View Full Version : why do i keep getting out....

11-25-2002, 11:52 PM
on the break?? at my field, at the end of the day, we play a speedball game. it seems like pretty much every game, i get out on the break. now, im not the fastest, or skinniest players out there, but its getting ridiculous. the past 2 weeks, every speedball game we've played, i get out on the break. twice in the head, once in the shoulder, and once below the neck. does this mean im not ducking low enough? and im not trying to run too far. people are running alot further than me, and making it.

all critisim, spelling corrections, and playing tips welcome. thanks. :)

11-25-2002, 11:54 PM
perhaps your running right into the shooting lanes

or maybe you just need to stop running to the 50 off the break:)


Lone Brain Cell
11-26-2002, 12:05 AM
Use barracades as sheilds as you run toward them. Ie if you play right tape, run toward the boundry tape, then loop around till you get a barricade between you and the opposition & use it as a sheild. Dont run a direct line to the barricade unless you can get there without a shot getting to you b4 you get there.

11-26-2002, 12:06 AM
i play at a woodsfeild. what is the 50??

11-26-2002, 12:08 AM
so if i want to run to the right, i should start on the left? kinda like running diagnol??

11-26-2002, 12:14 AM
"The 50" Think Football.

As for Running Diagonal... Just run and shoot. There will be a point where they can't hit you because they are moving and you are moving. The lanes kinda shift, so use it to your advantage. If you're going left, stay on the left. If you're going right, stay on the right. Don't put too much thought into it.

11-26-2002, 12:17 AM
flatacid: Can you give us a little more to work with here? We're at a disadvantage, as we can't see what you're doing wrong to comment. Describe the field a bit, and go back over exactly what you're doing when you get hit off the break--where are you heading, and how are you getting there?

You mention it's a wooded field--that's a good start. How thick of an area is it? Is all of the cover natural, or are there bunkers and whatnot, too?

In my experience, I've found that if you stop and think about this, and can reconstruct it in your head, you'll likely discover exactly what you're doing wrong.

11-26-2002, 12:22 AM
Dayspring: I don't know that I'd recommend running *and* shooting. Most people can only do one well at a time. If he's getting hit off the break, he's got to move--shooting while he's doing that is only going to slow him down.

Definitely check out the firing lane situation--if you want to avoid being hit, it helps to know where fire will be coming from.

11-26-2002, 12:25 AM
I guess it depends on what position he's playing. I think we're missing that info as well.

Originally posted by spantol
Dayspring: I don't know that I'd recommend running *and* shooting. Most people can only do one well at a time. If he's getting hit off the break, he's got to move--shooting while he's doing that is only going to slow him down.

Definitely check out the firing lane situation--if you want to avoid being hit, it helps to know where fire will be coming from.

11-26-2002, 12:34 AM
Good point. I was under the impression that it was a purely rec ball situation, in which case formalities like positions are, well, easy to overlook. :)

Originally posted by Dayspring
I guess it depends on what position he's playing. I think we're missing that info as well.

11-26-2002, 12:37 AM
ok. each team starts in there own base. these bases are about 50 yards from the front of one, to the front of another. and in this particular area, there are no tree's. its all bunkers. the 2 head shots, i was running to the same place. i started off in the center of the base, and ran up, and to the left. the shoulder hit i was running maybe 15 feet straight, and took it in the right shoulder. and the lower neck, i was running up, and to the right. the thing that gets me is everytime i run, im the one getting hit off the break. everyone else who runs in my general direction makes it. and its not like im getting hit 2-3 times w/some miss's. im getting shot ounce, and then no more shooting from the opponent. and i try to get up front fast, but i usually finish up the game in the middle. and when i say up, the field is on a micro slope.

let me know what else is needed. oh, and this is rec. so i take things kinda relaxed. its just getting to me now. in regular games, i can run up to the "50" (:))or further without getting hit. just speedball has been giving me problems lately.

11-26-2002, 08:46 AM

If you are seriously getting magic-balled (one stray ball gets you) then that's pretty much just bad luck. But, in truth, it sounds like you are getting sweet-spotted. That's when the back players shoot speculatively at a bunker hoping to catch you going in. This is the most common reason for getting out on the break, other than dumb luck.

The best way to deal with sweet-spotting is to use a little psychology. The shooter is hoping that during the first 15 seconds or so you will run into his paint. After that, he's pretty much concerned with getting himself to cover and looking for targets. What you need to do is NOT run directly to your primary. One approach is to wait a few seconds, THEN run, or run to an intermediate bunker, wait 10 seconds, then move.

Most of the time, the other team is NOT expecting someone to move bunkers a few seconds after the break. The tendecy is to shoot for a few seconds, and then stop to size up the situation. That is your chance to move. The real trick is identifying the lanes where that early fire is going to come and make sure you aren't there when the paint is there.

I remember playing an indoor field once. I would play the far tape, and would run right down the back baseline on the break. There were these huge lanes from one side to the other, and the other team would always shoot down those lanes on the break. After playing a few games, I figured out how far I could get before their paint got there (maybe 3 seconds). I would run that far, stop in a bunker, wait while the paint flew in for a few seconds, and as soon as it stopped, finish my run.

Of course, you have to be careful, if you start doing it exactly the same way every game, someone will get wise and light you up! But then, that's what makes paintball such an interestnig game!

Have fun,


Wc Keep
11-26-2002, 09:58 AM
well i think the best way to get into a bunker is to run in almost a bent over position and right when you see the paint about to hit you dive into your bunker even if you have to do a little bit of crawling.

11-26-2002, 11:38 AM
Your probably like me and have that "paintball attract" smell and they just love to come and talk with you for a while ..lol

Dave K

11-26-2002, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by digitard
Your probably like me and have that "paintball attract" smell and they just love to come and talk with you for a while ..lol

Dave K

Well, I don't know about that, but being built like a small planet the gravity around me is so strong that sometimes stray paintballs are pulled in. Sometimes they hit me, other times my team-mates who are too close behind me!


11-26-2002, 12:51 PM
Why don't you just play back?

Right off of the break, start unloading paint at the oppositions starting base...after the smoke,or co2, has cleared,run to a close bunker...

You can also shoot,and kinda "strafe" to the bunker.

strafing is like...walking slowly,in a diagonal motion.

11-26-2002, 12:53 PM
lol doesn't need to be diag .... Straffing just involves facing one way while moving the other really .. just side stepping ...

Best thing to do is go left/right immedialy after the break and fire a few rounds off in the general direction ... should hopefully at least get you to a bunker, but dont get stuck ..lol

Dave K

11-26-2002, 02:22 PM
should i be keeping my head up when running? i usually keep it down so i can move alittle quicker.

and i like fatmans idea of moving right after i make it to a bunker. most of the time though, its getting to that first bunker thats a pain. i think just not running as far, then hopping to a new bunker is gonna work for me. i'll try that this weekend.

Lone Brain Cell
11-26-2002, 04:59 PM
Try & do this, Follow the line from the tart box & loop around to the first barricade.
Sorry for the poor diagram

11-26-2002, 06:53 PM
wheneva i try to get that far up on the break (not usually, its usually a secondary move for me), i always start running, then look up and see where the other team is goin,and who is firing at me.. i usually try to find a bunker to block off the shots of the person shooting at me...im not good at talking, id have to make a pic to show you.

<b>Edit</b>AHA i couldnt get the attatchment to work now, but thats what im talkin about, this way only people on one side of the field can shoot at you, bunkers are blocking off the other shooting lanes

11-26-2002, 07:37 PM
Sit out a game and watch what others are doing. It can be a real education. Many of the players that move up front dive well before they can reach the bunker (and crawl the rest of the way). They know that while they are not directly behind the bunker no one will have a shot at them while the crawl up.

Watching really helps. I know as I have been shot out early in games enough to learn alot from watching:D (seriously though it does help)

11-26-2002, 09:39 PM
i watch alot. ive reffed at that field for about 3 years now. also i play everyweekend. it just recently, ive been out on the break. maybe its just a bad streak that will go away soon.

11-27-2002, 11:13 AM
you're prolly being over aggressive, which has sloppiness come into play. You want to be behind a bunker as much as possible. I don't think I ever made a straight run to a base, and I've never gotten out on the break, even playing front :)

Also don't run too far up field. The team needs to kinda move up together. If everyone else is in the back row, and you are at the 50, you'll prolly get out because of no support. Also make sure you have cover fire when you move, have someone shoot at the guy that would be shooting at you.

It's all speedball basics really. Many people don't understand it, but it's not that difficult, just gotta think.

11-27-2002, 11:34 AM
what angle are you running at? I never ran straight down a lane. Instead i ran to the out side moving behind as many bunkers as i can, the people in the bunkers i run behind sort of cover me.

Oh, BTW, im 6'4 and I have really long legs.. duh.. I cant run that fast untill i have some room to get up to speed, everyone else smokes me off the line.