View Full Version : a new gas?

11-24-2002, 10:12 PM
Has anyone ever used anyother gas form to power their gun. I mean i know you can use hpa n2 or co2 but has anyone ever used anything else. How do we know hpa/n2 is the best alternative. Just wondering what else we could use.

11-24-2002, 10:12 PM
We use N2/Air and CO2 because its safe and easy to get.

11-24-2002, 10:14 PM
and what the hell would make any gas better? inert is what you want, inert and compressable.

11-24-2002, 10:18 PM
If you can find me another gas w/ said qualities, which also happens to be cheaper & more efficient (etc), AND won't blow up, I'll be a happy man.

Happy Hunting. :rolleyes:

11-24-2002, 10:20 PM
HPA is the best to use. Tom tried Ar (Argon) and it didn't offer any advantages. There's no point in using something like N2 (nitrogen) because it's just not as easy to obtain. Walk outside, grab a compressor, and away you go. Also, a noble gas like Ar is hard to get.

What would be neat would be a bottle of liquid nitrogen, perhaps 1L. Then, another bottle that's empty (except air, of course). Then, you let some of the liquid N, perhaps 1mL, into the empty bottle, and let it displace some air. Then, you let that 1mL expand, which as STP would be 2L, not sure what sort of pressure we'd get.

You could let more in as well. Then, you'd have a bleed valve because the nitrogen would boil off (it's boiling point is -196 degrees centigrade). So, you'd have a bleed valve that's controlled by a pressure sensor. It'd be about 5 bucks a liter or so to fill up. But, that's for another time.


Any noble gas would work fine, eg: Ra, Ar, Ne, Xe, etc. However, N2, which obviously is diatomic at STP, will react with just about nothing. N does not exist as a lone atom in our atmosphere, in which case it would be quite reactive. Thus, air is great.

The advantages of another gas just don't outweigh the disadvantages.

11-25-2002, 12:07 AM
why use anything other than HPA? as it was said, its the cheapest and works just fine. 400psi of HPA will push a ball just as far and fast as 400psi of any other gas....

11-25-2002, 12:21 AM
if you had any organic "flamable" oil in your tank, and heated it suddenly, by filling it with gass, and giving it a nice oxygen envyroment in the air we breathe..... this would cause the oil to combust. there are warnings about using oil on your compressed air tank.... maby we should just fill with nitrogen, that cannot support combustion.

11-25-2002, 01:11 AM
i spent like 3 days trying to shoot a gun off of helium. Its called being really bored. I got the gun to halfway cycle and chop a ball though i was proud of myself.

edit: dont mind me im also the guy who put his finger in a mag breech that didnt have a level 10...lots of pain and a cast.

11-25-2002, 06:54 PM
i was just saying this cause i can get some bulk tanks of some gasses but not others. The closest place to fill hpa is like 40 minutes away so to me it wouldnt be the cheapest. I was looking for something as good a hpa. Just trying to think of anything that would come close to it.

11-25-2002, 07:02 PM
I vote for Propane!!!!! ;)

Note: Kids, don't even try it please...

11-25-2002, 07:34 PM
wow that would be sweet. put a lighter on the end of the barrel. You would have one kick *** gun

11-25-2002, 07:35 PM
As I said before, any noble gas would be fine: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, or Rn. Also, N2 would be fine. Those're the only ones that I know won't be dangerously reactive, however, I have no idea how well they'll run a paintball gun. He probably wouldn't be so hot, I know that.