View Full Version : Log File from Party Shatner / Tom Kaye

11-27-2002, 05:45 PM
Here is the conversation we had at the party, thought if you missed it you mike like it.


[20:31] [Tom_Kaye] Ok evryone its time for our special guest star
[20:32] [Tom_Kaye] a man known throughout the world and even in other galaxies!!! (especially the women)
[20:32] [Tom_Kaye] The one, the ONLY William SHatner!!!!!!!
[20:32] [Tom_Kaye] Hi Bill!!
[20:32] [Shatner] Yes it's me
[20:32] [Shatner] and hi to my comrades in paintball arms
[20:32] [Tom_Kaye] Shatner the Supreme has arrived
[20:33] [Tom_Kaye] Bill have you played paintball since the big game?
[20:33] [Tom_Kaye] lagging
[20:33] [Tom_Kaye] Bill is in outer space
[20:33] [Shatner] Tom the OK you i'm sure have recovered from all your bruises when you lost so terribly in our maych
[20:34] [Tom_Kaye] TERRIBLY!!!!!!
[20:34] [Shatner] Yes I have I played at Bellflower's park
[20:34] [Tom_Kaye] I dont think so, take away the rellic points and who is who?
[20:34] [Shatner] it's terrific and well laid out but it's not 170 yds of forrest
[20:34] [Tom_Kaye] Do I get a rematch??
[20:35] [Shatner] Tom, we have to have a rematch perhaps in the plains of Montana
[20:35] [Tom_Kaye] mano a mano me and you!!!!
[20:35] [Shatner] as we scurry around your archeological digs
[20:35] [Shatner] you'll have to keep several dinosaur between us
[20:35] [Tom_Kaye] Shatner Dino hunter supreme!!!!
[20:35] [Shatner] a rematch it is
[20:35] [Tom_Kaye] He knows how to get to me!!!
[20:35] [Tom_Kaye] I am going to get you out there you know
[20:35] [Tom_Kaye] I heard your wife and daughter were interested
[20:36] [Shatner] man a mano ok with me but but if I could have Mancow on my side it might
[20:36] [Tom_Kaye] Long ago and far away we have stuff in common
[20:36] [Shatner] even the odds a bit making it more bearable for you
[20:36] [Tom_Kaye] Hey you had all the numbers on your side!!!
[20:36] [Tom_Kaye] and you had the AIR!!!!
[20:36] [Shatner] that's right especially the number 1
[20:36] [Tom_Kaye] Bill I think everyone wants to say a little something to you
[20:36] [Shatner] what happened to all your big time tournament guys?
[20:37] [Shatner] they ran out of steam
[20:37] [Tom_Kaye] they didnt have any air pressure but still wooped up on you!!
[20:37] [Shatner] have at it
[20:37] [Shatner] I'm ready for everyone
[20:37] [Tom_Kaye] ok standby captain.
[20:37] [Shatner] standing by
[20:37] [Tom_Kaye] AO lets do the "Shatner" wave for the big guy
[20:37] [Tom_Kaye] only one letter each so we dont flood the channel.
[20:38] [Tom_Kaye] we want to impress him so look sharp.
[20:38] [Tom_Kaye] ok start with "s"!!!!!

And the audience spelled out S-H-A-T-N-E-R

[20:39] [Tom_Kaye] nice
[20:39] [Tom_Kaye] like that Bill?
[20:39] [Shatner] I'm impressed
[20:39] [Tom_Kaye] see what we do when we are a coordinatted enemy?
[20:39] [Shatner] I repeat I'm impressed
[20:39] [Tom_Kaye] Bill whats your next project? Can you tell us?
[20:40] [Shatner] I know you're coordinated Iknow you're the enemy it's right there in the film of Spplat Attack
[20:40] [Shatner] and it's right there Mr. tom Kaye defeated by a rank amatuer
[20:40] [Tom_Kaye] thems big words
[20:40] [Tom_Kaye] thems fitin words!!
[20:40] [Tom_Kaye] WHO ASKS WHO FOR A CEASE FIRE!! MR SHanter!!!
[20:41] [Tom_Kaye] Its int he DVD too!!!
[20:41] [Shatner] Tom, in all seriousness as much fun as i had doing the paintbal competition
[20:41] [Shatner] and making a film of it it was just as memorable for me to make your friendship and I look forward to
[20:41] [Shatner] breaking bread with you again
[20:42] [Tom_Kaye] Bill from me and my industry and all the players you made so happy thank you for doing this
[20:42] [Shatner] it's tru that as I cowered beneath a log sure that I'd be pummelled by paint
[20:42] [Tom_Kaye] that was actually a smart move
[20:42] [Shatner] I thought the cleverest thing I could was make it look like I planned it that way
[20:42] [Shatner] so I took 20 of the enemy with me as we went off on a plot
[20:43] [Tom_Kaye] I am not sure it looked that way exactly
[20:43] [Shatner] which I used to ask for a cease fire
[20:43] That_was_uncoordinatted is now known as Some_ppl_make_this_room_suck
[20:43] [Tom_Kaye] I actually thought you were going to blow me up or something
[20:43] [Shatner] never meaning a word of it but accounting for 20 solidiers out of the battle
[20:43] [Tom_Kaye] my brains were melting at teh moment
[20:43] [Shatner] what fun it was to think on your feet
[20:43] [Shatner] and have it work
[20:43] [Tom_Kaye] I was not too functional
[20:44] [Shatner] I could hav helped you there Tom if only you had told me
[20:44] [Tom_Kaye] So we are going to be on Pay per view on dec 8th?
[20:44] [Shatner] yes we are PPV dec. 8th and then the DVD goes on sale dec 10
[20:44] [Shatner] I've seen the show and some reviewers have called it spectacular
[20:44] [Tom_Kaye] And everyone here is going to buy one I promise!!!
[20:45] [Shatner] for me it's just a hoot and a lot of laughs
[20:45] [Tom_Kaye] My woman said it made her want to play paintball again./
[20:45] [Tom_Kaye] great job from your whole team there at creative light
[20:45] [Tom_Kaye] Bill tell us how your wife liked it!?
[20:46] [Shatner] If she's your woman then she must be a good paintball player and we should get her together with my wife who is my best sharp shooter and that should be a lot of laughs
[20:46] [Tom_Kaye] Jon the guy you shot on the tank is right here and he says he "OWES YOU ONE!!"
[20:46] [Shatner] My wife had a ball. She particularly like the atomosphere of all the people there.
[20:47] [Tom_Kaye] yea all these crazy people grow on you
[20:47] [Shatner] She thought they were very friendly and was suprised by the great attitude they all had.
[20:47] [Shatner] She has all that special equipment now and is threatening to play with out me
[20:47] lighting sets mode: +v ST_TooDamnSweet_AO
[20:47] [Tom_Kaye] LOL!!!
[20:47] [Shatner] it's tru
[20:47] [Tom_Kaye] Bill we have your biggest fan on the line now
[20:47] [Tom_Kaye] she has been assimilated by us and posts actively on your forum and ours
[20:48] [Shatner] I've never met so many rich characters in one place at one time n my life. Some of them are on film and make great characters in our movie special.
[20:48] [Tom_Kaye] you shook her hand on stange and it made her week.
[20:48] [Tom_Kaye] TDS say hi to mr Shatner!!
[20:48] [Shatner] Not the least of which of course is you. What a character you are Tommy boy.
[20:48] [ST_TooDamnSweet_AO] Hey Mr. Shatner!!!!!!
[20:49] [Shatner] Sweetness I'm glad you're here. You met the man of your dreams in paintball. Is that a kick or what?
[20:49] [Tom_Kaye] Yonnie had posted 2500 posts in her thread
[20:49] [Tom_Kaye] see he knows who you are TDS!!!
[20:49] [ST_TooDamnSweet_AO] Yup yuP!!!!!
[20:49] [ST_TooDamnSweet_AO] I had an awesome time
[20:49] [ST_TooDamnSweet_AO] WooooooooooHooooooooooo
[20:49] [Tom_Kaye] thanks TDS!!!!
[20:49] Blazestorm is now known as I_was_2500th
[20:49] [ST_TooDamnSweet_AO] He remembers me!!!!!
[20:49] lighting sets mode: -v ST_TooDamnSweet_AO
[20:49] [Tom_Kaye] Bill anything else you want to say to the paintball world?
[20:49] [Shatner] Of course i remember you
[20:50] [Shatner] you now why ? You're too damn sweet.
[20:50] [Shatner] Yes, I've found a new vital interest which is paintball
[20:50] [Shatner] I think it's one of the great games
[20:50] [Tom_Kaye] Bill we would like you to give away one of the prizes right now
[20:50] [Shatner] I think we capture it. All it's fun, it's intrigue
[20:51] [Tom_Kaye] its a Warp Feed in honor of your history.
[20:51] [Tom_Kaye] please pick out a name from the list on the right and tell us who it is
[20:51] [Shatner] in this Spplat Attack DVD onsale dec. 10 on PPV dec 8
[20:51] [Shatner] I know JJ is out there ad JJ was instrumental in putting this thing together.
[20:51] [Tom_Kaye] cant pick jj
[20:52] [Tom_Kaye] he has one
[20:52] [Shatner] And we're all looking forward to next year to do this thing again
[20:52] [Tom_Kaye] pick someone they are getting ancy
[20:52] [Shatner] so keep tuned in to www.williamshatner.com for more information
[20:52] [Tom_Kaye] bill pick someone from the list to give a prize
[20:53] [Tom_Kaye] bill has someone typoing for him so we are a little lagged
[20:53] [Shatner] I pick MMr. Rotten T
[20:53] [Tom_Kaye] good one!!!!!
[20:53] [Shatner] Take care Tom I must sign off.
[20:53] [Tom_Kaye] congratz Rotten!!!
[20:53] BlackVCG sets mode: +v AO-MrRottenTreats
[20:53] [Tom_Kaye] Ok Bill thanks for being here and we thank you once again!!!
[20:53] [AO-MrRottenTreats] yay!
[20:54] [Tom_Kaye] Everyone say "Thanks!!!" to Mr WIlliaMm SHatner!!!!!!!

11-27-2002, 07:46 PM
Sweet! i just wish he had stayed a bit longer to talk about star trek. eh oh well im a dork.

11-27-2002, 07:56 PM
It looks alot better w/ out everyone changing their nicks mixed thru it! Thanks again for the party Tom.

-edit- A little change in grammar?!

Creative Mayhem
11-28-2002, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by ChucktheMAGician
Looks alot better w/ out everyone changing their nicks mixed thru it! Thanks again for the party Tom.

Really!:rolleyes: :mad: I enjoyed my first chat and my first encounter with the great William Shatner. I can't wait untill the next SPPLAT Attack....:D Tom and everyone that had a hand in bringing this to fruition, please take a bow:cool: Thanks for the great time and thanks for the video:D

C Mayhem

11-28-2002, 11:02 AM
man,i cant believe i missed that game..

i totally want to shoot shatner...


not sure what to say...:confused:

11-28-2002, 12:11 PM
:D :D :D

Thanks Tom!!!! That was awesome!!!

11-29-2002, 09:23 AM
And if any one is interested, below is a log file from #autmags (Chat) that dates back to Mar, 2001. Oviously not every day is in there, but if I was idle in the channel it's there:)

http://pittsburgh-music.com/paintball/misc/#automags.zip <--- It's a 17MB zipped text file:)

11-30-2002, 12:01 AM
I'll take dibbs on that rematch in the Plains of Montana bit there Tom. As I'm sure most of my fellow mag shooters of Montana would.


11-30-2002, 01:48 PM
Man. i can't believe I missed the first part of the chat party. I'm glad that they're possibly planning another one in Montana cause it's easily within driving distance for me and really wanna go.

11-30-2002, 05:51 PM
Whoaa there smokey, I didn't say anything about planning. It was only mentioned.

I used to live by you Retro! 6 years in Seattle.


12-01-2002, 07:13 PM
Hummmmm where do I live,,,,,,O Montana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!