View Full Version : Found paint splatters all over my driveway/front yard

11-27-2002, 07:44 PM
Yeah I left for 15 minutes and came back to find splatters all over my driveway and yard.

Well It's obvious that it came from the house across the street, cause of how the splats are formed.

These new people movied in across the street, and their 14 year old kid is quite big-headed.

I think him and his friends were trying to shoot my house with a talon or something. I didn't witness it, but it would seem the distance a talon would shoot (where all these splats were at)

What should I do if I do catch him in the act?

I think it's time to regulate lol :p

Spray Painter
11-27-2002, 07:57 PM
get a hidden camera:)

11-27-2002, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Spray Painter
get a hidden camera:)

Good idea! Then you can show it to their parents and let them handle it.

11-27-2002, 08:04 PM
If someone was shooting my house and I caught them, I'd have to say I'd beat them with a potato in a pillowcase until the potato was mashed. This is only what I personally would do...but if I were you, I'd let it slide this time. The next time, it's the potato in a pillowcase.:D :D :D

I've been watching Goodfellas and the Jerky Boys waaaaaaaay too much lately.

11-27-2002, 08:04 PM
if it were me i would wait with my gun gassed up and shoot the crap out of them with hard paintballs.

But thats incredibly irresponsible and not too bright. :D

Will Wood
11-27-2002, 08:16 PM
Fight fire with fire :)..Oh wait, nevermind, that would be a bad idea...:)

But the best thing to do, just tell their parents. They can handle it.

11-27-2002, 08:22 PM
Here's a crazy idea: Offer to take them paintballing with you. Get them to respect you and the sport in one swell foop.

11-27-2002, 08:55 PM
nahh dude, just unload on thier house and show them the power of AGD!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

uhh no, dont do that I'm just kidding of course!! Davidb has a MUCH better idea. They will think you are the coolest neighbor in the world!!!! Plus they will respect you and be much better neighbors I'm sure.

11-27-2002, 09:02 PM
borrow an Angel, and paint there house for them :D

samething with me i'm just joking. Don't want someone to actually do that and get screwed over. hehe

11-27-2002, 09:30 PM
Fire, and lots of it!...

some time invite him over, and be like... see this is what me gun can do, and go crazy on a watermelon with ur velocity cranked to like 500 just to scare him...

11-27-2002, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Gotenks
Yeah I left for 15 minutes and came back to find splatters all over my driveway and yard.

Well It's obvious that it came from the house across the street, cause of how the splats are formed.

These new people movied in across the street, and their 14 year old kid is quite big-headed.

I think him and his friends were trying to shoot my house with a talon or something. I didn't witness it, but it would seem the distance a talon would shoot (where all these splats were at)

What should I do if I do catch him in the act?

I think it's time to regulate lol :p

This is why my barrel is STAINLESS STEEL Just kidding.

11-27-2002, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by Gotenks
I think him and his friends were trying to shoot my house with a talon or something. I didn't witness it, but it would seem the distance a talon would shoot

ya, the talon couldnt reach across the street to hit your house.. hehe

Originally posted by TooDamnSweet

Good idea! Then you can show it to their parents and let them handle it.

or you can take it into your own hands... you know what i mean:D

11-27-2002, 11:06 PM
make sure they wake up with a horse head next to them in bed..

11-27-2002, 11:11 PM
yes.. make them an offer they cant refuse....;)

11-28-2002, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by warpfeedmod
make sure they wake up with a horse head next to them in bed..

nah what someone did at a party i went to was while someone was passed out they drove them down the street and layed them next to a cow and pulled his pants down so when he woke up he wouldnt know what he did HAHAHAHAHAHA it was so funny!!!!!!!:D :D :D

11-28-2002, 03:01 AM
Well never had this kinda problem BUT ,....lol this guy down

the street did like a drive by on my house ...Sooo i took ma

tters into my hands and invited him to play with me one sat

at the local feild ...MUAHAHAAH , i had the entire team he

was on walk off the feild say they was shot , and then ran

up and shot his *** up {lets just say it never happend again

} So ..other than that call his mom and tell her he's a

gaylord Fauker and that he shot ur house...err driveway..

grass ?? forgot it was a talon lol

11-28-2002, 06:03 AM
Originally posted by covadsucks
If someone was shooting my house and I caught them, I'd have to say I'd beat them with a potato in a pillowcase until the potato was mashed. This is only what I personally would do...but if I were you, I'd let it slide this time. The next time, it's the potato in a pillowcase.:D :D :D

I've been watching Goodfellas and the Jerky Boys waaaaaaaay too much lately.

tato in a sack? doooood , break out the spud gun and stick tatos right through the siding!! trust me man it's the ONLY way to get revenge.... or catch them on camera and press charges for vandalisim.

But honestly, talk to them, invite them to a field and get them educated what they are up to is bull and causes toos of problems to their "youthful freedoms". Guess why kids can't buy guns till they are 18, drive till they are 16, drink till they are 21.... should be 40 but whatever and pretty much have no life. That's right someone got a gun/car/beer/life and did something stoopid with it. Yeah, I've seen ppl do stoopid stuff with a LIFE....:D :D :D

Creative Mayhem
11-28-2002, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by HoppysMag
Fire, and lots of it!...

some time invite him over, and be like... see this is what me gun can do, and go crazy on a watermelon with ur velocity cranked to like 500 just to scare him...

LOL! That's exactly what I'd do... this serves as the warning. NEXT TIME.....game over man! Take them out to the local forest for a little one on one, ghetto style:D:cool:

C Mayhem

11-28-2002, 12:34 PM
i like the hidden camera idea..

then show their parents..

and if they dont do anything,shoot up THEIR house...

11-28-2002, 03:26 PM
go tell the damn parents

11-28-2002, 07:29 PM
nothin learns a kid quite like a good ol' bull whip

11-28-2002, 10:09 PM
ya can't go wrong with the bag of flaming poop on their doorstep......super glue in their locks......hamburgers in their yard..< cats all over the place >.....or just kick the spokes out of his bike.....ya need to do it stealth style no pb guns...use a sling shot w/ marbles, they put nice holes in siding and windows..hehehehehehe.sorry yall ya didn't hear this from me!

11-28-2002, 10:52 PM
Lie in wait with your goggles and a hockey stick close at hand. When you see them perform the devilish deed simply walk out your front door goggles on, hockey stick in hand. There are now two possibilities....
1-they get scared and run off, in this case you chase them down and beat them with your stick.
2-they get dumb(er) and start shooting at you w/ their talon, this makes no difference, since you are wearing goggles, catch and beat them just the same

ps- besides safety, the goggles afford you ANONYMITY, so you can beat these twerps in public w/out fear off legal reprisals

11-29-2002, 12:54 AM
halb - I'm not going to tell... cause I didnt see him do it, who knows, maybe one of his friends came over with a talon and he decided to be a horses *ss.

but I'll probably go ask his parents if he owns any paint markers or anything like that and tell them what happened.

11-29-2002, 01:18 PM
You could get a garbage can, fill it with water, then lean it against their door. When they go to open the door, SPLASH!

OR, you could just ask your neighbor's parents about it.

11-29-2002, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Timmee
You could get a garbage can, fill it with water, then lean it against their door. When they go to open the door, SPLASH!

OR, you could just ask your neighbor's parents about it.

Or.......you could give them a cup of Timmee's famous coffee and I guarentee they will never bother you again! :D

11-29-2002, 08:21 PM
get everyone you know that plays paintball and tell them to get all their gear and coem to your houdse. then get the punk *ss over you your house too and surround him (make sure hoppers are on, and tanks are connected, but no paintballs) with your friends. then just start dry firing on him like crazy. i mean crazy! and if the kid walks home with a wet mark on the front of his pants and a load in the back, youve done well.

11-30-2002, 10:00 AM
reminds me when a kid was messin with my gf i talked him into playing me and my bestfriend let him on my team we let him get in the bunker in front of us well to say the least hes never messed with her again!!!:D