View Full Version : awesumness...i'm soooo phyched

11-25-2002, 08:47 PM
I've ALMOST talked my mom into letting me get my eye brow pierced. she said she was gunna really think about it. she's really kinda cool so i know that means yes...she just wants to think about it some more....this is TIGHT...


11-25-2002, 09:04 PM
Can I rip it out? :confused:

Gitaroo Man
11-25-2002, 09:08 PM


11-25-2002, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by spazzed
Can I rip it out? :confused:


my dad has actually threatened me(in the past) that if I show up with any piercings he'll rip it out...but he wont...i have more on him then he knows

11-25-2002, 09:40 PM
I thought about doing something like that, but decided it was to dumb. I mean, when I'm a grandma will it look cool for my peircings to be hanging off my face connected to my wrinkles?!


11-25-2002, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by RPK
I thought about doing something like that, but decided it was to dumb. I mean, when I'm a grandma will it look cool for my peircings to be hanging off my face connected to my wrinkles?!



11-25-2002, 10:42 PM
ok...i got the final word. she said that if i got it done, if she didn't know about it, she cant do anything about it...which means yes..she just doesn't want to be able to be held at..she said i could

11-25-2002, 11:14 PM
Wow, great Mom......at least your Dad voiced his opinion.

"Do what ever you like in life honey, I just don't want to know about it..."

Yeah, real cool to have Parents that let their own children disfigure themselves.

11-25-2002, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Army
Wow, great Mom......at least your Dad voiced his opinion.

"Do what ever you like in life honey, I just don't want to know about it..."

Yeah, real cool to have Parents that let their own children disfigure themselves.

well first off...i really have absolutely NO respect for my dad...i couldn't care less of his opinion because well...after what he did to my mom...i just dont care. and second off, my mom has been through a lot, and she kinda just wants life to be easier..so she figures if she's easy to get along with..maybe life will to. so just kinda lay off my mom

11-25-2002, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Emagster


my dad has actually threatened me(in the past) that if I show up with any piercings he'll rip it out...but he wont...i have more on him then he knows

I sure hope he does as he says. I have made the same statement to both of my children, they respect my opinion and understand that disfigurement isn't the same as being cool or looking good.
A note on what you 'have' on your dad, don't be so sure. You may have a lot less in your game bag than you think you do.


11-26-2002, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by Sinistarr

I sure hope he does as he says. I have made the same statement to both of my children, they respect my opinion and understand that disfigurement isn't the same as being cool or looking good.
A note on what you 'have' on your dad, don't be so sure. You may have a lot less in your game bag than you think you do.


as i said...after what my dad did to my mom...i have no respect for him. he lost the privilage of ripping out ANYTHING i get pierced the day he moved out

11-26-2002, 12:00 AM
How old are you? That would make a difference.

11-26-2002, 12:02 AM

11-26-2002, 12:09 AM
Why do you want your eyebrow pierced?
Do you think its cool?

I personally think that eyebrow pierceings look completely stupid. I just don't understand why people do that.

11-26-2002, 12:14 AM
My dad also said that any peircing would be ripped out, but he actualy WILL do it. So ya... I have no peircings, I don't know why parents are so strongly against it, I mean its not like it won't close up after a while. Its like, OMG YOUR SOO DISFIGURED!!!!! And there is this tiny hole right there and they are calling a plastic surgen, I mean omg, parents need to chill out, I want my hair dyed, but I don't want my head shaved and to get my butt kicked(another threat from my dad) I mean wtf, its not like hair dosen't grow out if I don't like it, and why should he care what I do to my hair, he almost flipped out because I got a haircut that I don't normaly get...

11-26-2002, 12:24 AM
Ok let me ask you a quesion. Why are you (the younger generation) so set on getting pierceings, dye hair funny a-- colors and stupid looking haircuts.

Basically as parents we would like to have people look at the children and think wow what a nice looking family instead of wow what freaks they have for children.

I would totally freak out if my child came home with something I am totally against. If they live under my roof they follow my rules and do as I say. Thats the right I have as a parent. Since I know for a fact I cant boss my wife around atleast I can boss someone around hehehe :D

Wow I just noticed that I am not a junior member anymore.
Woot I grew up :D

11-26-2002, 12:47 AM
Laser, Thank you.

When Sarah is 18 and in her own place, then by all means get all the tats and hardware you want. But you come to my house, I don't want to see it.

Gitaroo Man
11-26-2002, 12:52 AM
I'm going to have to agree with Army and Laser on this one.

Even though I may be 16 and I don't like what they have to say or tell me what to do, it is for my own good and so on.

But, they provide you with everything you have and they have the right to make you abide by the rules. Once you get out of their house then it's up to you.

11-26-2002, 02:47 AM
/me does not understand the desire for body piercings...

Personally, I'd spend that money on a new Lego set or something... I haven't put one together in a while... :)

11-26-2002, 03:03 AM
"I Really think that people want to look like Pirates!"

-Kramer from Seinfield

Wow. This is a lot more true than I could have possibly imagined! :rolleyes:

11-26-2002, 03:35 AM
I have (badly dyed) blue hair at this point.

Bout as far as I will go when I am a teenager, change my opinion just about ever day, and have no clue whether or not something I like now will still hold the same pleasure for me in 20-30 years.

A few seniors at my school have tattoos. I think it's ridiculous! They just turned 18 and got something permanently put on thier body which will eventually fade and sag..and i'm sure the same nautical star or butterfly tattoo that just about everyone has does not mean enough so that when it is wrinkly and saggy, you won't regret it.

Peircings are far less permanent, but do you fully realize that you won't be taken seriously anymore? people won't look at you, they'll look at the peircing.

11-26-2002, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by Army
Wow, great Mom......at least your Dad voiced his opinion.

"Do what ever you like in life honey, I just don't want to know about it..."

Yeah, real cool to have Parents that let their own children disfigure themselves.

Welp then your parents goofed too huh? Tatoos in my opinion are a whole lot less smart then "removable jewelry" hehehhe :D :D :D

11-26-2002, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by Sarah
I have (badly dyed) blue hair at this point.

Bout as far as I will go when I am a teenager, change my opinion just about ever day, and have no clue whether or not something I like now will still hold the same pleasure for me in 20-30 years.

A few seniors at my school have tattoos. I think it's ridiculous! They just turned 18 and got something permanently put on thier body which will eventually fade and sag..and i'm sure the same nautical star or butterfly tattoo that just about everyone has does not mean enough so that when it is wrinkly and saggy, you won't regret it.

Peircings are far less permanent, but do you fully realize that you won't be taken seriously anymore? people won't look at you, they'll look at the peircing.

OMG sarah!!! YOu did it!! I need a pic!!!

And your right, for some reason ppl don't take you serious anymore. That's why you hide them :D

I'm 23 and just started my peircing adventure last year... but I gotta say, it's slowly fadding away too already

If you're gonna get stuff pierced.. do it in HS. Cause once you're out, it's growing up time.

11-26-2002, 08:17 AM
I was at the mall a few years back and some guy had his nose pierced, also had his ear pierced, and had a chain going between. I so wanted to walk up and yank on it to see if a parachute came out of his head.

11-26-2002, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Emagster
well first off...i really have absolutely NO respect for my dad...i couldn't care less of his opinion because well...after what he did to my mom...i just dont care. and second off, my mom has been through a lot, and she kinda just wants life to be easier..so she figures if she's easy to get along with..maybe life will to. so just kinda lay off my mom too bad... "couldn't care less" is pretty exclusive. I personally believe there should be at least a minimal amount of respect for a parent, no matter what. (but that is my opinion and you don't want me to say why on this forum.)

back to the topic, though...
When RPK was younger than 18, I said "no" to (other than ears) peircings (I didn't even want her ears pierced, untill she was old enough to ask). I am not really sure what her mom said, if the subject was even approached with her (we're both remarried and are friends again, and go to the same church.)

Now that RPK is "older than 18", though she still lives in my house (she is a full-time student); My opinion, is just that - an opinion. I would rather her not, but it is really up to her, she is an adult now and should be able to make her own choices on such matters. I trust the upbringing that her mom and I have accomplished to this point.

11-26-2002, 11:31 AM
Emagster, did your mom give in because she thought that if she said no, you would throw a hissy fit? Does she "really" not want you to get your eyebrow pierced? How about showing her how much you love her by trying to do what she would want you to do. I can totally tell that you care for her by the way you vehemently defend her. And you have made it clear that she suffers pain from your father. How awesome it would be for her be able to communicate her true wishes to you as your mother and you actually honor them. It would make her feel like she's a mom again, with authority, rather than a weak, defeated woman whose kid runs the show.

Think about it. And good luck.

Now... I think we use piercings to try and satisfy something within us:

-the desire for beauty
-the desire to appear rebellious
-the desire to be cool
-the desire to try something different
-[enter your reason here]

Myself? I had 1 ear pierced in highschool. Went to college and found out that guys with ears pierced don't become airline pilots, so I quit wearing it. I can still wear one, I did for halloween. My wife only had two piercings, one in each ear. Then after she moved out of the house (she was 17 when we got married) she got 3 more piercings in her ears. Now, 7 years and 4 kids later, she JUST got her nose pierced. I have to admit, I had a hard time with it. I thought that she was trying to hang onto her youth, or trying to be cool. She convinced me that she really thought a very small hoop through the nose was pretty. (she was right!) We had a fun time fighting off friends and relatives about it!

11-26-2002, 11:33 AM
Personally I'd love to get a tattoo, that's what my fiance wants to do for christmas, or some sort of odd piercing, but I can never come to the same conclusion on what to do. The piercings would hurt to much, I wanted to get my toung pierced and watched my friend get it done, no thank you! So I threw out the piercings, but tattoos are cool, I can deal with needle pain, just as long as it doesn't puncture me to long! But It's taking forever to figure out what I want PERMANTLY attached to my body.

So for now, I'll stay the way I am.


11-26-2002, 11:33 AM
Piercings are fun ... I'm 22 and I have 5 piercings and 3 tats.

I have my tongue, ears, cartilage and labret pierced ... and 3 tats (all which are able to be covered for work).

Piercings are very addictive..lol.. but the eyebrow looks cool on most people, I chose to go with the labret though

Hope ya like it when you get it .. and remember CLEAN IT REGUARLY FOR THE FIRST 2 MONTHS ..lol... get some antibacterial handsoap and when your in the shower clean the jewerly and piercing with it.

Dave K

11-26-2002, 01:14 PM
Im 15 and see people at my high school with stuff like that. I cant see any point in it at all. I mean a person worth impresing at all would care about whats on the inside not silly things you do to your body. I dont know maybe it has something to do with being an AFJROTC cadet , and being in Kitty Hawk ( kinda like AFROTC's beta club. ) But I practicly loose all respect for people that think thats gonna make them "cool" or whatever. And for you Christians out there remeber that part about honoring your father , and mother? And even if you arent a Christian youre parents had to love you to bring you into this world. I mean withought them you would have a hard time surveing , and heck wouldnt even be here. So why not respect them? They are trying to help you. They have been through all the peer pressure , and have that wisdom.
Ok Im done now... Just my 2 cents.

11-26-2002, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Emagster
well first off...i really have absolutely NO respect for my dad...i couldn't care less of his opinion because well...after what he did to my mom...i just dont care. and second off, my mom has been through a lot, and she kinda just wants life to be easier..so she figures if she's easy to get along with..maybe life will to. so just kinda lay off my mom

Oh, and instead of taking advantage of the situation to get what you want, how about comforting your mom, and not deciding to get piercings so that she doesn't have to worry about that sort of thing right now?

Sounds like your family is goin' thru something. Maybe you'll look back and say, "gee, it was a dumb idea to ask for piercings at that time."

Think about it, huh?

11-26-2002, 03:22 PM
boy, i sure am glad that the youth never rebelled against their parents in the past, who knows what this world could have come to :rolleyes:

see: punks
see also: hippies
see also: greasers
see also: flappers
see also: swingers

do i think that children should show respect towards their parents? of course. but, this type of behavior is part of healthy development (finding and testing boundries). piercings can (and will) grow closed, no harm in the long run.

in my humble opinion, there are far worse things that kids can be doing rather than asking permission to get a piercing.

11-26-2002, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by beam
Emagster, did your mom give in because she thought that if she said no, you would throw a hissy fit?

no...the reason she said i could is because she knows i'm my own person, and i should be able to express myself the way i feel i need to be expressed. I told her how I felt about the subject, and she said she would think about it...and has said i could because she can tell i really want to. she's a parent of reasoning instead of total control.

and on to the reason i want to get my eyebrow pierced. The honest truth....i'm not sure. I dont have a reason to that i want to do like "i want to be cool" or "my friends are doing it" because mainly...i dont care about my popularity, i like to be my own person, adn if people dont except me the way i am...to bad for them...their loss. and none of my friends have anything but their ear pierced(except for the girls I know...and only one of them has their nose pierced) so the reason doing it to be like my friends is out cuz non of them have done it either. its just something i feel i want to do. not to be rebelious, not to be cool, not to be different. its to be me. for the past week, i have done a lot of trying to figure out exactly who i am...and i've actually figured a lot more out about me then i knew...so as i said....its to be myself...not a little poster child of some group or something

11-26-2002, 04:26 PM
Hey, if expressing yourself by doing something EVERYONE else seems to be doing is your thing, then by all means, go for it.

Of all creatures on this earth, Humans have the ability to be most unique, however they all seem to choose to be the same.

11-26-2002, 04:32 PM
I dont think that anyones expression should be challenged .. even if its somethign others have done because its still their expression, still their choice ...

I have 3 tats ... and yes, EVERYONE has tats now, but NOBODY has my tats they were designed for me and each one of the 3 expresses a point on my life, or an emotion I would like to remember in my times.

1) Tribal Dragon on my left arm: A dragon is a symbol of power and strength... through my life so far I have been knocked down a lot, and to me its a symbol of being able to get back up.

2) Snake in a figure 8 on my back: The figure 8 is a symbol of ETERNITY ... its my symbol for always remaining myself ... because it all eventually flows together.

3) Tribal on my leg w/ kanji MIND BODY SPIRIT imbedded: Its a life reminder .... I have a lot of problems in my life, and a lot of pain ... but I put that there to remind myself that through all the kaos (tribal) there's peace and harmony in the center of it all (kanji) ... and that no matter how life seems you can find your peace.

Wether or not people agree with my choice to express these parts via tattoo's is not my care, because when I got each one it meant a great deal to me ... and no matter how long I have them, I will remember the strength they helped me with when I needed it.

Do what you wish ... just dont wish you had done.

Dave K

11-26-2002, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367
Hey, if expressing yourself by doing something EVERYONE else seems to be doing is your thing, then by all means, go for it.

Of all creatures on this earth, Humans have the ability to be most unique, however they all seem to choose to be the same.

well...while millions of people might have it done...the total number of people i know that have it done is 0. and techinically...and basically, the possiblilty of you doing something totally unique is next to nothing. i mean yes...while you could come up with something totally unique to do, you would be doing it just to be doing something no one else has done, which is cool...but also not the smartest thing because well....someone else will do it as soon as yu have done it and there you go...you aint unique anymore...but what i'm saying is...almost everything has been don so expressing yourself by doing something no one has done...is really hard nowadays


and also...if being me is being like (apparently) a ton a other poeple i dont personally know...then ohwell, i'm happy with me the way i am

11-26-2002, 05:01 PM
So you're just doing this because your mom is against it? That's all I can get from it...

btw Heat--

11-26-2002, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Sarah
So you're just doing this because your mom is against it?

umm...where did that come from? you mean my dad? i came up with the idea LONG before anyone ever said anything bout i shouldn't....it's just taken a little while to get them to let me do it.

OH...you look JUST like one of my friends...except for the hair...she has black hair

11-26-2002, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by beam
Emagster, did your mom give in because she thought that if she said no, you would throw a hissy fit? Does she "really" not want you to get your eyebrow pierced? How about showing her how much you love her by trying to do what she would want you to do. I can totally tell that you care for her by the way you vehemently defend her. And you have made it clear that she suffers pain from your father. How awesome it would be for her be able to communicate her true wishes to you as your mother and you actually honor them. It would make her feel like she's a mom again, with authority, rather than a weak, defeated woman whose kid runs the show.

Think about it. And good luck.

Now... I think we use piercings to try and satisfy something within us:

-the desire for beauty
-the desire to appear rebellious
-the desire to be cool
-the desire to try something different
-[enter your reason here]

Myself? I had 1 ear pierced in highschool. Went to college and found out that guys with ears pierced don't become airline pilots, so I quit wearing it. I can still wear one, I did for halloween. My wife only had two piercings, one in each ear. Then after she moved out of the house (she was 17 when we got married) she got 3 more piercings in her ears. Now, 7 years and 4 kids later, she JUST got her nose pierced. I have to admit, I had a hard time with it. I thought that she was trying to hang onto her youth, or trying to be cool. She convinced me that she really thought a very small hoop through the nose was pretty. (she was right!) We had a fun time fighting off friends and relatives about it!

Way yo go Heather!!!
I bet you had a hard time with fighting the friends off.

My reason for piercing? it's attractive. I like pierincings on girls and so it's only natural that I think they look good on me :D
Of course there's alot more to them then just the estetic value, but AO doesn't have enough HD space to store the essay that would follow.

And that's pretty cool Sarah . I honestly didn't think you were going to do it....cudos!

11-27-2002, 12:31 AM
I'm 15 and my mom will let my drink, tatoos and all that crap but i dont want to. Going out spending tons of money to get metal in my body doesn't sound fun to me. Get **** drunk that you can't thnk doesn't sound fun. Hell playing paintball i can't even afford that. Sure i drink a little but for the most part to see what it tastes like and try new things.

In fact i have only had one kind of alcohol that i like... peach pucker :) that stuff is the best. But any ways back to peircings.

My mom doens't care because she knows ill do the right thing. I have no bed time because she nows ill get up in time for school and make good grades.

As long as im doing what i am supposed to shes cool. If your pulling your weight i dont see why she would care.

Thats my story and im sticking to it

11-27-2002, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by synreal
[clip]...piercings can (and will) grow closed, no harm in the long run.

in my humble opinion, there are far worse things that kids can be doing rather than asking permission to get a piercing. hmmm... I have my ear pierced from about 24 years ago and it isn't grown closed.

and I agree, there are worse things... :)

11-27-2002, 11:39 PM
ive looked at the prices for a simple body art accessory...$40 for a piece of metal!?!

almost sounds like the sluggo bodies in the airgun store...just kidding:)

11-27-2002, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Schnitzel
ive looked at the prices for a simple body art accessory...$40 for a piece of metal!?!

almost sounds like the sluggo bodies in the airgun store...just kidding:)

well i spent a couple thousand dollars on my paintball gun...thats just a piece of medal...its brought me a lot of satisfaction even though i haven't gotten to play with it for about 2 months...

11-28-2002, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by RPK
I thought about doing something like that, but decided it was to dumb. I mean, when I'm a grandma will it look cool for my peircings to be hanging off my face connected to my wrinkles?!


good point

11-28-2002, 11:29 AM

11-29-2002, 02:11 AM
funny how nobody had anything to say about my post...

12-07-2002, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Laser
Why do you want your eyebrow pierced?
Do you think its cool?

I personally think that eyebrow pierceings look completely stupid. I just don't understand why people do that.
we dont care what u think. lay off him..i think that its tight havin peircings..the only reason i dont got one is because they hurt

12-07-2002, 11:20 PM
I have to agree with emag on this one i mean if his mom is cool with it then go for it. I have the same sitiuation mom tryed to keep the family together dad walked out and got him a 10 year younger them him blonde yes we all no this story and when dad does this he loses his privilages that say his opinion on what you look like or do with your live count yes i love my dad in a fatherly way but with my mom she is more of a friend. Did that make any sense:confused:

big E kingpin
12-08-2002, 02:35 AM
i love driving metal rods through my skin. really i do, i once drove a 1/4 inch carpenters nail through my cheak, it totally rocked, i save my lunch money every week, so i can pay someone to make more unsightly wholes in my face.

what a waste of money. save the money and buy something else.i never went through that phase thank god. i think that anything peirced on your face other then an ear or 2 (on a female), is just rediculous.

12-08-2002, 04:35 AM
I honestly don't want a reply to this... really just an observation. But sometimes I wish ppl were a little less vocal about their oppinions. I'm an advocate for bodypiercing, have a few holes myself and don't regret it one bit. But it kinda hurts my feelings when ppl call me a clown, irresponcible, imature, rediculous or any of that. It's not like I'm going to be physically damagaed cause of the ridicule, but how would you like it if I piced on something you like?

I FORDS SUCK! They lost 10% of their karket shares over the last year, they are all crappy f ound d ead o n the R oads?

Why do you own a boat? geeez man you spent 10grand on something you can use 5 times a year? What a waste!

RV? are you kidding me? how did that save you money?

PAINTBALL? Now there's a really crazy idea for ya, why not just use bb guns or something that doesn't cost so much. I mean why pay big bucks to get welts?

Get the point? I think you'll find that eventhough I have body piercings, I've managed to hold on to a job that pays decent... not GREAT, but decent for 4 years AND I've managed to move up the ladder some. I'm financially secure and have my retirement fund well underway and that's aside from a 401K. And will soon be a homeowner.

Now, how does all that fit into being a clown, irresponcible, imature, rediculous? Sound like I got things pretty figured out for a 23 year old or?

I'm sorry if you feel offended by body piercings, but that's what growning up is all about moving on with life when things don't go you're way. I do my best to only wear my jewelry where it's appresiated or in my house. I think you're older peeps can appresiate that?

Ya know what's worse then piercings though right? SMOKING... it's discusting :D

PS. I own a Ford, LOVE my cousins jetskiis and Rv's is a trip dude :D but I don't like paintball at all ;) ;)

12-08-2002, 05:19 AM
You know that a lot of people get their eyebrow pierced, its not a new thing. How about getting something cool pierced like one of your butt cheeks, or a bunch of hoops on your sak, it'd look like chain mail.

Couple questions Emagster are you a raver, and did you or your parents buy you your gun?