View Full Version : DraXxus?

11-24-2002, 08:36 AM
ok,I havent got a paintball magazine in like 5 monthes,so when im at the store the other day,I see one,and decide to buy it.As I am looking through it all I see is ads about DraXxus paint.Its obvious that Diablo either changed their name to DraXxus,or they made a new company?

anyways..They apparently sponsor Stange,Ironmen,Trauma,and other pro,and Am teams.

When did Diablo change to DraXxus,and when did they start sponsoring all these teams?

Also...While looking through the magzine,I see all the teams have new jersies,does anyone know who makes them?

AND...Paintball definitly looks like it is growing,and becoming very popular among crowds and whatever else.Im not complaining...it looks great.

thanx for the help,or whatever.

11-24-2002, 09:14 AM
These articles might give you the answer...


11-24-2002, 11:32 AM
thanx a lot.