View Full Version : Hey, If we're going to welcome Bea, let's welcome WAS back...

11-28-2002, 08:34 PM
If we're going to welcome Bea, let's have WAS come back and have the mods edit/delete any content they don't agree with personally?!

11-28-2002, 08:37 PM
your taking this a bit too seriously and you will only get yourself in trouble.

11-28-2002, 08:39 PM

11-28-2002, 08:41 PM
yea,but atleast he is thinking logically.

this is a paintball forum,where we discuss paintball matters...the mods may not always agree,but they dont have to remove it because they disagree...

11-28-2002, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Jonno06
yea,but atleast he is thinking logically.

this is a paintball forum,where we discuss paintball matters...the mods may not always agree,but they dont have to remove it because they disagree...

I have to agree....

that's the point of the forums right?!?!

11-28-2002, 09:01 PM

Well no one has ever said WAS could not come back and we always welcome a good debate with him.

I think the Bea thing was condidered a Flaming contest. In the end thats what it became. I didn't personaly see much of it so I will leave it at that. But when we welcome someone its not a good time to attack them. And that did occur. No Mod removes things because they do not agree with them personaly. They remove them because they are rude and constitute a Flame. And they feel they break the rules.

Again...I REPEAT...this is not a Democracy.

Again...if I had a nickel for every time someone claimed censorship because what he/she wanted something left on the forum for his purposes was judged by a Mod or Admin as not in the best interest of the site by those chosen to make that tough call I would be a rich man. We are not here to be popular.

Sorry you do not agree with that call. I didn't make it. But I will back up the persons who did. Lets move on with our lives.

Your right...its a paintball site not a popularity contest. Stick to paintball and we will all be good.

11-28-2002, 09:05 PM
w00t to that. I should have Jim Murray add that to the PBC FAQ, Phil. You wouldn't believe (well, maybe you would :) ) the amount of crap we get over closures and stuff.


11-28-2002, 09:08 PM
I'd love to see WAS back on AO. I personally thought the whole debate was retarded. The guy was showing off a new board, and got flamed for hyping it. Whats wrong with a little embellishment? He wasnt lying. NEWS FLASH! The damn board kicks ***, and now most guns use 'em.

Some times I get sick of the "High & Mighty" attitude by few people here at AO. None of you guys ever created an electronic board for a paintball marker.

11-28-2002, 09:08 PM
Well..Phil..i have always respected your opinion but I think you're totally wrong on this. I know this isn't a democracy, but I never want to hear you or any of the other mods talk about how AO is for open and free ideas. That's it, because you all proved it. I also disagree with you that it was a flaming contest. I want proof that what you saw was a flame, because the comments may just be seen as opinion by someone else. You stated that you did not know exactly what was going so why even comment when you have no idea what the situation was. Bea backed down in another thread because she felt she was being threatened, that's what we called her out on.

and BTW, if this isn't a popularity contest you wouldn't bring up a "Welcome So-and-So to AO" to show off who we now have as a member. That, my friend is hypocritical.

11-28-2002, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by JEDI

Some times I get sick of the "High & Mighty" attitude by few people here at AO.

AMEN to that

I'm gettn' out of this topic now, cause I have no idea what happened...... and if it was flaming... then it should have been deleted....


11-28-2002, 09:19 PM
I don't think they used the welcome as a "show off"...I was even welcomed a few months ago...she's a new member of our family and should be given alittle respect...and as for her "backing off" or whatever...common man...what did you do to her...if I was being "attacked" or "felt threatened" publicly...I think it would be best to back off or try to continue it in public, like I said in your post in the Friendly corner...it's not cool...

(I know I don's know what happened, but do you think that maybe you might have been alittle rough on her??)

11-28-2002, 09:20 PM
WAS lied, and was called on it, and thus left, because we HATE hype and LOVE data. He showed nothing, and blatantly lied to us. We don't have a "high and mighty" attitude here, but what we do have is a need for information, not hype. If you want to believe everything that comes out of a dealer's mouth, fine, but I'll stay here.

11-28-2002, 09:21 PM
I already said I didn't see it. So I realy cannot comment on that. I have asked to see it and I am certain I will eventualy. For now I will assume Tom stepped in because he felt that it was inapropritate. Even if I find out later I agree with you I will do my talking behind the scenes and privately.

But I for now must back up the Mods and Owner as to the difficult choice then had to make. I am sure they weighed the decision carefully and made the best choice for the site. I am also certain they knew full and well someone would not be happy with that choice. I know all of them well enough to know that without even asking. I have worked closely with them for a few years now.

We welcome a lot of people. Has nothing to do with popularity. We have several welocome threads a day here. I see nothing hypocritical about welcoming people at all.

But to you I say that making a "I am pissed I didn't get my way thread" helps nothing. Even if you are right it helps nothing of your cause. Open and honest does not mean you can say everything and anything you want. If you must we keep it as open and honest AS WE CAN. And after that there are no guarantee's.

11-28-2002, 09:21 PM
in defence of the board, it kicks so much, because you can adjust its de bounce settings.... at low enough settings it becomes un safe, and un fair... sdon it will be nppl, psp, mellenium regulated... just watch... the debounce settings can go so low, that the marker will fire by its self if your not careful..... this is FA which last time i checked was illegal, and the board cna achieve turbo rates of fire etc with different settings... that is why it is so good... yes it is programmed well. Jim at was is an awesome programmer... but he has his head up a place where id doesnt belong, IMHO and he is a very smoke and mirrior type guy... would have made one hell of a lawer if you ask me... or a con artist...

11-28-2002, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by JEDI
{snip}He wasnt lying. NEWS FLASH! The damn board kicks ***, and now most guns use 'em.

{snip}None of you guys ever created an electronic board for a paintball marker.

Jedi, yes, he was lying. Or he wasn't telling the truth, you pick what makes you feel better. Furthermore, the board does kick butt. No one ever said the board wasn't good. He does make good stuff.

As for none of us making a board for a paintball marker... I know Pi has one in the works, past prototyping. Tom's on the boards, he's made one I'm sure :) I've even made a prototype myself, it's really not anywhere as hard as you think. (personally I think it's easier for me to buy one from somebody else, so I did.)

11-28-2002, 09:22 PM
well i think the problem was that WAS embelleshed things that are impossible and incredibly outrageous such as his board can tell a solinoid to cycle a million times for every millesecond or something like that or that his hopper thinks on its own. im not sure what the controversy about bea is maybe someone would like to pm me the details(from both sides of the debate or even bea would be cool)

11-28-2002, 09:28 PM
Bea and WAS? I know I'm dumb as a rock...

but are the two the same? if not.. then what does Bea have to do with all this..

I understand the WAS mess....

11-28-2002, 09:33 PM
"I am pissed because I didn't get my way"? I think you're making a bold statement here Mr. Mod. I am allowed to be pissed and I can show it and I am. You, as you have stated before do not have a leg to stand on in this debate. I am trying to show the facts and call people out on them and not have this fall into a "I know you are but what am I" kind of debate but i guess that is just what you want. When you can come back to me with more than that as a defense than I would ask you to respond to this debate, and i would ask you to refrain from making meaningless comments if you have nothing ot add other than "I am pissed because I didn't get my way." If you actually read the comments, I wasn't one of the people that was making them, but i am going to stand up for there right to say them. Unless there was some vulgarity or something more outline I feel that you the mods, and you started it so I am going to call you out, need to just shut up and respond. Deleting and/or editing someone's post just makes you look like you have something to hide, not the person who posted it. If you disagree post, don't edit and hide the fact that you didn't agree with the content of that post. Unless someone comes out and calls a woman on the forums a "whore" I don't think you should edit a persons post because they are attacking what they stand for. No one likes to be crapped on (as Devil so bluntly put it) but no one likes a liar or a thief either.

11-28-2002, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by magman007
would have made one hell of a lawer if you ask me... or a con artist...

Jim is actually a very good programmer, one would even say a hell of a programmer.

11-28-2002, 09:38 PM
That is why magman007 said

"Jim at was is an awesome programmer"

Read the entire post.

11-28-2002, 09:40 PM
Well your analogy of Bea and WAS is so off base I think your not at all thinking clearly. In fact its ridiculous. I suggest you do go back when you cool off and reread my comments above. Your missing the point. You are arguing from anger at some things that are not even what I am talking about. What ever the chip you have now on your shoulder I would suggest you don't try and take it out on me. I am not your enemy. So I suggest you think twice before threatening me.

Lets drop this and cool down a bit. I suggest that be done.

11-28-2002, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
Well..Phil..i have always respected your opinion but I think you're totally wrong on this. I know this isn't a democracy, but I never want to hear you or any of the other mods talk about how AO is for open and free ideas. That's it, because you all proved it. I also disagree with you that it was a flaming contest. I want proof that what you saw was a flame, because the comments may just be seen as opinion by someone else. You stated that you did not know exactly what was going so why even comment when you have no idea what the situation was. Bea backed down in another thread because she felt she was being threatened, that's what we called her out on.

and BTW, if this isn't a popularity contest you wouldn't bring up a "Welcome So-and-So to AO" to show off who we now have as a member. That, my friend is hypocritical.

I agree.

Oh and, Bea brought the "conflict" to AO. I and others responded. She wanted input. She got it. And she said it helped her. If it helped her, I don't see why someone (who was not involved in the conversation) disagreed with it and removed it.

11-28-2002, 09:41 PM
yeah, my bad, I what I meant was that I didn't think he'd be anywhere as good anything else. A laywer is not supposed to caught telling lies....

{edit} responding the post a few above... not the other ones...

11-28-2002, 09:43 PM
Riotz, I may agree with that. When I see it all I just may. But does this thread help that? Thats my point here. I say...Nope...

11-28-2002, 09:45 PM
/me breaks the tension of the flaming with a dumb question

whos WAS??:D :D :D

11-28-2002, 09:52 PM
lol in case your serious WAS is Wicked Air Sports they make aftermarket things for intimdators and a rev board that "can tell you stock quotes and insult your intelligence by pretending to be better than you"

11-28-2002, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by JEDI
I'd love to see WAS back on AO. I personally thought the whole debate was retarded. The guy was showing off a new board, and got flamed for hyping it. Whats wrong with a little embellishment? He wasnt lying. NEWS FLASH! The damn board kicks ***, and now most guns use 'em.

Some times I get sick of the "High & Mighty" attitude by few people here at AO. None of you guys ever created an electronic board for a paintball marker.

Actually, if you'll remember, Butterfingers, of E-Magnum fame, was one of the main ones telling him that his claims could not be true.

11-28-2002, 09:54 PM
I don't have a chip on my shoulder and never have..i tried to be tongue and cheek about the whole thing and you came in here acting all high and mighty..so I responded. And my question to you is, If i'm replying to things in anger that are not what you are talking about, how about you tell me what your post was about in the first place. You commented that you did not know the situation but you decided to comment anyways in your own ignorance but I'm the one that doesn't know what I'm talking about. You are in my thread, commenting on my ideas and again, I don't know what I'm talking about. How about you go to the top and reread what I said and get back to me about it.

11-28-2002, 09:58 PM
Who is Bea, and what does she have to do with WAS?

silly question I know.. but I'm trying to figure out what's going on... ...

11-28-2002, 10:00 PM
Man... Even on Thanksgiving we can't get along...

ONE day and we can't NOT argue... :rolleyes:

11-28-2002, 10:04 PM
bea is a hot **(poof)Dont mess with the cuss filter** pro pball player, she is a woman... i hav e no clue what she has to do with WAS

11-28-2002, 10:08 PM
They don't have anything to do with each other..i lumped them together because of all the "love" we showed Bea when she showed up but all we did was berate Jim for his ignorance when he showed up here...and Bea is just as ignorant to what goes on here as Jim (WAS) was..I still don't understand why Bea's thread had to be turned into a sticky, like we don't have a half-page of those already...

11-28-2002, 10:09 PM
Bea is a paintball player,who plays for many different,good teams..

check out the welcome thread up there^^^(its a classic)

and WAS was already explained...they have NOTHING in common except both backed down when their claims or whatnot were challenged,and umputed on....

can someone PM me and remind me of the situation that happened with bea please..thanx

11-28-2002, 10:11 PM
ahh.. ok , so I get it now...

I'm out on this topic... cause I'm clueless...

maybe you should just go call them all goobers.. my make you feel better :D


11-28-2002, 10:14 PM
oh yea,and dirtybunny...

its obvious everyone is going to love bea..

she is a young,attractive paintball player

and even though Jim was very smart,and a great programmer...he is a guy...

11-28-2002, 10:17 PM
Yes..well..personally..and Boomerfoxtrot..hope you don't take offense to this...but I would rather look at poster of a Devil all day than Bea..but that's just me..

11-28-2002, 10:19 PM
Bunny...join me in chat. We on two different wave lengths...

11-28-2002, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by EsPo
bea is a hot arse pro pball player, she is a woman... i hav e no clue what she has to do with WAS

ERR. Bea is NOT a Pro player!!

I just wanted to make sure you knew. teehee :) :)

11-28-2002, 10:25 PM
Dirtybunny.. if you want one PM me.. *cause we don't talk about them on the forums* don't want to get anyone upset again....

11-28-2002, 10:25 PM
Yes bunny. Come to the chat please

11-28-2002, 11:21 PM
This disagreement between Riotz, Cphil and myself has been taken care of..but i still want people to speak their peace here..

11-28-2002, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Man... Even on Thanksgiving we can't get along...

ONE day and we can't NOT argue... :rolleyes: you used a double negative you IDIOT :D :D (just kidding)

11-28-2002, 11:37 PM
yea we cool... :)

One fact I do want to make sure is know is the very first thread in this Saga of Bea threads was not deleted by a Mod. It was deleted by the author of the thread.

11-28-2002, 11:41 PM
Actually, it's correct in what I wanted to say. And how I said it. So bugger off. :D

Originally posted by petefol
you used a double negative you IDIOT :D :D (just kidding)

11-28-2002, 11:43 PM
Hey don't you know AO's new motto?

"If you can't say anything negative, don't say anything at all" :p

11-29-2002, 12:08 AM
Glad to see you guys aren't at eachothers throats anymore :)

11-29-2002, 12:29 AM
Was there another Bea thread I missed?

Oh well. I dislike disk jockeying and probably don't like the same music as Bea. Also I tend to find all of the hype the paintball community automatically puts on attractive women who play amusing.

I must admit, however, that in her first posts I started to become a Bea fan. She was well spoken and seemed to be pretty darn intelligent. A woman who happens to be good looking and shoots a paintball marker I really don't respect that much. An intelligent young woman who is working all the angles to make a career out of something she enjoys I can respect!

I hope she visits the board more often. Couldn't voice my objections versus Shartley and Riotz because that thread was closed down I didn't see the profit of starting another one so we could go through the exact same arguments. Since Bunny has allowed me to indulge guilt free, however, I'm going to take that opportunity.:D

11-29-2002, 12:44 AM
Yes..just like the terms X-Mag and LX, I do come up with a gem every once in a while..

Mr. T!
11-29-2002, 01:38 AM
does anyone have a link to this infamous thread? Please?

11-29-2002, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
They don't have anything to do with each other..i lumped them together because of all the "love" we showed Bea when she showed up but all we did was berate Jim for his ignorance when he showed up here...and Bea is just as ignorant to what goes on here as Jim (WAS) was..I still don't understand why Bea's thread had to be turned into a sticky, like we don't have a half-page of those already...

THATS what all this is about, the censoring of that??? please tell me thats not how this started.:eek: :rolleyes: . I was atleast expecting this argument to come from something better than "well you welcomed her better than him".

Sorry DB, but from the limited amount I know here, its a really stupid fight to put up:rolleyes: .

11-29-2002, 02:52 AM
No..that's not it..if you would like to talk about the real issue you can send me a PM but i'm not going to talk about it in a thread..

11-29-2002, 03:53 AM
gosh i totaly missed it can someone PM me and fill me in on whatever happened? thanks

11-29-2002, 01:41 PM
It's a little late...

11-29-2002, 08:02 PM
....I vaguely remember Shartley saying something about Bea in the Keely Vs. Bea thread but I forgot exactly what it was. Now I am completely lost.

11-30-2002, 04:11 AM
it's ok...you're not the only one..

11-30-2002, 04:52 AM
WOW... you have to admit, this website rocks...

I've been in communication with Riotz and he has taught me much in just the one comment he made in Paintball.com's site. He made me take a step back and reevaluate my contribution to the community of paintball. I have not lied about what I am trying to promote, just reevaluating the way I am promoting it. I explained to Riotz that he has enlightened me, in addition, he has helped me to make a big decision - Paintball OR Music. I have made a decision to focus more on my career in paintball as a promoter, because I have come across as one who is "using" paintball to further my career in music. I will always be a paintball player, nonetheless, and always be a dj, too. That's what I was defending, not lying about.

When I first came to the Keely vs Bea thread, it was to defend myself in what Riotz had said, that's all, of which we were both entitled to contribute to. I didn't realize I was bringing conflict, when actually, Riotz enlightened me and invited all of us who go to Paintball.com to see the thread (the Keely vs Bea one).

Army asked me if he could welcome me as a new member, at first, I asked him why should we make the introduction. This was before I realized the Keely vs Bea thread was removed. Then, I asked him if he feels people would care about me being a new member, by all means, mention it. I am not ashamed of being a part of this website.

From what I am gathering here, forums shouldn't be about popularity, or even a Beauty Contest, it should be about the good and educational things we get out of ARGUMENTATION and DEBATES. When in the act of Argumentation, it's not about anger, but about differences of opinion to learn from.

Believe me, I wasn't thrilled about the beauty contest, considering that these forums should be about new concepts in paintball, new tournaments to attend, how to put your own tournament together, how to play better, etc., etc., not about a popularity contest, not about who's prettier than who, right?

Remember why you came to this website in the first place. And in my defense, all I was doing was sticking up for myself and my reasons why I do what I do in paintball. I do it because I am trying to promote it for the greater good of this sport, not for anything else.

So, let's get back to the good parts about this website that you make possible. Without your feedback and points-of-view, this site would not exist.

Sorry it's taken me a few days to catch up, but I was away with family for the holidays. I want to be here as often as I can because I do learn alot from you all.

Sincerely & Respectfully,

11-30-2002, 06:31 AM
Bea, I somehow missed the sticky thread so, Welcome to AO.

Now as for anyone that seems to think that this is somehow a free forum, guess again. CPhilip summed it up, THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY you do not pay for it and you do not get a say so in how it is run, that is an administrative function decided by the owner and administrators.

Did you ever stop to think why they may close a thread earlier than you deem appropriate? Well my mother and I am sure someone in all of your lives too, had a saying, 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' or 'Pre-emptive strike' for those of you that want a more common annalogy. The idea is to NOT allow things to degrade into a flame war.

As much time as people spend here, and some of you spend WAY to much time here, it does not give you the perspective or responsibilities that the mods have. If you have a problem with a mod them PM them, I have done that several times and have ALWAYS gotten sensible responses to my questions. An open board is not the place to do so. Remember, criticize in private, praise in public.

11-30-2002, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by kutter
Bea, I somehow missed the sticky thread so, Welcome to AO.

Now as for anyone that seems to think that this is somehow a free forum, guess again. CPhilip summed it up, THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY you do not pay for it and you do not get a say so in how it is run, that is an administrative function decided by the owner and administrators.

Did you ever stop to think why they may close a thread earlier than you deem appropriate? Well my mother and I am sure someone in all of your lives too, had a saying, 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' or 'Pre-emptive strike' for those of you that want a more common annalogy. The idea is to NOT allow things to degrade into a flame war.

As much time as people spend here, and some of you spend WAY to much time here, it does not give you the perspective or responsibilities that the mods have. If you have a problem with a mod them PM them, I have done that several times and have ALWAYS gotten sensible responses to my questions. An open board is not the place to do so. Remember, criticize in private, praise in public.
This is not an accurate depiction of what happened... sorry. It seems that few who are posting about it actually KNOW what happened. They are taking what they see and making assumptions as to what was said, but I think they would be shocked to know that it was not what they thought it was.

I fully understand and support the notion that this is NOT a Democracy...... but AO has always stood for open thought and differences of opinion as long as it was stated in a way that followed the rules. I can not comment openly about what happened because Tom has threatened to Ban both me and my Wife if "we" keep it going and don't drop it. Well, as you can see I have not kept it going, and did let it drop, however it keeps going by others who just don't know what actually happened. And it is made to look like something happened that DID NOT HAPPEN.

Sorry, it is not right to have to let my reputation get trashed because my posts were Censored and then a gag order was placed on me and my Wife..... but everyone else is allowed to talk. I have a PM box, and do accept questions, I hope folks use it....

11-30-2002, 06:53 PM
I'm not hater..i just call it as I see it...and I know that you're going to be moving to FL soon, Bea so I wasn't sure if you'd be at the Paintball Expo but I would be glad to speak with you personally if you end up going.

11-30-2002, 08:01 PM
Shartley is right. Lets all drop it. It seems that Riotz and Bea have communicated and she is glad to be part of this website. That is a testament to both of their good wills and good natures. Dropping it was exactly the reason that I did not start a new thread on it but Bunny did and I couldn't resist....(yes I know I am as bad as any of you).

So let this thread sink into the muck......

11-30-2002, 09:54 PM
nah..i'll just keep it around...it was kinda nice to vent...

12-03-2002, 06:07 AM
Hi DirtyBunny... =)

I will be back in CA in Jan, so if you're in San Diego and go to Ramona's Velocity, hopefully we can get down there and practice together. I am trying to help promote Paintball Expo during the month of January and would like to make a trip down to the area to visit fields and stores. It will be nice to see San Diego again, since that's where I first moved to when I moved to CA while at JT.

And you asked me for a poster... I KNOW you are going to either draw on it for artistic purposes or perhaps use it for target practice since you'd rather look at the DEVIL... oh man, that bites! ;)

I will definitely be at Paintball Expo in February and will be making announcements and also hosting a Fashion Show, too... you want to be a paintball athlete model for me? You will get free gear out of it, hopefully, and free admission into the show. If you're down for it, email or PM me... =)

And am really looking forward to talking to you face-to-face about things. It would be my pleasure and honor to see you... again... =) Send me a pic in advance so I can refresh my memory since we've met before.

See you soon, you Dirty Bunny, you!

Best wishes,


12-03-2002, 06:14 AM
Thanks again, Aaron, for giving me a chance. To each his own, and point well made about the whole thing about how any industry puts so much attention to attractive women who play any sport, really. Anna Karnikova, for instance, is a good example...

But, I do try hard to play better than good and I am not afraid to go up against anyone who challenges me. Trust me, I get bunkered, too, and even the best pro does, as well. It's all about the willingness to confront it and prove oneself on the field. I came into this sport knowing that.

Unfortunately, in any marketing scheme, women are used ALOT for the purposes of drawing attention and selling product. I didn't mind being utilized in that fashion, but still wanted to be known for being a player, as well. Hopefully, 2003 will be a year where that is promoted more than anything else. Hopefully, you all can help in that endeavor and offer any suggestions.

In the meantime, look forward to meeting you in person, too.

Sincerely & Respectfully,


12-03-2002, 06:21 AM
Hi Espo, as Riotz has already helped to correct, I am definitely not a PRO player, but a professional in the industry of paintball promotions! =)

I am hoping to play Amateur next year and do so for awhile. Once you go pro, you can't play the smaller tournaments anymore and going pro just doesn't seem as FUN to me as it is protrayed. I hear, too, if a player goes PRO, and say plays the Paintball Sports Promotions (PSP) tournament, they have to play X-Ball and then pay that big price to participate... that's bogus... I was diggin' on the whole X-Ball style of game play for the PROs only, but not the franchise idea... that's nuts! Perhaps when the game is modified a bit more, then reffing gets better, we dive into the franchise idea... man, what crazy things happen when money is involved - MONEY = ROOT of ALL EVIL... it's ashame... really.

But, again, that's where we all come into play as individual players with alot of BUYING power when it comes to how wealthy the manufacturers that care too much about the money more than the principal and moralistic nature of the Paintball Player's Best Interest. All of you have so many good things to say and make alot of contributions to this forum... imagine what you could do in a UNION for Paintballers... ;)


12-03-2002, 11:08 AM
Looks like Bea's trying to represent now...(and I sent her an email also..and yes..i am a dirty, dirty bunny)

12-03-2002, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by djbea
Unfortunately, in any marketing scheme, women are used ALOT for the purposes of drawing attention and selling product. I didn't mind being utilized in that fashion, but still wanted to be known for being a player...

I never said it was unfortunate. I said it was amusing. I may be elderly now (31:D ) but I am still male and male oriented marketing still catches my attention. I hate the fact that it is so easy to manipulate my attention...but there you have it:)

You have to have a sense of humor about such things! As for meeting me in person someday I won't be attending any of the big events for awhile. I'm an expectant father with twins on the way! I'm just hoping that I'll be able to play some rec ball in the near future. Maybe Shatnerball in a couple of years. Hopefully it keeps going on every year....:)

12-06-2002, 01:16 AM
Hey ALL!

Congratulations, TWINS!!! WOW, two babies at the same time coming soon... Aaron, thanks for the reply, and I wish you the best with your newborns-to-be that they are healthy, as I am sure, they will be! That's great news!

You won't believe who I ran into at the Vegas Pan Am... WAS!!! Jim of WAS (I guess WAS was also his nickname when he visited the forum last that caused quite a stir) was standing right next to me when I was finished playing the 10man today, and it was so craZy... I saw his shirt he was wearing and it said, "WAS" on it and I FREAKED and got to know this guy! I told him what happened and what was brought up at this forum and he smiled... seemed like a really nice guy and he, I think, was there with his wife and kid?! We didn't get into why he was in AO and what for... it wasn't necessary, but wow...

Just thought you should know and would get a kick out of the pic I took of us together to amuse you! He's a great guy, too, and maybe whatever happened was misconstrued somehow or what not... nevertheless, what a small world it can be sometimes and see the pic below for a nice chuckle!


See you soon!
<3, Bea

PS DIRTY BUNNY! What do you mean when you said that I'm "trying to represent..." is that a bad thing? ARE YOU PICKING ON ME AGAIN! =) hehe... get back to me... <3

12-06-2002, 01:35 AM
No...I'm not picking on you, Bea..just showing you love...what I meant by trying represent is, to just be true to yourself...no one can bring you down if you're just being you and not trying to be someone you're not. I'll talk to you about the significance of WAS when I catch you when you come down to Day-Go for some practice...Maybe you can hit WAS up for a banner for me..hahaahhahhahahhahaha..I do appreciate being able to see the object of so many people's disrespect in the flesh for once (WAS, not you Bea.)

p.s. How about that offer of being the femme's pod boy at LA open next year?

12-06-2002, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by djbea
Just thought you should know and would get a kick out of the pic I took of us together to amuse you! He's a great guy, too, and maybe whatever happened was misconstrued somehow or what not... nevertheless, what a small world it can be sometimes and see the pic below for a nice chuckle!
LOL I always get a kick out of these statements (no offense BEA). Of course he was a nice guy when you met him at an event where he was there to promote his products. ;) Heck, you of all people should realize that Bea.

I have heard reporters state that Castro was a “nice” guy too. And I would bet that you could take almost any notoriously “not nice” person and put them in a social setting and find that they can be pleasant to talk to, have a sense of humor, have a family and folks they love as well as love them, etc. Heck, I have seen footage of Hitler playing with children and his dog.. looked like a real “nice” guy. (Note: I am not calling WAS Hitler or Castro.)

No, what WAS posted on AO was not misconstrued, and we did not misunderstand WAS.

WAS is a schmuck. He has proven himself as one both on AO and other forums. The fact that he can be “personable” does not take away his other actions. Some of us can see through that, from him as well as others. We can look past the “glow” and the “hype” to see the real person beneath. And WAS…. well…. he just does not measure up as a “nice guy” in my book. Yes, he makes some nice products, but the crap that surrounds those products (as well as his own posts on the matter) is a total farce.

12-06-2002, 09:16 AM
welcome bea, just saying hi :D


12-06-2002, 09:49 AM

You have mentioned, in both this thread and the "Welcome" thread, that you are looking into starting a Players Union. Exactly what do you have in mind? Will this only involve tourny players or will there be rec-ball representation as well? What issues do you want to deal with. Reffing, seems to be something you are interested in. What else.

Perhaps this should be another thread however, you apparenly frequent this one, so I figured I would ask here.


12-06-2002, 12:03 PM
As for al you that say Jim drew is one hell of a programmer, i would like to inform you, HE IS NOT. It is so easy to reverse engineer a chip, a pic chip, which he probably uses, and recode it a little differe.t I know of a few guys who made their own boards. one for a B2K, one for a ANGEL LED, and one for a Impulse. It isnt as hard as you think, you just need to take a few courses and you will be set. And Jim Drew DID LIE to us, which makes him an unfavorable character around here.

12-06-2002, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Automaggin2
[B]As for al you that say Jim drew is one hell of a programmer, i would like to inform you, HE IS NOT. It is so easy to reverse engineer a chip, a pic chip, which he probably uses, and recode it a little differe.t I know of a few guys who made their own boards. one for a B2K, one for a ANGEL LED, and one for a Impulse. It isnt as hard as you think, you just need to take a few courses and you will be set. And Jim Drew DID LIE to us, which makes him an unfavorable character around here.[B]

Er, yes he is. He has done quite a bit of very good, non-paintball related computer work. Like the first Mac emulator for the PC and Amiga. And few other non-trival things. SYBIL, Emplant, SoftMac.

Perhaps, you should do a little research before you start slagging somebody's technical skills.

However easy, you think it is for him to make PIC software, doesn't mean that he stole his software from other boards. He does not have a history of stealing other peoples ideas/code. We have enough reasons to dislike him, so don't go around backhandedly accusing him of IP theft.

12-06-2002, 01:52 PM
Yes...and if you do your research then you will find out that Jim is more infamous for his vaporware than famous for his software.

12-06-2002, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
Yes...and if you do your research then you will find out that Jim is more infamous for his vaporware than famous for his software.

I only named the stuff he actualy released, just for that reason. :) His vapourware days are still on-going...

12-06-2002, 02:56 PM
Well..at least his isn't part of .NET, or else it would never get finished...(we can all have a sense of humor, can't we?)

12-06-2002, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
Well..at least his isn't part of .NET, or else it would never get finished...(we can all have a sense of humor, can't we?)

You say that like .NET finishing is a good thing :)

12-06-2002, 03:19 PM
good, bad, or indifferent...Vaporware is still vaporware (well..other than the fact the I have a copy of 2003. NET Enterprise Server RC1 sitting on my desk right now)...

12-06-2002, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by bofh

Er, yes he is. He has done quite a bit of very good, non-paintball related computer work. Like the first Mac emulator for the PC and Amiga. And few other non-trival things. SYBIL, Emplant, SoftMac.

Perhaps, you should do a little research before you start slagging somebody's technical skills.

However easy, you think it is for him to make PIC software, doesn't mean that he stole his software from other boards. He does not have a history of stealing other peoples ideas/code. We have enough reasons to dislike him, so don't go around backhandedly accusing him of IP theft.

WOW! A MAC EMULATOR! thats hardcore! i dont think so. try developing a signaling gateway for 3G cell phones, DSP modules, network interfaces and protocols.

if a 3 man team can do that, then whats so big about one guy making a mac emulator?

12-06-2002, 06:01 PM
Well automaggin2 my dad can beat up your dad!

In your oppion thoes things may be more difficult to you. Bill Gates may say driving stick is harder than programming Longhorn. It really doesnt matter to you what is difficult and what isnt. Your oppinion is just that YOURS. Don't talk down about his work. I think WAS has shown that he knows what he is doing and has applied his talents.

If you think making a fully operational Mac emulator to run OSX jaguar is so easy then why dont you make one? I know more about cars than you do, but im not trying to prove it by comparing my work to your then down talking it. Show some ingetrity and class befor your next post.

12-06-2002, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Automaggin2
WOW! A MAC EMULATOR! thats hardcore! i dont think so. try developing a signaling gateway for 3G cell phones, DSP modules, network interfaces and protocols.

Are you saying that you're only a good programmer if you've done one of those things? Or are you trying to compare yourself to WAS, by demeaning something you obviously know almost nothing about?

Frankly to me, what you've said actually seems very simple. I, with little knowledge of your industry besides five years working in Bell Labs's Operational Technology Center (Org 1FA93), will now mock your examples.

Actually I won't. I know how tough all of those tasks are, and I won't say that what you posted is easy. Given a choice? I'd rather do the telecom stuff you said than make a Mac Emulator.

Originally posted by Automaggin2
if a 3 man team can do that, then whats so big about one guy making a mac emulator?

If you really have to ask that, then I'm not sure you'd actually understand. That's the beautiful part about mocking something you don't know about, without bothering to do any research on it. It makes one look like a lack-witted anti-sophisticate.

There are enough reasons to attack WAS before, but inventing reasons or belittling his skill without basis, doesn't reflect well on the whole of AO.

12-06-2002, 09:57 PM
This thread is done...

BTW... I do emulation too... I can waddle and quack just like a duck... really! *Quack Quack*