View Full Version : AHA (appreciate it if an AGD rep could read this)

11-24-2002, 09:50 PM
if youve been following my recent rants i have been complaining of my level 10 bolt stopping because my barrel was unaligned at a downward angle. well anyway i just got my hands on another stock e-mag barrel and used my water leveler (sorry i dont know the correct term. you use it to balance things). so i put both barrels standing straight side by side on a level surface. mount the water leveler. and lo and behold. my barrel was CROOKED. the other barrel was perfectly (more or less) leveled. well the good news is now i know its the barrel for sure. i feared it might be the lock pin or something more expensive like my mainbody or rail. will AGD send me another stock e-mag barrel if i send it back? i just bought the marker recently though unfortunately the barrel is not unmarred because i spent so much time experimenting to see what hurt and helped the problem. it has a few scrapes around the l-twist assembly.

11-24-2002, 10:02 PM
if it's new you have a 90-day warranty, if not, AGD has great customer service.

11-24-2002, 10:26 PM
argh nevermind false alarm the barrel was on some debris. and my hopes were so high...