View Full Version : chris lasoya

11-25-2002, 05:37 PM
what do you guys think of chris lasoya because i played in a tourney he was in and i thought he was a big jerk.

11-25-2002, 05:48 PM
He's a slimeball. I know for a fact that he cheats a TON, and he's thrown his gun more than a few times. Plus, he's playing a tourney with Salm right now, which doesn't say much about his character.

11-25-2002, 05:50 PM
ya that was the tourney i was at, little piece of advise dont ask them how they did at cup i thought i was goin to die. lasoya shot one guy like 20 time in the head and knocked him out and all he said was quit wining

11-25-2002, 06:08 PM
Sounds like he needs his butt kicked

11-25-2002, 07:31 PM
i think elpimpo is dustin who is one of the people i referred to in my post
Ive seen him, my freind was threatened by him last weekend actually.
Salm and Lasoya were at a tourney in denver this weekend(salm was running arrends for lasoya) and my friend approached them and asked "So how'd ya do at cup'" And chris said "dude you better leave before someone kicks your ***"
Also someone i know was shot by Chris in a game, he said on chris approach to his bunker he shot him several times in the chest, chris then slid into the bunker on guess what? his chest. I have to believe this person as he isnt known to lie and everyone said they have seen chris do that.
I think he is a cheater and represents the sport badly. Why would he be hanging out with salm LOL

11-25-2002, 07:33 PM
Never met him and never seen him play so can't comment. Elpimpo are you sure you aren't just exaggerating a bit? I mean a guy shoots someone in the head and knocks him out in a tournament? That seems a litte far fetched:rolleyes:

11-25-2002, 07:46 PM
dead serious lasoya shot him like 20 times point blank in the head on saturday in the pre lims.

11-25-2002, 07:49 PM
I'm giving 'Lanche 2 seasons until they break up. At this point, I'm hoping to God Rocky just leaves and goes for Dynasty or Strange (would be cool if he joined the Naughty Dogs too).

11-25-2002, 08:09 PM
In a game between the Yard Dogs All-Stars and Pod*****.com Factory Team, the player from Yard Dogs All-Star came to bunker Chris Lasoya. They exchanged shots and Lasoya’s shots all hit the player in
An Ambulance
Showed Up
the forehead. The Yard Dogs player then blacked out and fell to the ground. He was lying on the ground for several seconds before he regained consciousness.

this is off of paintball.com it says that lasoya appologized but i was there and the guys off of yard dogs told me he never appologized, unless you call quit wining an appology

11-25-2002, 08:35 PM
Read it on paintball.com. Unbelievable! I'm really liking my visor now! If it was intentional then that is bad. That is very bad.

11-25-2002, 09:01 PM
Sounds too me like he has some issues...

11-25-2002, 09:11 PM
Hearing these sort of things makes me MAD. Someone needs to teach this man a lesson, fast. If all this is true, he must think he's "hard-core" and "bad-to-the-bone". Well, let me say, he's a real jerk if he's done all these things. You know, these people COULD file suit against him. However, this would obviously be bad for the sport, but I personally would file a lawsuit. Completely unacceptable.

11-25-2002, 09:34 PM
well besides the cheating he would have recieved a beat down if he told my to get lost before he kicks my butt. im a very passive person untill pissed, then you dont want to be in my way... cause if you are, it HURTS ALOT... i believe there should be certian test of charecter, IQ, and morals beore a person is allowed to enter society, and a refresher test before they are allowed to reproduce... you know... this makes me mad.

11-25-2002, 09:38 PM
there was no overshooting rule in the touney so i seriously think he could of pressed charges but maybe. Lasoya is a good player but he cheats. He's an awesome snap shooter but hes a jerk

11-25-2002, 09:58 PM
go to www.pod*****.com and read some of the stuff they have there, examples:

--Everyone is talking about Lasoya's new gun, the Chrisinator. His new Timmy. People are saying that it is the fastest shooting gun ever! Players are begging to shoot it. It is so fast that Chris actually knocked a fool out by putting 5 shots on his forehead in a fraction of a split second. The player kept losing consciousness and an ambulance had to come get him.

--It seems Lasoya will be starting a new team, sponsored by Tony Soprano of National Paintball.

man, "It is so fast that Chris actually knocked a fool out by putting 5 shots on his forehead in a fraction of a split second." what a great way to say that, Salm must be the webmaster.....

11-25-2002, 10:03 PM
Here's a silly question...
Can anyone buy a JT jersey with Lasoya and Avalanche on the back? Did JT offer this? The reason I ask this is that I saw someone in NH on Sunday wearing that jersey and I thought it would be strange/silly if it was really him.

11-25-2002, 10:07 PM
MAD props to Avalanche, Lasoya has been kicked off the team!
Lasoya Sucks (http://www.avalanchepaintball.com/avapimps/news.htm)
It seems they are rebuilding most of the team, and it's good to know Sean and Rocky are staying aboard.

I have a strong suspicion now that Chris and some other players were working with Salm at the Cup (you know what I'm talking about). If you read the article, it does sound like 'Lanche was divided over something, and I'd bet a lot this was it. If so, props to Avalanche for booting the responsible players.

11-25-2002, 10:18 PM
AHAHAHAHH!!! AVALANCHE ROSTER!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!! (http://www.avalanchepaintball.com/avapimps/players.htm)

11-25-2002, 10:29 PM
lol gotta love that starwipe. Many 'lanche isn't going to last much longer.

11-25-2002, 10:33 PM
hmmm i bet so many people voted that he is a cheater cuz 2-3 people said so. Guys, many people have cheated and sometimes it may look like a one for one but reff may have saw who hit who first and called one person out but not the other. Just because he is playing on a hit dosn't meen he is cheating. But normally a reff would try to wipe off the hit before the player continues playing. I still think Chris LaSoya is one of the greatest players in the world. Along with him and Ryan Greenspan. Those guys kick.

11-25-2002, 11:35 PM
playing on is cheatin bud

11-26-2002, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by FeelTheRT
hmmm i bet so many people voted that he is a cheater cuz 2-3 people said so. Guys, many people have cheated and sometimes it may look like a one for one but reff may have saw who hit who first and called one person out but not the other. Just because he is playing on a hit dosn't meen he is cheating. But normally a reff would try to wipe off the hit before the player continues playing. I still think Chris LaSoya is one of the greatest players in the world. Along with him and Ryan Greenspan. Those guys kick.

Oh give me a break. I've seen people get shot in the back and turn around to shoot the person who bunkered them. Then the complain to the ref that it should have been a 1for1. I've never really been to a big tourny. I've seen a few small ones, and some videos of some NPPL, but never been there myself. Really though is there any honest Pro teams? If there are, i'll bet they're far and few between. Kind of makes me want to not play seriously. It's dusgusting how bad it has gotten. I really don't see why people are so surprised with the WC incident. That's so unnacceptable, but the dusgusting amount of wiping is? What's the difference? Playing on, wiping, sniping in the woods, it's all the same to me.

11-26-2002, 07:12 AM
I don't care if EVERYONE is cheating, that's the lamest, most immature excuse I've ever heard. If they cheated, they should be ragged on. If AGD Lions/Pride/Kids cheat, then I'll say that's pathetic. I don't care who you are or how many people do it, cheating is still cheating.

11-26-2002, 09:22 AM
I'll have to stick up for Chris a little bit here. I am also sponsored by Warped Sportz and know Dan and Ed very well. I've met everybody from Avalanche they are are awesome guys. Some of the nicest Pro players other than Dynasty. These are only from my experiences. But you guys have to remember that Chris and all of Avalanche are pro. They get this same stuff(other than sniping)done right back to them.

So the people saying cheating is still cheating, should all the good hearted Pro players stop playing or learn to deal with it. I play the NPPL curcuit and honestly i dont see alot of wiping anymore. There are plenty of refs on the fields to watch for that stuff. You see it here and there but not full out wiping.

I myself have gotten used to the cheating and have learned to play against it. I'll admit once in awhile I cheat but i never wipe a hit, I just try to make an excuse and get around it. This usually never works anyways but if it does than it's the refs decision, he calls me clean not me cleaning off a hit.

Shoot people in the head and gun it's hard to wipe it off of those places!! :D

11-26-2002, 09:47 AM
I don't rob 7-11s I just take a couple candy bars, it's not stealing, everyone does it. I mean it's not like it hurts the store at all.

11-26-2002, 10:32 AM
I shoot the owner and then wipe the blood off my goggles.

11-26-2002, 11:12 AM
Lasoya's always been cool around me, but I've only seen him at the warped sports here in denver. He was instrumentel in getting me to make the jump from outlaw pump paintball to field semi.

That being said. He's an <B>*POOF*</B> on the field. That's all fine and dandy, but one of these days he's gonna get dropped.

11-26-2002, 11:26 AM
I love it when the cocky guy with the shinny gun runs you a line of ****. Then you tell him what your teammates can benchpress and he shuts up in a hurry. It is so nice to play with strong friends.

Warning: Do not circumvent cuss filter. -Miscue
Oky doky i will just write it plain and simple then.:(

11-26-2002, 12:10 PM
Shooting a player and wiping blood off the mask? Great having a baseball bat in the trunk? These are not good things...

Best thing is not to give way to angry impulses (motivated by such a silly thing as pride). The police and the justice system don't really care about your insulted pride as a motive


11-26-2002, 12:32 PM
I was referring to the 7-11 comment, not anything else. I'd never let someones nasty blood get on my gear.

11-26-2002, 12:44 PM
i have never intentionally cheated before such as wiping an obvious hit before.I have played on with a hit on my pack or what not because I didn't know that was there.

Cheaters suck in my opinion

I would love to play Chris in a game...i don't think he could wipe 30 welts off his chest....

11-26-2002, 01:13 PM
Cheating's ok cause they do it? No. My team, although still fairly new, have played a few wiping teams and have never done anything like that. I saw him do it, why can't I? Unacceptable. The more anyone does it, the more everyeone else does it. It has to stop somewhere. I find it quite pathetic that grown men can't play a fair game.

11-26-2002, 01:32 PM
Is Salm playing in the MST? Why?


11-26-2002, 01:59 PM
I looked at that www.pod*****.com site and that is an example of what is wrong with the pro sport, and to a lesser degree paintball in general. Some of these pro teams and players are simply corrupting a great sport by making it the cool thing to cheat and try to get away with it. Here's an exerpt I thought was particularily interesting:

"Save your Stickers! The man wants your stickers!

In the latest release of the new rules from NPPL we saw the normal changes that are meant to improve the game. Then we see that the NPPL has decided to control our free will and ability to express ourselves. Sure there is a good reason for this rule but they have gone to far in trying to solve the problem.
The issue is that some players (started by The Ironmen and followed by Avalanche) are pilling on massive amounts of paint colored stickers on the front of their hopper.
Extreme Rage and Diablo stickers are perfect for hiding hits.
These players started a trend of guys stacking stickers and hoping it will hide hits. Well, I tried this (looking for any edge to win) and it didn't hide ****. The ref still saw it and I still got pulled. I even planned to take a hit off the stickers but they saw that. I have talked with a few other players that stack stickers and they didn't get away with anything either. It was a good idea but if a ref is watching, no sticker will help. If you get hit and no one sees it, your gonna wipe it stickers or not. The stickers really don't help. Maybe a slicker surface to wipe hits off but that's it."

I had a long argument on here once about how I thought it was unfair and a censorship issue to disallow people putting stickers on their hoppers. I honestly felt this was an encroachment of personal rights and freedoms, but I never championed the cause just so people could cheat easier. That wasn't what it was about for me. Here, they make an argument similar to my old one but then go on to say everyone cheats anyway so what's the big deal? That's just not right...stop the cheating! This is really bad sportmanship...but, you have to expect that I guess from a site that has Jeremy Salm on it's front page talking about his "comeback". I just wish they wouldn't take an issue I actually think was important for self expression and twist it around for cheating purposes.

:rolleyes: :mad:

11-26-2002, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Shirow
I was referring to the 7-11 comment, not anything else. I'd never let someones nasty blood get on my gear.

Didn't read your post that closely. Now I get it:)

EDIT: put in quote

11-26-2002, 02:05 PM
Whoops! Thought you were talking about my post.

I just think these pros suck. They are so obsessed with winning at all costs they don't even play fair anymore. They don't even try, and they're becoming quite cocky about it. Like they're so good or something...I'm sure there are lots of players that could put them on their butts. (My team and I would love to try) The players themselves aren't the only ones at fault though...if the league or tournament lets them get away with it then they are just as guilty as the player IMHO. I say, this tourney that allowed Chris to shoot this guy in the head, whether it really knocked him out or not, should have kicked Chris out...celebrity or not. You just don't bonus ball a guy in the head.

11-26-2002, 02:59 PM
In my last post I did not comment on the "LaSoya's bonus balls to the head" incident, because I did not know if it was just gossip or not. However, apparently, this really happened.

My take on this whole thing is that I am suprised Mr. LaSoya can walk. Why, do you ask.

Because if someone had assaulted (and I use the word assalt because what Mr. LaSoya did was well beyond what would typically happen in a paintball tournament) me in this fashion, I would at least call the cops, if not return the favor using whatever was handy (marker, foot, pallate barrier, his own arm as I ripped it from his still screaming body and beat him with it).

Ok, so now I expect to be flamed for inciting violence on a paintball field. However, I feel what Mr. LaSoya did goes well beyond the pale. It is akin to a baseball player hitting an opposing player with a bat. I honestly think that he should have spent a couple of nights in jail learning just how far his pro attitude will get him with some of the more seasoned memebers of out penal system.


11-26-2002, 04:57 PM
What I didn't understand about the whole thing is why he was playing in an Amatuer level tourney. Apparently the rule they were using was he and any other pro players couldn't be on the field at the same time for the same team. However, it seems to me if he's a declared "pro" player he shouldn't be allowed to drop down into the amatuer ranks below him and play unless he plans on staying there. It seems to me, if he was coupled with some really good amatuer players it's just a way to get some easy free prizes if they win. That, and I garauntee if that was me and I "blacked out" from getting shot repeatedly in the head, all I can say is when I was released from the hospital he better not be in the same town.

11-26-2002, 05:06 PM
Dre: I guess we're both itchin' for a flamin'.



11-26-2002, 07:03 PM
I don't know who asked the question but yes you can buy a 'lanche jersey with lasoyas name on it from Warped. I saw some kid walking around in a Chris Lasoya jersey at the big game at canobie. Also saw some kids in GZ jerseys and a Dynasty one :)

11-26-2002, 07:07 PM
Lasoya and salm were allowed to play because am teams are allowed one pro player on the field and 2 on the roster. As for lasoya cheating i dont get it, he is a really good player. All he needs to do is try and hed do just as good, but it seems its a sin to him to get out on the break so he has to take a dive on it but its no big deal to get out off the break. I just don't get it.

11-26-2002, 07:47 PM
I never said I do it b/c others do I just said i have gotten used to it.

11-27-2002, 05:50 AM
First time I played agains him was
World Cup 95 w/S.O.B's, He cheated
on us then, and has done it every
time I ever saw him play. None of
this really suprises Me, it's the
way he is and the way he'll be
until he get's himself Banned.

11-27-2002, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by FESTUS33
First time I played agains him was
World Cup 95 w/S.O.B's, He cheated
on us then, and has done it every
time I ever saw him play. None of
this really suprises Me, it's the
way he is and the way he'll be
until he get's himself Banned.

Banned? Banned from what? Salm pulled of the most heinous stunt in recent memory, was caught and then admitted it. And yet here he is, play in a tournament less than two months later. It is a sad state of affairs, and we, as the paintball public, are sad for allowing it to happen.

I would walk out of any tournament where I saw that schmuck (Salm, not LaSoya) play.

What a crock.


11-27-2002, 12:29 PM
Agree'd but sooner or later We as a community
will be forced to do something, or face the
extinction of any credibility we've built
as a legitimate sport. Baseball,Football,
and all other major sports I can think of
have rules and reg's to deal with this kind
of garbage, why should'nt we.

11-27-2002, 03:11 PM
As long as cheaters are looked upon as celebrities, things wont change. The mentality of "Who cares if he cheats, hes cool" needs to be the thing thats changes.

Until people see cheating as the pathetic thing it is, it will continue. There is no reason for these people not to cheat. i will use Salm as an example (hes a very public one). He cheated, got caught, admitted it. Then he got banned from NPPL (or PSP or whoever) for a year. So what? he can play for another team in another series.

If the paintballing communities opinion of cheaters changes, then maybe public humiliation will deter them. Imagine if Salm was marched through the WC spectators and media?

11-27-2002, 03:38 PM
can't vote, won't pass "judgement" - never heard of the person.

11-27-2002, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
can't vote, won't pass "judgement" - never heard of the person.
Dude! You must be a real Noob! ;)

(inside joke.... hopefully you get it. :))

11-27-2002, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by RamboPreacher
can't vote, won't pass "judgement" - never heard of the person.

And I think you are better off for it.


11-27-2002, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Dude! You must be a real Noob! ;)

(inside joke.... hopefully you get it. :)) :) heheheh I assumed I would get "flamed" (okay, "kidded" might be a better term) for not knowing who it is, but honestly - nope, don't know (course never heard of that salman guy before all the hooplah either.)

11-27-2002, 05:38 PM
I think Lasoya is/was still one of the best players but his fame got to his head. Also now that I think about it before maybe 2000 or 2001 he and Rocky were the only real paintball super stars out there.
I met Rocky and PB Arena and I thought he was a nice guy

11-28-2002, 01:44 PM
I really didn't want to read all these posts (no offense, but they're either one of two things) but I did, and I could have quit reading after the first 6 and still gotten the general idea. It seems we've got two types of people on this board - the cynics; who believe "cheating is here to stay, everyone does it but me, get used to it, etc" and the optomists; who feel that "only a select few cheat, and they wouldn't make it to the top by cheating, etc" and personally, I feel that you're both wrong (and I'm right, yay!). Or rather not that you're wrong, but just a little... off.

I think it's a mix of both - cheating is prominent, but not everyone does it. Just because you make it to the pros doesn't mean you cheat, and not everyone who's pro plays honestly. It's kinda old as it is - the whole cheating in paintball aspect, but honestly, sitting around moping about it (and no offense, but going to extremes with the "shooting the 7-11 clerk" weirded me out a little) isn't going to change much. But then what is? Sadly, but honestly, nothing. If there's a better way to win and it's easy, people will use it. The only way to get around it is to A) Put in place better reffing systems, B) Get a governing paintball body that is more than a name (whoa, someone who makes laws and enforces them!?! Shocking!), and C)Have more people advocating anti-cheating. If you see a cheater, call him on it, emberrass him, go as far as to boo him (no shooting people, I think you were going in the wrong direction with that one) as he walks off the field. If cheating wins you a prize that you don't want, who's going to cheat?


11-28-2002, 11:55 PM
The guy came to bunker Lasoya, of course he's gonna shoot back at anything he can see, which would most likely be the head! It just happened that the guy took 5 quick ones to the same spot, this situation isn't any different than what happens in tournies and practices every day.

11-29-2002, 01:44 AM
Listen up all you haters

Chris Lasoya is an AMAZING PLAYER.

Quit hating on him, he's a really nice guy and an awesome character....

He cheats, everyone does, get over it and quit complaining, get some skill and shoot him out. End of story.

11-29-2002, 01:52 AM
What's the point of shooting them out if he's just going to wipe it? Might as well not try by your logic. Not everyone does, I don't, my team doesn't. Being a proffessional should mean that you don't either. Paintball has it backwards though. It's the pro's that teach the lower end teams to cheat. They see everyone around them cheating, then they're going to go and do it too, such as with you by your statements. It's pretty sad that people can't just play an honest game. And alot of these guys are considered "Adults". What a joke.

What really gets to me is the teams with the ego's. They go around talking so much smack and trying to be so big around everyone and they're the biggest bunch of cheaters around. I just don't understand the mindframe. I guess i never will.

11-29-2002, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by blnk162
Listen up all you haters

Chris Lasoya is an AMAZING PLAYER.

Quit hating on him, he's a really nice guy and an awesome character....

He cheats, everyone does, get over it and quit complaining, get some skill and shoot him out. End of story.

Seemed like a punk to me, not a good character at ALL.
I dont cheat, alot of people dont cheat, thats a fallacy if ive ever heard one..
How am i going to shoot him out when he wipes?
Amazing, yes he is, amazing that he hasnt been caught in his blantent actions and amazing he hasnt been banned by all leagues after some of this stuff he pulls and his attitude.
hhaha, people wonder why pball doesnt make it big on TV and has a bad rep, people like you buddy.

11-29-2002, 04:55 PM
i agree with blink about lasoya being a good player but he cheats a lot. ive watchee clips were he cheats, ive played against him when he gets lit up off the break and dives on it. and just so you guys no he has been caught cheeting but he still does it. i dont think there is a way we can eliminate cheating but when pros do it thats stupid, it makes other people cheat against them and then everyones doing it. if your pro you shouldnt need to wipe but sometimes it happens.

11-29-2002, 05:28 PM
Sometimes what happens?? That you need to wipe?

He cheats, everyone does, get over it and quit complaining, get some skill and shoot him out. End of story.

'Get some skill' in reference to getting 'beaten' by a cheater is probably the lamest and stupidest thing that has been posted here thus far.

50 cal
11-29-2002, 06:45 PM
And some people wonder why paintball isn't picked up by the mainstream media or sports outlets.
How many here don't think ESPN or ABC Sports hasn't already sent scouts out to tournaments and reported back to the main offices that "there is no way we should televise paintball." Too many jerks and hotheads.

Sorry all, paintball is a fringe sport till the sponsors act to clean it up.

11-29-2002, 07:28 PM
Lasoya is an awsome player. Probably one of the guys who walks the fields the best, and who can pictures the field in his mind very easily.

For the rest, I don't like very much his style of play. Basically he waits till there's an opening. If everything goes right the opposition is destroyed, otherwise he's out in 2 seconds ;).

And I don't like his tendancy to play on a lot. Last time I saw him he took a hit right in his face, but still took the time to shoot 2 players before leaving the field. I hate this attitude. You'll say all the pros cheats, because it's a part of the game, and I agree, but it's not a reason to do it this way.


11-30-2002, 01:32 PM
all you people that say cheating is part of the game are what keeps us from becoming mainstream. i think players like lasoya should clean up their act or find another sport.

11-30-2002, 03:15 PM
you know i dont think that cheating is whats keeping us out. i think its the way people think of paintball. someone who has never heard of speedball or organized paintball think all paintball is is a bunch of kids running around with guns shooting each other. thats why paintball isnt televised that much.

11-30-2002, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by blnk162
He cheats, everyone does, get over it and quit complaining, get some skill and shoot him out. End of story.

Perhaps *he* should get some skill so he doesn't have to cheat?

11-30-2002, 11:01 PM
i think he is a great player and some of you guys are exaderating... to a certain extent dont you think its the refs fault for not spotting when hes hit... everyones cheated knowingly or not you cant deny it. and in tournament ball... it just brings out the worst in everyone thats playing theyll do anything to win. at my last tournament i got hit atleast like 20 times in my fingers/hands that i didnt call out for because the ref didnt see it. the way i see it and most players ive met is, if the ref doesnt see it, it never happened. i know ill get flamed by a bunch of people that say theyve never cheated which i think is a bunch of bull. i still think hes a great player

12-01-2002, 12:57 AM
Our sport will not advance beyond wrestling until people like lasoya and salm are eradicated from the face of paintball. Like many, I know the tourney attitude well, and I also know it won't fly in society unless it's on TNN or Jerry Springer. I don't care how good he is. I'm ashamed of his kind, and think twice about telling people I love paintball. Now I want to play this guy so I can bunker him. Probably wouldn't do me much good, though.

12-01-2002, 01:37 PM
I really dont like this thread b/c Chris is a friend of mine. He is an amazing player cheating or not. It is very ignorant for this whole forum to gang up on one Pro player. What about Strange those guys can be some absolute <B>*POOF*</B>, but there awesome players.

You people can think what you want but he is awesome still one of my favorites and he is still Pro.

Warning: No cussing, or you will be banned. -Miscue

12-01-2002, 01:54 PM
If he cheats to be amazing, he's not so amazing anymore. Anybody with half a brain can learn how to cheat, and apparently he's pretty darn good at it. What you said what VERY ignorant. You also didn't say he was "nice", go figure. So, you think cheating is ok then, because apparently there are no redeeming qualities in this person, just that he's your friend. That's just fantastic.

12-01-2002, 02:36 PM
i think you guys are dumb to make such a big deal out of it he is a great player i bet most people out there cant beat him i know i couldnt.

12-01-2002, 02:41 PM
Well if I could wipe all I wanted the match would go on for days, and days, and....well you get the idea. If you don't go out when your'e hit, well, that's the only way to get out of the game, so....yeah.

12-01-2002, 03:10 PM
dude no one plays on the honor system. i sure the hell dont i keep playing till the ref pulls me thats the way most players play if youve noticed.

12-01-2002, 03:28 PM
But if you wipe, and the ref doesn't see it, because you're REALLY good at it, then they can't pull you can they? You guys are digging your own graves with this argument. Hope you brought a ladder to get out.

12-01-2002, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by giblit
dude no one plays on the honor system. i sure the hell dont i keep playing till the ref pulls me thats the way most players play if youve noticed.
This is part of the problem… and attitudes like it.

Maybe we should bring out the “scarlet letter”? All cheaters should have to wear a jersey with a huge flouescent “C”.

Personally, if you don’t have enough intestinal fortitude to do the right thing playing a game of paintball, how can I trust you with anything else? But that is just me.

If you don't have HONOR, you don't have much....

12-01-2002, 03:55 PM
lol he is such a cheater

12-01-2002, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by i-luv-my-rt
I really dont like this thread b/c Chris is a friend of mine. He is an amazing player cheating or not. It is very ignorant for this whole forum to gang up on one Pro player. What about Strange those guys can be some absolute dicks, but there awesome players.

You people can think what you want but he is awesome still one of my favorites and he is still Pro.
I personally do not associate myself with people who do not share at least my base ethics... and that includes cheating VS honor. Who a person hangs out with and who they consider their "friends", shows as much about them as anything else they do.

And I don't think there has been a single person in history that has not had SOMEONE like them, no matter how bad they were or what they have done. This thread is not ignorant. We expect pro players in any other sport to play with dignity, honor, etc. and if they do NOT, they are discussed as well. Once you get to that level you will be considered a roll model, whether you like it or not. And as such they are subject to public discussion, criticism, as well as praise.

If we stopped talking about any "negative" subject, or person we feel did something "bad" just because someone may "like" them, we would have nothing to talk about at all. If folks are willing to place someone on a pedestal for worship, they had better be ready to hear that not everyone agrees, even more so when they have valid reasons why they don't. This goes for Chris as well as anyone else. Heck, pee-ons like me seem to have to put up with it.... so should they. "Celebrity" does not mean "immunity".

12-01-2002, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by TRIAD
Well if I could wipe all I wanted the match would go on for days, and days, and....well you get the idea.

That would be why refs are around. You guys act like these players cheat every time they get hit. Reffing has changed alot in a short time. NPPL refs are very good, they dont see everything that spectators see but thats the way all sports are. In one of my earlier posts i did say something about Chris being cool so read before you type.

Shartley- Well i guess me and you are different types of people then. I'm not gonna "hate" or flame somebody just because they are different than me. I know of many Winston Cup racers thaty cheat but it's the competition part in these sports that keeps me watching. You are very right about the examples these "role models" should set but would anybody idolize a clean playing loser, I'd give him props for playing clean but people wouldnt make videos and posters of those people. What i meant by ignorant is the fact that the forum users are only talking about Chris, when there are many more and worse players out there.(*Like usual Shartley I will have no hard feelings towards you in this discussion, I enjoy reading and debating the points being put forward.:D -plus the more I debate with you the more I learn how to do it better);)

12-01-2002, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by TRIAD
But if you wipe, and the ref doesn't see it, because you're REALLY good at it, then they can't pull you can they? You guys are digging your own graves with this argument. Hope you brought a ladder to get out.

What if a ref across the field see's the hit on you going in, they can definitley pull you if the hit isnt there anymore. I hope you brought an NPPL rulebook because obviously you dont much about tourney play.

12-01-2002, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by giblit
dude no one plays on the honor system. i sure the hell dont i keep playing till the ref pulls me thats the way most players play if youve noticed.

Then I guess I should change my name to "NO ONE"

If I know ive been hit, I call myself out. I do not try to hide anything. Maybe thats just because I know its a GAME!

Id love to ref you. If I see you playing on with an obvious hit, you get a few teammates pulled. One of the RULES that needs to be enforced.

12-01-2002, 05:16 PM
Ok, let me explain something

This is how paintball works, if you get hit by a ball and it breaks on you, your out. No refs need to be involved.

That's the whole idea behind paintball guys...

Unfortunately people see another team cheat, and do well, then do it themselves. They also see the pros do it, which hammers it in even more. Even if everyone i play against wipes away and all the refs are blind and deaf I will not cheat, because i have morals and i have testicular fortitude (aka balls).

What we need are more pro teams like the russian legion and more local tourney teams like the ones at PBX to atleast try setting a standerd by playing fairly. If you don't try, it will never end.

12-01-2002, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by giblit
dude no one plays on the honor system. i sure the hell dont i keep playing till the ref pulls me thats the way most players play if youve noticed.

Good keep playing like that as long as you dont mind having the rest of your team pulled. Playing on with an obvious hit is an immediate one for one. The new rule is anywhere where the player can feel the hit is obvious. You would never get away with it at a real tournament.

12-01-2002, 05:34 PM
HAHA yea russian legion are a good example. They do very well for being a clean playing team. But like at Tolouse it shows that the US Pro teams had alot on them so you never know.

12-01-2002, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by i-luv-my-rt

What if a ref across the field see's the hit on you going in, they can definitley pull you if the hit isnt there anymore. I hope you brought an NPPL rulebook because obviously you dont much about tourney play.

I said if NO ref sees you. They can't call you if you wipe it, like if you're hit on the break on the stomach and immediately slide, then you KNEW you were out, and have the welts to prove it, but no ref saw it. I know if a ref SEES it you're out, I don't live in a cave. However, if you wipe it without them seeing it, and they don't see you wipe, you're good as clean.

If they do see it and you wipe, then that's another story.

12-01-2002, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by i-luv-my-rt
Shartley- Well i guess me and you are different types of people then. I'm not gonna "hate" or flame somebody just because they are different than me. I know of many Winston Cup racers thaty cheat but it's the competition part in these sports that keeps me watching. You are very right about the examples these "role models" should set but would anybody idolize a clean playing loser, I'd give him props for playing clean but people wouldnt make videos and posters of those people. What i meant by ignorant is the fact that the forum users are only talking about Chris, when there are many more and worse players out there.(*Like usual Shartley I will have no hard feelings towards you in this discussion, I enjoy reading and debating the points being put forward.:D -plus the more I debate with you the more I learn how to do it better);)
Thank you.

Now, I would like to point out that discussing the actions of someone is not “hating” them, or may not even be “flaming” them either. If a person cheats, and someone calls them on it, it is not a flame. And if someone does not like someone or their actions because they CHEAT, it is not the same as simply saying it is because they are “different” from them. Cheating is an action, not a skin color, social standing, or any of the other things attributed to “being different”. Your post made it look like I would dislike someone just because they are different than I am…. when this is not quite accurate.

I will however, not hang out with drug dealers, thieves, and many other types of people that I feel are not an accurate reflection of my personal beliefs. This does not mean all my friends believe “everything” that I do, but we share a common set of values and principles. And cheating is a value and principle. It is a principle that many of us put great value on. ;);)

I do not know Chris personally, nor do I “hate” him. I don’t however think a player (pro or not) should be idolized for being “good” when part of that being “good” involves blatant (and even not so blatant) cheating. And I think you are oversimplifying the “winner/loser” issue. You can WIN without cheating. And if you “win” a game by cheating… sorry, you are not a “winner” in my book.

There are also many sports figures that are idolized that don’t win all the time (and have posters of them, and all the things you say would NOT be done ;)). Heck, in every event there can only be ONE winner, or winning team, etc. (Unless you want ties all the time.). Does that mean that only those that win ALL the time should be looked up to? I don’t think so. Sportsmanship, gamesmanship, and other things make a true winner and someone to look up to, not simply the act of being “awarded” the title of winner. And if that “winner” gets to that position by cheating, and does so on a regular basis, to me (and many others) it means little.

Also please keep in mind that it is unfair to say people are only talking about Chris and no one else, in a thread DEDICATED to him. LOL Of course they are talking about him and only him…. That is the topic of this thread. I am sure folks would not mind if you also started a thread about some other player. :)

12-01-2002, 06:10 PM
I'm speechless:D

12-01-2002, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by giblit
dude no one plays on the honor system. i sure the hell dont i keep playing till the ref pulls me thats the way most players play if youve noticed.

That is what seperates the men from the boys! If you get hit, Take it like a man, walk off! Acting like a spoiled brat and wiping is inexcusable.

When I played last two weeks ago, I "taught" a wiper a lesson. I kept hitting him until he cried!

Play me and wipe. You may beat me a number of times as I play fair, but when I get my shots, prepare to be hurt! A good cry might make a man out of you yet!

12-01-2002, 09:20 PM
ive been playing tournaments for 2 years and in a tournament you will do anything to win (most players)im not talking about all out cheating. i play pan am rules i dont know the difference i dont know a hole lot about nppl but what he probably does is keep playing till the ref pulls him i do the same unless its a blatent hit on my head/mask. i rarely see people call themselves out in a tournament its very rare.

12-01-2002, 09:31 PM
I am kinda forced to call myself out or at least have the refs make sure it broke on me in the NPPL tournaments, if you have an obvious hit on you and pull the trigger it is a one for one. So either I call myself out when i know it broke or take the risk of a one for one. So your rules may be different but thats how NPPL is.

12-01-2002, 10:37 PM
Well, I think another problem is when they get pulled for pplaying on, or something like that. Then they get all upset. you know what? I dont care. Cheat. If you are that insecure about your game, go ahead. But, if I call you on it, and you get upset, who's problem is it? Mine? You're gonna yell at me for catching you cheating? I really think that this sport needs to get out of the pubescent years. There gets to be too much anger. the only way we are ever gonna progress is through better reffing and honest players. I really like the Russian Legion. Those guys play with class. If you get hit, you're done. Not "if the ref didnt see it, it doesnt count". There is something to be said for honor and integrity. Apparently, some of the younger folks in our sport cant see beyond the "winning at all cost" attitude. This is unfortunate. Chris may be a great player. But, his attitude, from what I read and see, sucks. i dont know him, and all the talk about his threats are hearsay. He is the one who is ultimately responsible for himself.
As far as playing on the honor system; obviously, we dont. Hence rules;) . But, if you get hit ANYWHERE ON YOUR CLOTHING, and play on, that is a 1-4-1. Anywhere on your clothing is considered obvious. So, if I were reffing, I saw you do it, you're out, and your buddy in the 50. All the tourneys I've played, most people were honest. Hell, the last one it was the refs being dishonest! So what if you didnt get caught the first time? I, or another ref, will catch you eventually. Do it a couple times? All done for the day. If you have to cheat to win, it isnt worth it.
One of my favorite sayings is from a company that makes tactical gear for spec ops; Honor. A way of life.
I wholeheartedly agree with that saying. Live your life by it, and you wont go wrong.

12-02-2002, 12:26 AM
To the guys who "play until the refs pull you":

Hypothetical situation:
You know you were hit, and don't call yourself out. Your team goes on to win the game. Do you feel as good about winning that game, or one where it was a "clean" win?

Just curious.

12-02-2002, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by Shirow
Sometimes what happens?? That you need to wipe?

'Get some skill' in reference to getting 'beaten' by a cheater is probably the lamest and stupidest thing that has been posted here thus far.

Hey why dont you go play a pro team that cheats their butts off if you can shoot 4 of them off the field you should think highly of yourself, playing against cheaters is good for you especially if they are pro...

And when I said everybody cheats I forgot that Like .2 percent of this board plays anything outside of bushball or small tournaments......

The whole grandmother attitude of this message board is starting to bother than me....None of you have the right to criticize chris, you are nothing compared to him, your opinion does not matter, and he will continue to shoot people left and right weather you think hes a poopy head or a cheater, end of story.

Let the flames begin!

12-02-2002, 05:53 AM
It's like this, if you get hit be a man and call yourself out or call for a paintcheck. If your hit and don't leave the guy or girl who shot you is gonna get pissed. If it was me, I'd dump a case on you so you had no choice but to leave. If you shot me out after you were marked...then we'd have major problems. Go to a novice tourny and watch how clean they play. Unless there are sandbaggers there it is paintball at it's finest. No they don't play the best or shoot the best markers but they play the game like it's supposed to be played....honestly. Sponsors need to stand up and refuse to equip and give cash to all these "pro" teams who do nothing but diminish the quality of the game. If I sponsored a team that wiped or shot people from the woods I would dump them all in a heartbeat. If the
"pro" player get's shot then wipes and plays on what did he learn? That wiping works,cheating can win you stuff, and reffs are stupid. What he should have done is go back and analize what he/she did wrong and work on it for the next time. That is the only way to get better.Practice on skills not on wiping. Any newb who learns how to wipe effectively could be a pro within a year. If everyone learned how to cheat as well as the "pro's" , the honest guys would be the only ones with real skills. Keep it true, it's only a game. If your not honest in a game (any game for that matter) what kind of person are you?


12-02-2002, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by blnk162
The whole grandmother attitude of this message board is starting to bother than me....None of you have the right to criticize chris, you are nothing compared to him, your opinion does not matter, and he will continue to shoot people left and right weather you think hes a poopy head or a cheater, end of story.
And for the sake of discussion, what makes your opinion on this matter any more valid or important than those who disagree?

Also, we are nothing compared to him? LOL Come on….. Hero worship can make people look foolish if they don’t think about what they are saying. ;) I don’t judge my worth, as either a player, or in life, by how I may “compare” to another player… even less one that cheats….. but if I did, I would say that Chris is nothing compared to those of us who play with Honor, no matter how “good” his skills may be. But what do I know, right?

I just hope my children grow up more like me, than someone like Chris.

And I am FAR from being a “grandmother” or having a “grandmother attitude”. Yeah, expecting people to play by the rules is such a bad thing, isn’t it? :rolleyes:

12-02-2002, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by blnk162

Hey why dont you go play a pro team that cheats their butts off if you can shoot 4 of them off the field you should think highly of yourself, playing against cheaters is good for you especially if they are pro...

And when I said everybody cheats I forgot that Like .2 percent of this board plays anything outside of bushball or small tournaments......

Let the flames begin!

Really? .2% huh? Look again bud. And, my opinion DOES count. Go back and read the title of the thread. Defend him all you want. Personally, if you gotta cheat to win, you suck. Doesnt make you "clever" or "cool". But hey, what do I know. My opinion doesnt count here, and in all likelyhood I play woodsball, according to you, whose opinion, using your logic, is apparently the only one that counts on this board.

12-02-2002, 10:33 AM
I almost feel dirty responding to this post, but here goes.

Originally posted by blnk162

Hey why dont you go play a pro team that cheats their butts off if you can shoot 4 of them off the field you should think highly of yourself, playing against cheaters is good for you especially if they are pro...

How do you figure that playing against cheaters is good for you? Can you illuminate this point for me a little further because I just don't get it. Except for raising my ire and feeling the need to use a boot for a purpose that it was not intended, I see no percentage in playing with or against cheaters.

Originally posted by blnk162
And when I said everybody cheats I forgot that Like .2 percent of this board plays anything outside of bushball or small tournaments......

Check your stats bud. From what I understand many of the prominent people on this board are NPPL players as well as manufacturers of paintball gear. Considering that the total membership is over 7000 at this point, I don't know the percentages, but I do know that I have run across quite a few people on this board who have and do play in many of the pro divisions in the NPPL, Pan/Am or some of the other tournament series.

But even if you are right. If none of the people on this board have ever played any tournament, I can garuantee you that considering how many people are represented, this board consititutes a large cross-section of the paintball playing public. And guess what fanboy, that is who buys this stuff. The reason that people like your idol play play tournaments is to promote the products that we buy.

Which, I am sad to say, may be the reason that people like LaSoya are allowed to continue to play as they do. Because we, the regular paintball consumers, do not let the manufacturers know that the players they sponser play in such a way as to make their products look bad.

Originally posted by blnk162
The whole grandmother attitude of this message board is starting to bother than me....None of you have the right to criticize chris, you are nothing compared to him, your opinion does not matter, and he will continue to shoot people left and right weather you think hes a poopy head or a cheater, end of story.

Ah, but again you are wrong, as I said above since it is us who buy the products, are opinions do matter. And I garauntee to you that within 5 years some idiot "Pro" player is going to pull a stunt so heinous, it will make Jeremy Salm's little performance at WC look like small potatoes. It has become deathly apparent that the sponsers will do nothing to curb the way their players act on and off the field until someone does something truly ridiculous.

As for our "right to critisize"...'nuf said.


12-02-2002, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by ogre55
I almost feel dirty responding to this post, but here goes.

How do you figure that playing against cheaters is good for you? Can you illuminate this point for me a little further because I just don't get it. Except for raising my ire and feeling the need to use a boot for a purpose that it was not intended, I see no percentage in playing with or against cheaters.

Check your stats bud. From what I understand many of the prominent people on this board are NPPL players as well as manufacturers of paintball gear. Considering that the total membership is over 7000 at this point, I don't know the percentages, but I do know that I have run across quite a few people on this board who have and do play in many of the pro divisions in the NPPL, Pan/Am or some of the other tournament series.

But even if you are right. If none of the people on this board have ever played any tournament, I can garuantee you that considering how many people are represented, this board consititutes a large cross-section of the paintball playing public. And guess what fanboy, that is who buys this stuff. The reason that people like your idol play play tournaments is to promote the products that we buy.

Which, I am sad to say, may be the reason that people like LaSoya are allowed to continue to play as they do. Because we, the regular paintball consumers, do not let the manufacturers know that the players they sponser play in such a way as to make their products look bad.

Ah, but again you are wrong, as I said above since it is us who buy the products, are opinions do matter. And I garauntee to you that within 5 years some idiot "Pro" player is going to pull a stunt so heinous, it will make Jeremy Salm's little performance at WC look like small potatoes. It has become deathly apparent that the sponsers will do nothing to curb the way their players act on and off the field until someone does something truly ridiculous.

As for our "right to critisize"...'nuf said.


Play against any pro team that cheats and you will get better....You play against better competition you get better, If you can play good against cheaters, Imagine what you can do in a tournament with refs all over the field?

And about Jeremy Salm, If you really believe he acted on his own doing without any of the team having any knowledge than you obviously don't understand the politics in this sport.

12-02-2002, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by blnk162

Play against any pro team that cheats and you will get better....You play against better competition you get better, If you can play good against cheaters, Imagine what you can do in a tournament with refs all over the field?

I have played with and against several pro teams and players, including some of the gentleman from GZ and the NY Dogs. I do beleive that the experience improved my game. However, I also did not see any cheating of their part. The only thing I can learn from playing with the kind of "pro players" that you refer to would be how to cheat and that is knowledge I do not want or need. I will stick with improving those old fashioned skills that have gotten through. You remember, sticking close to bunkers, shooting accurately, et. al.

And about Jeremy Salm, If you really believe he acted on his own doing without any of the team having any knowledge than you obviously don't understand the politics in this sport.

Did I say that? I hope he was alone in that incident and as long as there is no solid proof to the contrary I can live in my own little reality and with my hope/belief that he was alone.

As for consential reality...well lets look at the circumstancial evidence. After the incident at Cup, Avalanche let go of a lot of old time players, including LaSoya. The official statement as to why the "restructuring" occured was vague, to say the least. Now I know that this may be guilt by association, which would not stand up in court, but we are not in court, are we. Thus, we come to the unenviable conclusion that mayhap, some of the other members of Avalanche may have had an inkling as to what was going on.

Ya think?

But that also leads us to *gasp* another possibility, that the subject of your worship and adoration may have had some knowledge or perhaps even a hand in that dispicible incident.

Now you seem to hint at the fact that you also beleive the former version of the facts, rather than the latter. So what does that make you???

'nuf said.

I just hope, and this time seriously and without any sarcasm, that Poorman really had no hand in or knowldge of this until after it happened, because if it ever got out that an owner/sponser had a hand in something this egregious, we, as a sport, will be the ones top take the hit.


12-02-2002, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by blnk162
Play against any pro team that cheats and you will get better....You play against better competition you get better, If you can play good against cheaters, Imagine what you can do in a tournament with refs all over the field?So, if I am following this logic correctly, Pro teams that cheat are better? Thats just plain ignorant. Sure, there are people who cheat out there, and it would be ignorant of me to say otherwise. But ability to play the game means that they are good players who can beat you by playing with in the rules of the game. It takes no tallent to cheat, as anyone can do it. It takes tallent to beat team after team.

Let me ask you this. Would you rather be beaten by a team that plays honestly and by the book, or would you rather loose because the people you played wiped, shot from the dead box, coached from the side, and cheated in any other ways posible, and shouldn't have won?

12-02-2002, 07:20 PM
I don't know if I read it here or on PBC but someone said what Jeremy Salm did was comparable to shooting from the dead box or wiping. I think in no way do the two compare. Shooting from the dead box is done in the heat of the moment (I am not condoning it).The same goes for wiping and playing on. What Salm did was planned it wasn't something he decided to do on the spot, in the middle of the game.

Lasoya might be a butthole on the field, but off the field he could be a nice guy. I cant really say because I never had a real conversation with him. I know from experiences in hockey and paintball that when people become competitive they become a whole lot more unlikable (especially if they are on the opposing team). Off the ice/rink/field they can be easy going people and extremely friendly. I know when I play paintball and a ref makes a call that I think is bad I will probably say something during or after the game. Off the field I barely talk as some of you know.:)

[edited for grammar]

12-02-2002, 08:01 PM
Is there any video footage of this incident? I think it would be real funny to watch Laysoya get chased!!?

12-02-2002, 08:56 PM
What the ... almost everyone who has replied has said that cheaters cheat to win and associating cheaters with being awesome super good players that never lose.

Uhh ... *NEWS FLASH* Avalanche (aka Suckylanche) has been doing horrible for the last few years. Just goes to show you, you get what you deserve.

12-02-2002, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Bront
So, if I am following this logic correctly, Pro teams that cheat are better? Thats just plain ignorant. Sure, there are people who cheat out there, and it would be ignorant of me to say otherwise. But ability to play the game means that they are good players who can beat you by playing with in the rules of the game. It takes no tallent to cheat, as anyone can do it. It takes tallent to beat team after team.

Let me ask you this. Would you rather be beaten by a team that plays honestly and by the book, or would you rather loose because the people you played wiped, shot from the dead box, coached from the side, and cheated in any other ways posible, and shouldn't have won?

Losing is losing, im not going to make an excuse for losing, I should have played that much better to not lose regardless of the reason

12-02-2002, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Ultimator
What the ... almost everyone who has replied has said that cheaters cheat to win and associating cheaters with being awesome super good players that never lose.

Uhh ... *NEWS FLASH* Avalanche (aka Suckylanche) has been doing horrible for the last few years. Just goes to show you, you get what you deserve.

And who are you again? I dont even particularly like avalanche but give credit where it is due, they won 1 event last year, this isnt the year of push where they won 2 event and won the series....they didnt have the best season not making semis twice, but then also smashed into the semis in other events...I really hope your pro buddy...

Maybe you should be on Dynasty, Sc Ironmen, or Aftershock to say that they suck....

12-03-2002, 03:34 PM
Deleted - Personal Attack

12-03-2002, 09:35 PM
Hey I don't condone defending cheaters, I posted earlier that I dispise and torture them when I can. But let the defenders speak. First it is quite funny to watch them try and rationalize that cheating is acceptable. Second remember that it is better to be silent and considered a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt! So let them open their mouths!:p

12-03-2002, 09:43 PM
Well put man, well put.

blnk162, it seems you resort to childish, immature name-calling to make an argument. This is accepted as a VERY noticeable way people like to win arguments, by simply ripping the ground out from under you and thus anything further you say has no ground. It is pathetic that you would resort to such a tactic. Your attitude here on the boards is disgusting, and bordering on unacceptable. Personally, you need to learn when to keep your mouth shut, and when you DO open it, how to speak in a respectful, mature manner. Until then, quit posting, and instead read and LEARN.

12-03-2002, 10:44 PM
you mean to tell me you guys just stop imedatly when your hit... even when your going to bunker a guy and you get hit but you dont take that extra step and 1v1 him? i think some people are lying because im guessing a lot of you guys play tournament ball. most likely ive seen some of you play i love to watch tournament ball from novice to open classes but people stay in as long as they can just to go that extra step to try and win the game.

12-03-2002, 10:56 PM
I don't play Tourney ball, but I can say that when I get hit, I ALWAYS call for a paintcheck if I'm not sure.

*EDIT* Thanks Triad...

1stDeadEye- I'm not a fool, I don't need to prove that to the AO population. These guys have proved themselves fools. 'Nuff said.

12-03-2002, 11:48 PM
Some people just have no common sense!

dude no one plays on the honor system. i sure the hell dont i keep playing till the ref pulls me thats the way most players play if youve noticed.

You remind me of the kids that play on an arcade with the GAME OVER screen flashing, gotta wait till mommy pulls you off the game right?

ive been playing tournaments for 2 years and in a tournament you will do anything to win (most players)im not talking about all out cheating. i play pan am rules i dont know the difference i dont know a hole lot about nppl but what he probably does is keep playing till the ref pulls him i do the same unless its a blatent hit on my head/mask. i rarely see people call themselves out in a tournament its very rare.

"All out cheating" interesting phrase there. "A blatant hit on my head/mask" more profound remarks.

you mean to tell me you guys just stop imedatly when your hit... even when your going to bunker a guy and you get hit but you dont take that extra step and 1v1 him? i think some people are lying because im guessing a lot of you guys play tournament ball. most likely ive seen some of you play i love to watch tournament ball from novice to open classes but people stay in as long as they can just to go that extra step to try and win the game.

When I bunkered somebody last weekend I was hit in the process of shooting the other player. I stopped immediately put my hands up and checked the other player if he was hit too. How difficult is that? If you have a ref have the ref check, if he wipes, oh well. And usually it is NOT an extra STEP it is usually a extra SERIES of steps. Followed by repeated cries of, "I GOT HIM!"

I think the underlying problem in your perception is that you don't fully understand the definition of CHEATING. After making this monumental step can you begin to understand the world of complications that cheaters like you bring into this otherwise SIMPLE GAME.

Remember, break = walk to dead box

12-04-2002, 12:42 AM
omg some people are retarded... you people dont make any sense all you do is gripe at me for stating the truth. im no longer going to post because some people are to thick headed to relize facts

12-04-2002, 06:39 AM
Fine by me with that attitude of yours.

12-04-2002, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by giblit
omg some people are retarded... you people dont make any sense all you do is gripe at me for stating the truth. im no longer going to post because some people are to thick headed to relize facts

No please keep posting. We all seek enlightenment from the great tournament players like yourself.


12-04-2002, 10:15 AM
So the truth is that Everyone cheats? Heh.

Then again, maybe everyone doesn't. I seem to remember you sitting on both sides of the fence.

Which is it?

Definitely do stay. I feel I haven't learned all the ins & outs of cheating yet. :rolleyes:

12-04-2002, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by spazzed

1stDeadEye- I'm not a fool, I don't need to prove that to the AO population. These guys have proved themselves fools. 'Nuff said.

I wasn't calling YOU the fool. Read between the lines;) ! I was simply saying that fools will reveal themselves if you let them.

12-04-2002, 11:49 AM
Let's watch the name calling and personal attacks. If it continues, this thread is closed.

12-04-2002, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

I wasn't calling YOU the fool. Read between the lines;) ! I was simply saying that fools will reveal themselves if you let them.

Oh, I know bud ;) I was saying that the fools have revealed themselves, and I'm not a fool for pouncing on them :D