View Full Version : I got sick at the TOOL concert :(

11-25-2002, 08:20 AM
Last Monday TOOL came to town and I went to see them with Obsolete and Wingman. I was soo happy cause it was my first time seeing them and they are one of my favorite bands. Well, about 1/2 through the 3rd song my stomache started to hurt. By the 4th song I felt like I wanted to puke :( I guess my stomache didnt agree with the pasta I had for dinner(combined with the emence pot cloud in the stadium...). So I ended up sitting near the consession stands for nearly the rest of the show. I ended up puking my brains out when I got home. Its not like I was drinking either, I only had 2 Rum and cokes before we left for the show(which is nothing).

That whole experience sucked...except for the little bit of TOOl I saw. They are probably the best live band ive ever seen. I did get to see No Doubt on wed though. Gwen made me feel all better :D


11-25-2002, 10:15 AM
Dude, that really...well, sucks!

11-25-2002, 10:17 AM
Someone's a little girl.:D

11-25-2002, 11:38 AM
you got to see Gwen. she is so hot. "SWING" but any ways that sucks that you got sick. that happen to me when i saw sucidal tendencies in concet a few years ago, but i ended up puking in the bathroom at the concet then i went croud surffing and some one stole my shoe :mad:

11-25-2002, 11:51 AM
I blacked out when I saw Pressure 45/Drowning Pool/NonPoint/Taproot.

Too much alcohol, not enough water, too much heat and energy expended.

Someone had to help me walk to the bathroom, I fell onto the dude and he helped me get there.

It happens :)

Although, for letting it happen during Tool, you suck :)

11-25-2002, 05:37 PM
This is the second concert I got sick at. The first time was at an Offspring show at the Roselands . I hate a bunch of McD's before hand. Food and concerts just dont mix for me. Hopefully I can catch TOOL in europe sometime :/

11-26-2002, 12:10 AM
I was workin at a John Mayor and Nickel Creek concert tonight and nobody got sick. In fact, it was so boring. I didn't have to tell anyone to stop smoking, or clear the aisles or anything. Although, there were tons of hot chicks there. Many who thought I could get them a backstage pass if they came up and threw their arms around me. It would have worked if I could have given any away. I don't get paid if I lose mine though. My ears are burning because the music sucked, but my eyes are still big and wide from lookin at all the women. There were more women than had probably graduated from rpi since it was founded. oh, Tool rules. I wish they would come to play. They cost a bit more than John Wayne though.

11-26-2002, 09:48 AM
The first Tool concert that I went to I got sick when I got home because i was soo dehydrated. There was soo much pot smoke there that it dried me up and i didn't drink any water at all. I was puking all day after. But I didn't get sick at the concert thought so I was still able to enjoy. That must suck man to actually get sick there.

11-26-2002, 11:16 PM
I went to the Tool concert in Fresno, CA on 11/22. WOW! I was expecting a whole lot, and I was still blown away. Tool is AWESOME live. After the first few songs, Maynard says, "Oh, and by the way... We're recording today." Turns out they were making a DVD out of their last six concerts on this tour.

The mom of one of the girls that I went with was the very first one to buy a ticket once they went on sale, so she and the person with her (one of my other friends, after her friend had to cancel) had fifth row seats (behind the people with pre-reserved seating). I was the only one of my group who came out without bloodshot eyes, and none of us were smoking.

Then we got kicked out of our hotel, went to Denny's, spent a few hours there, slept in the parking lot for a few hours, and then snuck back into the hotel at about 4:00.

They are probably the best live band ive ever seen Probably?! :rolleyes: :D

11-27-2002, 12:53 AM
sorry bout the pot cloud dont stand so close to me next time ;)

11-27-2002, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by davidb
Maynard says, "Oh, and by the way... We're recording today."

Maynard said the same thing at our show.....The croud went NUTS when he said that! :D Im definately buying whatever they release from those live recordings.

11-27-2002, 07:43 PM
Yeah we went pretty crazy too. Me, I know that all my friends'll be buying it, so I'll just watch it at their houses! :D

A guy that I know told me that he went to both the show I was at in Fresno and the show in Sacramento, and he said that while they were both awesome, the Fresno one was 10X better (and that was the second one).

How much did you pay for your tickets, if I may be so bold?