View Full Version : Diffrent Bolts

11-26-2002, 07:53 PM
Well since Im pretty new to mags Ive noticed that their are a few diffrent aftermarket bolts....are any of them worth buying or do they do more bad then good?

11-26-2002, 07:57 PM
The new Level 10 Bolt kit is the only thing you will ever need. If you look around especially in the tech forum you will be able to find much more info.

If you decide not to purchase a Level 10 kit right now then do NOT purchase any other manufacturers bolt besides AGD. It would be a waste of money.

Welcome to AO!

Spray Painter
11-26-2002, 07:59 PM
Level 10 is the only aftermarket bolt i would recomend. all the other non-AGD bolts will have no improvment, give you problems, and viod the warrenty.

-edit- dang snake you beat me to it!:)

11-27-2002, 10:15 AM
thanks....I was looking into the lvl 10 once I get paid this weekend....Im not sure right now what I should get first...an itellframe or lvl10.....mabe a retro valve for xmas

11-27-2002, 10:20 AM
Personally, if you don’t already have at least a RetroValve, that should be your first investment. Then see if you have problems chopping. If you DO, get the LX, then the IntelliFrame. If you DON’T, I would get the IntelliFrame and then the LX.

I personally think it would be silly to get a LX without even having a RT first.

11-27-2002, 10:25 AM
Yeah, most AIR valves don't really chop all that much, but some RT's will, especially when you're new to the trigger (like I was). But definitely have Level10 on the list, whether you chop or not, it's insurance on chopping. You might not need it now, but a chop could come bite you in the butt when you needed Level10 most.

11-27-2002, 10:34 AM
Personally, I say LX first.

Price to Benefit far outways Retro, or even an I-frame. IMO.

11-27-2002, 12:13 PM
I put my intelliframe on first, and then I'm getting the XVALVE in a few weeks when its released so I get Retro and level 10 all in one package!!! :)

The only reason I went intelli first was that I didn't like my trigger feeling and it was bugging me. ... now with the intelli I can outshoot my valve, so I actually have to remember to lay off the trigger a tiny bit cause I can hit it faster than the classic valve can shoot ..lol

But if your upgrading, I suggest the same as above ...
- If your chopping get level 10
- If not then go intelli and wait for the XVALVE which has the new retro valve with the level 10 built in already.

Dave K

11-27-2002, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by shartley
I personally think it would be silly to get a LX without even having a RT first.

How come? I have a classic valve and a level 10 "bolt". I'm not currently even considering a ReTro valve.

11-27-2002, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by hitech
How come? I have a classic valve and a level 10 "bolt". I'm not currently even considering a ReTro valve.
To me it is like hooking digital cable to a black and white TV. Sure, it will work alright, and you will get lots of enjoyment out of it, but I would rather get analog cable and a color TV first. So, again, to me, it is silly.

To each their own. If you are happy with it, great. But he was asking for people's input and opinions, and that is what I think.

I also think putting a huge wing on the back of a car not planning on going over 150 mph is silly too, but you see a lot of folks doing that as well. And I also think buying a huge stereo and massive speakers for a small apartment is silly too.... again, you still see folks doing it. And a buddy of mine takes camo duct tape and wraps his entire marker with it…. talk about REAL silly, but he doesn’t think so… but it is his marker, not mine. I could keep going, but I think you get my point.

I did not intend my comment as an insult, only my personal views on the matter being discussed. I am sure I do things that you may feel are silly too.... such is life. ;)

11-27-2002, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by shartley

To me it is like hooking digital cable to a black and white TV...I did not intend my comment as an insult, only my personal views on the matter being discussed.

No insult taken. However, I am curious as to why you think the ReTro Valve is so great? I don't agree with the BW vs Color TV analogy. I don't find the ReTro Valve to be a big step forward. I really do want to know why you think it is great. I sometimes wonder what I am missing. ;)

BTW, We can all probably agree that we would love to have a more accurate marker, right? When you break a ball in the marker you end up with worse accuracy. So, in a backhand sort of way the level 10 "bolt" can make your marker more accurate! It does for me, since I am the king of the short stroke. That is why I think the level 10 "bolt" is great.

11-27-2002, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by hitech
No insult taken. However, I am curious as to why you think the ReTro Valve is so great? I don't agree with the BW vs Color TV analogy. I don't find the ReTro Valve to be a big step forward. I really do want to know why you think it is great. I sometimes wonder what I am missing. ;)
Well, the TV analogy may not be the best, but it was as close as I could do on the top of my head. LOL Maybe I should have compared 12X CD readers with 24X CD readers? ;) Both work fine, but one IS faster than the other.

As for why the Retro is better than the classic….. If I have to tell you that, you have missed the parade. ;) And I don’t think AGD would stop making a better valve only to start making one that was not better. :D To keep this conversation short, I will direct you to the “search” button, this has been discusses more than a few times here on AO. (Sorry…. It has been so long since I said that, that I could not resist. ;) Besides, I think you are just trying to give me a hard time anyway. :D)

Originally posted by hitech
BTW, We can all probably agree that we would love to have a more accurate marker, right? When you break a ball in the marker you end up with worse accuracy. So, in a backhand sort of way the level 10 "bolt" can make your marker more accurate! It does for me, since I am the king of the short stroke. That is why I think the level 10 "bolt" is great.
Yes…. We can.

I personally would however, want to upgrade to a Retro Valve first…. Thus my comment about putting a LX on a classic as being silly. It is JUST a personal choice and viewpoint… it is not gospel, nor the ONLY viewpoint. :) But it is mine, and I am comfortable with it…. as I am sure you are comfortable with owning a classic valve with LX. ;)

Lone Brain Cell
11-27-2002, 07:18 PM
I agree with Hitech, I have a classic, lvl10, booyaah and my fingers cant shoot fast enough. I have put it on full auto @15bps it has no drop off at all. I couldnt shoot that fast in a pink fitt.(by the way nether can anyone that I have seen...it is quick ppl are fulla s&%t when they say "my brother shoots at 17 bps & his mate shoots at 19bps")

So why should I change to an rt when I dont have to?

11-27-2002, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Lone Brain Cell
I agree with Hitech, I have a classic, lvl10, booyaah and my fingers cant shoot fast enough. I have put it on full auto @15bps it has no drop off at all. I couldnt shoot that fast in a pink fitt.(by the way nether can anyone that I have seen...it is quick ppl are fulla s&%t when they say "my brother shoots at 17 bps & his mate shoots at 19bps")

So why should I change to an rt when I dont have to?
You have some VERY valid points there. And I agree with them…. that is as long as that is what makes you happy.

Folks CAN however, shoot faster than that in “bounce”, and in Full Auto. And if that is what you want the ability to do, even if only on special occasions, then someone might just want the valve that has the ability to keep up with those rates of fire.

Heck, my Son and Wife do GREAT with their Spyders. And they can not shoot anywhere as fast as I can. But does that mean they should never want to upgrade? Not at all. Having to, and WANTING to, are quite different stories.

And just for the sake of argument…. Why do folks buy cars that have the capability of going 150, 200, and faster? ;) Heck, most folks I know don’t have the guts to keep on it much past 100 anyway on normal roads. :D

So why the need for a RetroValve? Well… you have a good point… for most folks, in all honesty, they will probably never “need” it. But most folks don’t really “need” X-Mags, RT Pros, or C&C Mags either. And I never said folks HAD to change to an RT, I just stated what I thought about it.

Oh, and I don’t shoot pool with a $45 Cue either…. But I guess I “could”. ;) I also don’t own just ONE pool cue, yet I can only use one at a time…. Same with paintball markers. Hmmmmm I guess this “want” and “need” thing can be taken in a lot of different directions.

Is the RT better than the Classic….. I think so. And I think most would agree, otherwise AGD would use them in ALL their Markers. Are Classics “bad”… no. And if anyone thinks I have said as much, I am sorry… I didn’t. ITS ALL GOOD. :D

Lone Brain Cell
11-27-2002, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Is the RT better than the Classic….. I think so. And I think most would agree.:D

I do Agree with you wholeheartedly shartley. I live by the motto "If it aint broke dont fix it! Reason? I once owned a Rotary;) :D .

The other reason is RT valves cos about $500 over here, Would you buy one if yours worked no problem.

LOL Im trying to save the $3,700 to buy a X Mag & smuggle it into the country LOL;)

11-28-2002, 03:00 PM
Get the LX first you can always transfer
it to youre new valve when you get it.:rolleyes:

11-29-2002, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Besides, I think you are just trying to give me a hard time anyway. :D)

No, No, No, No! I REALLY want to know why you think it is great. REALLY. I have always wondered why you were such a big fan of the ReTro valve. REALLY. Could you indulge me? PM if you prefer. Thanks in advance.

11-29-2002, 07:15 PM
get the intelliframe now, and get the x-valve for x-mas. it should be out by then, everything i've read is they should be out in a couple of weeks, but it's a lighter version of the retro valve with the lvl 10 already installed. if not, well i would recomend getting the retro valve befor the lvl 10, that way you don't have to install the bolt twice, you can just install it on the retro, not install it on the A.I.R. then transfer it

11-29-2002, 08:22 PM
I guess it's all a matter of how
much money you can spend at any
given time. If monies tight I'd
go LX first then transfer it when
I could afford it, if it's not
then I'd get the Retro and LX
and install both right away.
It's not that hard to transfer
the LX and you'd already have
the experience of having done
it before, so it should be easier. ;)

11-29-2002, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by TRIAD
Yeah, most AIR valves don't really chop all that much, but some RT's will, especially when you're new to the trigger (like I was). But definitely have Level10 on the list, whether you chop or not, it's insurance on chopping. You might not need it now, but a chop could come bite you in the butt when you needed Level10 most.

Yeah it is excellent insurance. Theres nothing like running the entire length of the tape succesfully to bunker someone (in a tourny) and then when u shoot the paintballs pull some matrix style curving around the guy.