shelters or anything fuzzy like that.

02-15-2003, 08:10 AM
ultimator, u don't need a skatepark to still skate, just head out to the streets.


02-15-2003, 10:38 AM
I usually classify my self as a Freak(or Juggalo depending who im talking to), but that isnt up there so ill go with mixture(little bit of Goth, little but of Punk, etc)

02-16-2003, 01:45 AM
Aren't there any not-gay things on there!?!? I am not punk, emo isn't a kind of person, it is crappy music. There are hardly any real goths left in the whole world, and if there is, they wouldn't paintball. Preps suck my testicles. I hate skaters, just because they automatically think they are punk because they skate or wear spikes. Ohh yeah, YOU CAN'T SAY YOU ARE PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU ARE TRULLY PUNK, YOU DON'T ADVERSTISE IT!!! All these people who dye/spike their hair so they are autmatically punk, god those guys piss me off. I love punk music, but i am not automatically a punk. I also love death metal but i am not a metal head. I love classical too, that doesn't mean i am a band teacher. I also play guitar and i love to play the blues, that doesn't mean i am a big black man!

02-16-2003, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by who_311
Aren't there any not-gay things on there!?!? I am not punk, emo isn't a kind of person, it is crappy music. There are hardly any real goths left in the whole world, and if there is, they wouldn't paintball. Preps suck my testicles. I hate skaters, just because they automatically think they are punk because they skate or wear spikes. Ohh yeah, YOU CAN'T SAY YOU ARE PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU ARE TRULLY PUNK, YOU DON'T ADVERSTISE IT!!! All these people who dye/spike their hair so they are autmatically punk, god those guys piss me off. I love punk music, but i am not automatically a punk. I also love death metal but i am not a metal head. I love classical too, that doesn't mean i am a band teacher. I also play guitar and i love to play the blues, that doesn't mean i am a big black man!

*Krems claps* i completely agree. punk died with ramones, sex pistols, ect. im a musician that wears what he wants and says what he wants. i think its kinda dumb to fit in a group.

EDIT: and a good christian that my girl 'friends' parents love to see! :D

02-16-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by LittleKrems

*Krems claps* i completely agree. punk died with ramones, sex pistols, ect. im a musician that wears what he wants and says what he wants. i think its kinda dumb to fit in a group.

EDIT: and a good christian that my girl 'friends' parents love to see! :D

Thank you krem! Punk died long ago, and those that are trully punks dont say they are.

a poser says: Im punk *butthole*(just with a different word)

a punk says: *Screw* you and gives you the finger.


02-16-2003, 10:59 PM

02-17-2003, 12:02 AM
I rule. Thats my category. We'll call it the 'pitts' category. If anything, it would be similar to the category of a cool old retired dude.

02-17-2003, 03:06 AM
ah u forgot one what about STRAIGHT EDGE

i will explain what sXe is to the many uninformed people if you would like.

02-17-2003, 09:02 AM
Read the sig pic...

I have a big angry man job that I love, Loading bombs and stuff on jets by hand.

I collect comics and revel in my geekdom

I still kick plenty of arse at the insane amounts of concerts we get here in PHX. Still pissin off the squares and throwing the elbows in the pits.

Although im not a goth per se I do have plenty of goth friends and fit in with em well. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING is sexier than a insane redhead goth hottie! (a man has his weaknesses)

Oh and Wicked Wayz: Hell yeah! Straight Edge all the damn way!

Yep im conflicted, sterotypes suck

02-17-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by edweird
Read the sig pic...

I have a big angry man job that I love, Loading bombs and stuff on jets by hand.

I collect comics and revel in my geekdom

I still kick plenty of arse at the insane amounts of concerts we get here in PHX. Still pissin off the squares and throwing the elbows in the pits.

Although im not a goth per se I do have plenty of goth friends and fit in with em well. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING is sexier than a insane redhead goth hottie! (a man has his weaknesses)

Oh and Wicked Wayz: Hell yeah! Straight Edge all the damn way!

Yep im conflicted, sterotypes suck

'you think just cuz a guy reads comics he cant start some S**T?!?! I'll F***** take all of ya on!!!' haha sorry, gotta love that movie

02-17-2003, 12:03 PM
amd what movie might that be

02-17-2003, 12:10 PM
mallrats/kevin smith. im sorry its its not an EXACT quote:rolleyes: :D

02-17-2003, 06:17 PM
yeah I had the exact quote up before. But got hit with the ban stick and i had to clean it up a bit. The result is what you see at the end of my posts.

the real quote (http://www.viewaskew.com/sounds/mallrats/comix.wav)