View Full Version : Rubber Paintballs!!!!!

11-24-2002, 09:36 PM
thats right guys, aslong as these arent misused, there a great idea of you ask me! i just orderd 100 and plan to use em for target shooting and practicing in the back yard... i already have a tarp collection system setup... it is a great idea. and they should be regulation size and weight, so if they are missused, they will be like a bouncer. Atleast i think... here is the link! http://www.xpaintball.com/rufdawtbal.html yes i noticed you gotta lube em.. make sence, normal balls are oily right? just clean your barrel afterwards...

11-24-2002, 09:51 PM
loks cool to me

11-24-2002, 09:56 PM
YAY! i want to get some too. magman007, when you get them you have to write a review and compare them to real paintballs too. so we know what to expect of them.


11-24-2002, 09:57 PM
Those look awesome. I'm going to try and talk my local store into getting some so that I can see what they are all about. When you get them, let us know how you have your system set up. It seems like they might tear threw a tarp, or bust on wood, so let us know how it works out. I'm real interested.


11-24-2002, 09:58 PM
SWAT teams use those for riot control!

11-24-2002, 10:09 PM
no, the ones swat teams use are rubber bullets... those are just rubbercoated ball bearings.... those can kill some one... swat also uses pepperballs... which are made by agd!

i have a feeling there regual weight, so that you dont have to crank up velocities, therefore shey should not go through a tarp...

also my tarp setup wil be strands of tarp, then a lose tarp about a foot behind it, and a fall catch scoop to collect them all.... it should be alot of fun... i cant wait to test em out...

new sport maybe? any one here play racquet ball???? or any one hear of higlaeigh? (spelled horribly wrong) Givin the balls are bouncey enough, and not detrimental, and approved eye wear.. you could play bouncerball..... i would be most intrigued by trying this!!!! under safe conditions, with specific gogles etc....

11-24-2002, 10:14 PM
i wonder what the "T" stands for...:confused:

11-24-2002, 10:15 PM
Jai Alia.

And i am gonna play in my house:D

11-24-2002, 10:27 PM
Man those are an accident waiting to happen. You know that some immature pranksters with tippy's (or some other common marker) are going to use those to wreck people's property or even hurt other people. Other than that potential hazard, it's a great idea, but I wonder how the rubber balls compare to regular paintballs performance-wise. I hope these don't ruin your barrels!

11-24-2002, 10:29 PM
brass eagle used to make foam ones. Thatwould be so cool to b e able to play in your house with foam balls. its like those nerf gun thingys

11-24-2002, 10:32 PM
I thought it was jai-lai

and let us know how they shoot, for sure!
i'd hafta shoot em in the garage/back yard when my parents arent home, because they dont like paintball, but i'll definitely have to get some.

the oiling thing sounds kinda weird, though... wouldnt that kill any accuracy you'd have?

also, if you tried to shoot them through a barrel that was too small, what would happen? ball gets stuck, gas builds up behind it.... :eek:

11-24-2002, 11:45 PM
I wonder if they bounce really good, if so you could have some real fun with those....

oh and BTW does anyone know the link to buy those foam paintballs that were mentioned?

11-25-2002, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Sinnet

also, if you tried to shoot them through a barrel that was too small, what would happen? ball gets stuck, gas builds up behind it.... :eek:

if a ball got stuck the gas would vent out the feed tube and or barrel porting, like when you cover the barrel with a rag or hand to test shoot it quietly.

Mr. T!
11-25-2002, 12:17 AM
My store carries them and it is lots of fun to shoot them at stuff. however, they bounce like mothers, NEVER shoot them at someone, unless you want to HURT them. They are freakin hard.

11-25-2002, 12:19 AM
Dig them awesome new "paintballs," made by Rufus Dawg here in Dayton, Ohio. The T-Balls are made from a solid, rubber-like material, and come in a tube of 50 with T-Ball lube. They shoot just like real paintballs, so you can use them for target practice to improve your aim or to sight in your gun; save the expense and mess of regular paintballs.

Amusing when they sell these 50 for $10.77
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


11-25-2002, 12:24 AM
they still would be cost effective for target practice, because you can go pick them up and use 'em agian

11-25-2002, 12:36 AM
We bought some of those foam paintballs from www.foampaintballs.com and had a blast playing in our hotel room at the Chicago Open. They so almost sting worse than a regular paintball, but there were sure fun.

11-25-2002, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by darklord
Man those are an accident waiting to happen. You know that some immature pranksters with tippy's (or some other common marker) are going to use those to wreck people's property or even hurt other people. Other than that potential hazard, it's a great idea, but I wonder how the rubber balls compare to regular paintballs performance-wise. I hope these don't ruin your barrels!


11-25-2002, 01:22 AM
He didn't "dis" the Tippmann line, but rather meant that it was common and cheap enough that people who aren't interested in playing paintball, but rather misusing the equipment would pick one of these markers up, rather than an Angel, etc. Just calm down man.


11-25-2002, 01:25 AM
what happens when you get hit in the goggles? That could crack the lense pretty quickly ...paintballs dont just bounce off of lenses too often.

11-25-2002, 01:27 AM
I've got some similar ones...called action balls i think. I had 50 at one point...now i have 3 I think, and thats all indoor use :)

IT says to lower your speed to 200fps and not shoot at people. they hurt like a mofo.... :) I tured my velocity wayyyy down to the point they were lobbing accross my hall, and i stupidly shot myself in the hand on purpose and i almost broke my finger.

LOL....the joys of stupidity.

11-25-2002, 04:23 AM
/me cringes. All we need is for someone to accidentally mix one with paint... or sicko to shoot people on purpose.

11-25-2002, 09:32 AM
My employer (who will remain anonymous)actually made nylon balls. Scary little things. Once he shot one at a bundle of cardboard about 1 1/2 feet thick, it went right through and dented the steel door behind. Another time he accidentally shot one at a stack of paint, it went through 2 cases and into a third. needless to say these things are kept under lock and key.

11-25-2002, 12:50 PM
The foam paintballs we had were almost like little nerf balls. There is no way that they would really hurt anyone maybe just sting. And when you got hit in the gogles it just bounced right off and never would be solid enough to crack the lense. we left our velocity alone at about 280fps and it was fine. Stung but never would they actually hurt someone.

11-25-2002, 12:55 PM
maybe its just me, but after the whole "hey lets drive around and shoot ppl with paintballs" thing, this seems like a really bad idea, just (IMHO)

11-25-2002, 12:57 PM
I look at this with mixed feelings…..

I agree that it has great potential for misuse.

However, I think it would be great for when you are working on your markers. You can test LX, firing rates, etc, without having to go through real paint, but it will really be shooting something.

As for the price… I would not mind paying high prices for something that I can keep using over and over again for “tech” purposes. It will actually save you money in the long run.

11-25-2002, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by fuzzbubble
maybe its just me, but after the whole "hey lets drive around and shoot ppl with paintballs" thing, this seems like a really bad idea, just (IMHO)
To be honest... do you think folks are more likely to spend over $10 for 50 balls to do that, or spend $30 on 1000 real paintballs? ;)

11-25-2002, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by magman007
...you could play bouncerball...

I've played bounce ball before. Each team stands on opposite sides of a pond. Stand in a single line. Hand feed the paintballs one at a time. The ball HAS to skip on the water then hit a person for them to be out. Once shooting starts you can run around, but you have to be at the shoreline. Hey, we were bored...what can I say?

Bit of advice....wear a cup. That's about the height they hit every time! :D

11-25-2002, 01:08 PM
i say get them when you can, they're a good idea if you ask me, for target practice, and "those tech purposes" but like real paintballs i'm sure they'll get misused, so get em while you can. and in terms of you guys playing in your house, you don't already? i do, i have a little target up in the corner of my room w/ the walls and ceiling around it covered to protect from spray, that's what i do w/ all my tech stuff, right in my room

11-25-2002, 04:05 PM

We use 'em around the yard.They are designed to shoot at people just like paintball with all the same safety gear.They don't hurt quite as bad as a paintball,but they are designed for use at 240fps max.
Yes,they do bounce off goggles.They're pretty fun for messing around the house.


11-25-2002, 05:22 PM
honestly, ive been hit with a nerf dart fed into my friends paintball gun, and those things hurt. left a big welt, and the things even dented a shed. i would be weary bout using these to shoot at people, but what the hell, its ur body

Sir Chopsalot
11-25-2002, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by halB
honestly, ive been hit with a nerf dart fed into my friends paintball gun, and those things hurt. left a big welt, and the things even dented a shed. i would be weary bout using these to shoot at people, but what the hell, its ur body
really? my brother and i were muzzle loading nerf darts and shooting each other around the house and all the only thing they left were little red welts , and they only left rings if you got bunkered.pretty fun actually

11-25-2002, 05:52 PM
why would you ever think of shooting some one with one? what is wrong with you people? im sure some one will try it, but that person was probabally droped on their head as a baby

11-25-2002, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Sir Chopsalot

really? my brother and i were muzzle loading nerf darts and shooting each other around the house and all the only thing they left were little red welts , and they only left rings if you got bunkered.pretty fun actually

what color darts?? the yellow ones dont go far, but those green micro darts are a *****.
why would you ever think of shooting some one with one? what is wrong with you people? im sure some one will try it, but that person was probabally droped on their head as a baby

long, long story. we had jsut gotten back from paintballing, were bored, and screwing around.

11-25-2002, 08:22 PM
I have no respect for you hal... none what so ever... unless you are talking about the nerf darts... whis is off topic, and should go to another thread.... these things are a great idea... and i cannot wait to get mine... if respectable people (ie people who dont run around shooting high velocity nerf darts) use these in accordance, then we will be fine

11-25-2002, 11:10 PM
go ahead and lose respect for me too prick cuz im about to go buy myself some nerf darts.:D