View Full Version : I am very new here and could use some advice...

11-28-2002, 10:25 PM
Just like the subject line states, I am extremely new here...aka, this is my first post. In addition to that I could use some advice as to what to do to my marker to make it better.

I bought my marker back in 2000, it is an Automag Powerfeed, and the hopper sits on the right side of the marker...so i'm assuming its right feed. I bought it from www.paintball-online.com. I have never used it in a single game because I couldn't get the thing to work correctly...so I could use some help there as well...heh.

At anyrate, here is what I have done with it so far, and if I mess anything up (terminology etc.) just correct me.

14" Boomstick barrel (was considering using Smart Parts All American II...need avice on that)
Venturi Bolt
Drop Forward w/stock
9v Revolution
ANS Phase II Charger
68ci 3000psi Compressed Air tank w/regulator

Now then, I know it would in the long run be better off for me to just buy a new marker and be done with it, but since i've never used this one, i'd like to get a couple seasons with it, but i'd like to spruce it up.

So, with that inmind, i'd like to be able to reliably push about 10-13 balls per second. I was thinking of purchasing the following upgrades to it, please tell me if yes it will work, or no it won't work.

AGD Retro-Valve
AGD Level 10 Upgrade
AGD Intelli-Frame
Warp Drive (the ball feed thingie...heh told you I was new)

Anyways, price really isn't an object (geeky computer consultant, who has more money then brains half the time) I just want to beef this thing up so I can enjoy it, without having to buy another marker all together.

11-28-2002, 10:40 PM
First off get rid off your ANS stuff and replace it with the stock parts. Trust me nothing can beat the stock AGD parts. You can post in the tech forum to try to get your marker straightened out. Or send it to AGD, they have great customer service.

As for beefing your marker up Level 10 (LX) a ReTro Valve and a I-frame will up your rate of fire. But if money is no object (wish that was my case :) ) then I would go the whole nine yards and get a level 10 E-mag. It is basiclly an electronic version of an automag.

BTW it's warp feed ;)

EDIT - oh yeah welcome to AO

11-28-2002, 10:42 PM
welcome to ao:D you've come to the right place.

from your line-up of upgrades i'd say they look good, its warp feed by the way;)

for anything thats wrong with it post in the tech forum for any help.

with those upgrades and the non-agd stuff off you will be set to go.

Load SM5
11-28-2002, 10:47 PM
I would suggest upgrading to a 12 volt revy at least to push the warp. Otherwise your looking at possible gaps in the feeding. Sounds good, I wish I had your cash flow.

11-28-2002, 10:49 PM

get rid of the ANS stuff,and put the stock stuff back in..

what exactly is your problem with it(aka..what does it do,does it shoot,ect?)

welcome to AO...if you have anymore questions u can PM me or IM me at punk3rj0n69:)

11-28-2002, 10:51 PM
Well, money is no object, eh?

For now: Level 10 emag, maybe some ULE (ultra-light emag) stuff, HALO B, Warp Feed, 68 45 flatline (AGD tank), then some barrel kit, maybe freak or cp (or scepter if they ever make the 'mag ones).

Once Extreme production has spun up (search with word Extreme, and you'll get literally hundreds of threads, it's in one word an AMAZING e-mag) buy an extreme, with the Halo B, warp, and flatline, plus scepter kit ('cocker threaded, no wait for 'mag threaded).

Or just stick with yours and get the said upgrades, but since money is no object, get Halo B and 68 45 Flatline, and a barrel kit, and THEN wait for the extremes.

Either way, you won't be disappointed. If I used terms you don't understand, either ask, or search, you'll find oodles of info here.



EDIT: Lose the ANS stuff, aftermarket 'mag parts cause problems. AGD all the way. Period.

11-28-2002, 11:06 PM
My problem, and i'll post this on the technical forum, for a more detailed response, is that my spring...that pushes back the bolt, tends to get caught on the nubbin for the barrel...thats all that I can figure out so far. That and the velocity tends to drop off during rapid fire.

11-28-2002, 11:10 PM
Well I'm no techie, compared to most people here, but are you using plastic nubbins? The metal ones tend to cause several problems, and that may be what is wrong here.

11-28-2002, 11:12 PM
its metal...

also are their any teams or places to play around orlando, fl? I'd like to go out and get shot at alot (hopefully shoot others in the process) and have some fun.

11-28-2002, 11:13 PM
I know Tunaman here on the boards should have some plastic nubbins he can sell you, and AGD should have some too. Try calling or emailing AGD. And if that doesn't work, Tunaman should have the plastic kind.

11-28-2002, 11:28 PM
here we go:

- Keep the 14" boomy it's more than enough.

- Go with Level 10 get rid of the ans bolt.

- DF is good, keep the stock if you like it .

- Tank is good.

- ANS charger??? not sure stick with AGD stuff.

- Go for a 12V Revy and a warp... they kick.

- Intelli-frame is good as far as I hear, more dependable than any other non-AGD frame out there.

-Retro only if you really want the firepower... in other words I don't have the money for one right now...heh.

otherwise your cool... check the tech section to help you out with the tech problems you have.

Welcome to the forum!

11-28-2002, 11:28 PM
The four mods you listed, will indeed bring your gun into the modern times:)

The only other worthwhile upgrade, is to get the Emag, or wait for a X-mag next year( X-mag production rates are slow, no new markers until next year at soonest).

Oh yeah, since $ is not a factor, get a HALO-B hopper to feed your Warp:)

The Frymarker
11-29-2002, 12:47 AM

11-29-2002, 01:23 AM
Anybody catch this? He says that the mainspring is getting caught on his barrel nubbin. Um, how is that possible? They are on two different sides of the washer in the body.

Originally posted by khamael
My problem, and i'll post this on the technical forum, for a more detailed response, is that my spring...that pushes back the bolt, tends to get caught on the nubbin for the barrel...thats all that I can figure out so far. That and the velocity tends to drop off during rapid fire.

11-29-2002, 02:26 AM
Dayspring, yeah, I caught it. But since he's upping his gun to a ReTro valve, it's a moot point:) I also think he is mistaking the spring, for the bolt catching on the nubbin.

Khamael, switch to the plastic nubbins, it will stop any sticking at that point. The bolt-spring can't enter the barrel/chamber area due to a shoulder inside the body. There is no room between the bolt and body for the spring to get past. Well, unless of course, your body is broken:D (don't worry, the odds of that are astronomical!)

11-29-2002, 02:28 AM
Welcome to AO, as you've noticed, it's pretty much unanimous, ditch the ANS stuff!! The reason being, unlike most markers, AGD puts a lot of time into making their product better than anything aftermarket can produce, and ANS does not have the rigid QC standards that AGD has!! The dropoff you are describing sounds like an air supply problem!! Do you have an in line reg between your tank and the valve?? If so, that could cause starvation for your valve, causing drop off!! Your upgrade list is solid, try the warp feed before you purchase one, it is not for everyone, and you may not like it, eventhough I love mine!! You will most deffinately need a 12v hopper (good) or a HALO(best), That being said and done, your marker will be able to keep up with anything on the market!!! Hope this helps!!

11-29-2002, 10:28 AM
Before upgrading anything I'd get what you have working. As everyone else said go with the stock parts. I bought mine used and it didn't work properly either. I took it to the local pro shop and he pulled out all the aftermarket parts and viola.....working marker.

Also get a relationship with a local pro shop. Yeah online is nice and I buy from the internet as well but I also make sure to throw some of my money towards the local pro shops. Your case is a perfect example. You have all this great stuff but it doesn't work! Can anyone recommend him a pro shop in Florida?

11-29-2002, 10:54 AM
sounds like you have things pretty well planned out, don't bother w/ the ANS stuff, stock works just fine, and if you plan on getting the retro valve, all the ANS stuff is just a waste of money. Terms of the all american, go for it, even if it's the old style, I use an all american on my mag and i LOVE it, the only thing was i had to change the paint i used to get a proper match, don't know about cheap stuff yet, but the JT maxim works beutifully, and Blaze should work just as well. Soon enough there will be a X-valve out, which is a lighter version of the retrovalve w/ a lvl 10 bolt installed, so you can combine 2 of those upgrade steps. keep in mind w/ the pushing 13 balls a second, that's more on how fast you can pull the trigger more than how fast the gun can cycle w/ out drop off (ex. retro valve) other than that, sounds like a nice set up, the only thing i may say is when you get the warp feed (warp drive is what the enterpise on star trek has) you may want to get a warp body to make it that more compact, and so you don't have hose going all over the place, and it will just make it look even cooler, sorry this is a bit long, but i hope it helps

Creative Mayhem
11-29-2002, 05:51 PM

ANS is bad, AGD is good.
IF you remember that, all wll be great!:D

Sounds like you have a good setup in mind. You know, when its done, or even during its build up you have to post pics.:D

C Mayhem