View Full Version : ....yes!!!

11-28-2002, 07:41 PM
I FINALLY have my very own setup! It arrived in the mail the other day. I had an Rt classic, but I recieved an intelliframe from a certain friend...(thanks!! ;) ) ...and it wouldn't fit on my classic Rt, so we traded it for a mini-Rt, (which is also more my size), and put that intelliframe on there and voala(<sp?) my own setup! Yea!

I will have pics up soon...I am still looking for a small, light, good Nitro tank and a revy, but hopefully I can borrow moose's extra pieces until after Christmas...I have many, many people to buy stuff for for christmas! (and I start tomorrow morning on that :) )

So...I just thought since I was excited, I would start a thread about it!

I want to give a HUGE thank you to my MOOSE for working it all out for me. I'm not as knowledgable yet on how everything works and is put together, but with the help from all of you and regular playing and always walking into Moose's room and seeing guns in pieces...I am learning!

So, Thank You everyone for being so helpful and friendly and letting me borrow all the stuff I didn't have! I really appreciate it!

Oh, in SC:AO, I played with Riotz's gun w/warp, and that is going to be my next expenditure! I loved it! Thanks!

Like I said, pics will be up soon...I'll see you all on the fields!!


Will Wood
11-28-2002, 07:46 PM

Get those pics up soon :)

11-28-2002, 07:52 PM
not only that... Devil.. come on.. it's not just a minimag RT... it's a LX Minimag RT =]

the LX is being put on tomorrow.... =] very nice set up, we will take pix of it tomorrow :D

11-28-2002, 08:41 PM
Thank you moose-ie!

11-28-2002, 08:45 PM
YAY DEVIL!!!!!!!!

if your still looking for a warp in the next few weeks i may have one available(depending on if i like the one i have coming) and i would sell it at a good price.

congrats on the new gun, now go show them cocker toten physics ignoring noobs what its all about!!!!

11-28-2002, 08:48 PM

chop chop on them pics,i cant wait to see it!

11-28-2002, 08:49 PM
Congrats Devil :)

Oh, in SC:AO, I played with Riotz's gun w/warp, and that is going to be my next expenditure! I loved it! Thanks!

Yep, the warp is great! Definitely worth the money :D

11-28-2002, 08:51 PM
Congrats!!! Can't wait to see the pictures!

11-28-2002, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by yeahthatsme
YAY DEVIL!!!!!!!!

if your still looking for a warp in the next few weeks i may have one available(depending on if i like the one i have coming) and i would sell it at a good price.

I already have one promised to me for a decent price as soon as christmas comes to a close...thank you for the offer though!

congrats on the new gun, now go show them cocker toten physics ignoring noobs what its all about!!!!

cocker toten @#$$%...hehe...kidding...just because they're deprived of a mag, doesn't mean they are bad people!

11-29-2002, 10:10 AM
pics will be up today!

11-29-2002, 10:13 AM
That is very similar to my setup. You will like it!!!!

Forget shopping for all those people. You have to go try out your new gear!:)

11-29-2002, 10:17 AM
tomorrow, fellow setup owner...tomorrow!

11-29-2002, 10:21 AM
The PIX are being made.... but, I should wait for devil.. let her hold the gun... =]

11-29-2002, 10:53 AM
I'll be over there in 30 minutes!

11-29-2002, 11:19 AM
Go Devil!!! BTW, I'll take good care of the Classic, it's good to have a Mag again.....
