View Full Version : how many...........

08-26-2001, 07:05 PM
hey, i was wondering if anyone who knows could reply to this question.....:

HOW MANY AUTOMAGS(including every kind of automag) ARE MADE EACH DAY???

im jw, i think about these pointless things all the time.


08-27-2001, 12:40 AM
well first off, like most things besides items that sell millions each year, they're most likely done in batches. Such as with the zgrip, if they were sure they could sell another 100 of them, they'd run another batch, which is 100 (for the zgrips). The automag is most likely run in the same way. Also, you'd be surprised, AGD is only a 12man (and woman) company.

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MAG CENTRAL (http://www.magcentral.org)

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