View Full Version : Apology from falconguy016

11-24-2002, 07:55 PM
ok everyone, obviously falconguy016 has been going on a rather annoying spam-fest. i have talked to him and he is very sorry and asked me to post this. but remember, dont shoot the messenger:

"You probably view me now as an immature, stupid, and annoying kid who was posting stupid, annoying, and immature posts in the forums tonight. This is probably because I was being stupid, annoying, and immature. Had I given any thought prior to what I had done, I would not have done any of those things. I had a very stressful day that resulted very badly, and especially around the time I decided to post whore on posts that were made over 2 years ago I was in particular stress, especially about school and other, more personal things. What I really want to do right now though is to say that I am sorry, I really am truly sorry. I understand the standards of these forums and I realize that I just put a stupid black spot in such a great place. I honestly do apologize, I really am sorry for what I did, I would be pissed at myself if I was someone else reading what I wrote. I just wasn't myself when all this happened, and now I totally ruined my reputation and now I am missing (what I just found out too) the chat party. I am not really saying to look better on me or something like that, I just want you to accept to my apology and believe that I really do mean it. I say this because I really do mean it. I really am truly sorry, and if I needed to vent out stupidity I should have head butted a wall as was suggested by someone. If you don't accept my apology I totally understand you, but I would like to let you know that its not a fake one.


11-24-2002, 08:07 PM
Stay off the forum and do not break the ban and contact me Tuesday afternoon to remind me and I will lift the ban one day early to let you go to the party. Deal?

email me at [email protected] Tuesday afternoon so I do not forget if you agree to this deal.

11-24-2002, 08:08 PM
Live and learn. But feeling sorry for your actions does not mean you should not pay the piper for dance.

When you come back, just use more commons sense.

11-24-2002, 08:13 PM
Zoloft is ur friend. :D

11-24-2002, 08:29 PM
I don't even know this member, and doubt he is a long time/well known member of the community (for the fact that I haven't heard of him).

Why is it that all the people that fit into this catergoy I am implying (misfits) also fit into the category of not well known, not long time member, not widespread posters?

I have seen to many posts from people with content from people who were banned, normally both members (the poster and the appollogee) fit into the same category. It's like a plea story from a five year old to the teacher saying timmy is sorry and he didn't mean to hit billy and the only reason he did hit billy was because of his parent's divorce, his sister's pregnauncy, and his brother's drug abuse problem.

Sorry, I did not the the offense that this person made... but the mods are justified in their actions 99% of the time.. and even tought I did not see this one, going by the evidence shown here, I concur with the moderator's decisions.

If the person know's their an idiot, they should keep their mouth shut until a later time. If they don't know they are an idiot, better not to open their mouth and find out.

11-24-2002, 09:05 PM
Thanks for those lovely sentiments.........

Honestly though, I am just helping a person who made a mistake make reparations. You don’t even know what he did so you shouldn’t try to pass judgment. And since you know neither him nor me you have no right to judge our characters

and btw, correct spelling and grammar tend to give your words more weight.

11-24-2002, 09:19 PM
Like I said, from the evidence suggested in the thread and the mod's decisions in the matter, I derived my information. And I trust the mods made the right decisions, as they always do.

And hte spelling and grammar thing was most likely caused by my keyboard.. I spilt a tall glass of orange soda on ittt oday and the keys are sticking in the down position. I really need to take it apart and clean it out.

11-24-2002, 09:32 PM
Well, what I wonder is why does it usually take a mod to ban someone (falconguy in this occasion) and then they stop and apologize? I mean there were a lot of people saying to stop, or that what he was doing was wrong. And then after the ban is placed, come back (thru another person) and apologize for the actions. Not trying to recreate Salem (not Salm) here, just a thought that I had on the convenience factor.

Look ma, my spelling and grammar r correct. Yee-haa!

11-24-2002, 09:36 PM

i dont know for sure but i think that he was just trying to relieve some stress(i dont agree with his method) and once he calmed down he realized he had mad a lot of people mad and felt bad.

11-24-2002, 09:44 PM
I hear where hes comin from. But i think that theres a time and a place. And AO is really not that place. Guess the time was alright tho. He should have a Coke, Smoke, (if hes of age :D) and a :) U live and u learn, such is life.

11-24-2002, 10:36 PM
No harm no foul. Do the deed do the time. A penny saved is a ...well... ;)

Everybody deserves a second chance and what he did was not as terrible as some things we have had so I am inclined to be lenient on this one.

So I offered him a chance. I think he will prove me right and live up to my offer. I got a good feeling he will.

11-24-2002, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by petefol
big post count doesnt make up for a small something else :D

a what?

a small n2 tank?
a small barrel?
a small jersey?

im not pickin up what your puttin down



11-24-2002, 11:52 PM
big post count doesnt make up for a small something else

Yea, that comment would be even weirder if Falcon was a girl...

11-25-2002, 05:36 AM
whatever, I dunno what happened for sure, maybe something got deleted. Heck I'm not here 24/7 but from everything I CAN see, looks like he tried to but head with the old farts and lost. Cause there's really nothing banable left on the boards.
Sorry man, you can't win when someone is 30 years smarter and 30 years more stuborn then you :rolleyes:

11-25-2002, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by Heat
whatever, I dunno what happened for sure, maybe something got deleted. Heck I'm not here 24/7 but from everything I CAN see, looks like he tried to but head with the old farts and lost. Cause there's really nothing banable left on the boards.
Sorry man, you can't win when someone is 30 years smarter and 30 years more stuborn then you :rolleyes:
Sorry Heat... that is not how it happened, and it had nothing to do with being older or more stuborn. It was about his actions, not his age.

11-25-2002, 06:03 PM
Yet his actions imply his age... (or the age he is/was acting)

11-25-2002, 06:58 PM
I go on vacation and am out of the loop for a few weeks and it look's like I missed some fun.

I'm Back!!

P.S. It's made, not mad.:p

11-25-2002, 07:23 PM
I'm sorry to say it but I'm glad FalconGuy016 is gone(for the time being). All he did was make threads about the most obscure things(a.k.a post-whoring). I'm sure he's a nice guy and all and I'm sure some other people respect him but personally, I just don't like him. He shouldn't have to apologize. He should follow the forum rules and that way everyone is happy.

11-25-2002, 09:49 PM
I agree with you all (I didn't get to read his posts, but from what you guys say I agree totally), but its done and over with, let it go.


Creative Mayhem
11-26-2002, 09:29 AM
He does his time, he comes back. Good enough. If he finds himself in the same mood/stuation, go to PBN!:D

C Mayhem