View Full Version : Reduced Price on SLUG Bodies in Store

11-29-2002, 01:22 AM

I reduced the price of the SLUG bodies to 100 dollars because we didn't sell a single one. I expected a better reaction than that so at this point, unless it starts selling fast, I don't think we are going to continue with it.


SLUG's (http://store.airgun.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=17&Product_ID=349&CATID=5)

Mr. T!
11-29-2002, 01:35 AM
Well, i know i would certainly buy one if they came pre milled, just because it gets to be a real annoying process to find someone to mill it, then anno it, and then all of the shipping. If you could offer them premilled and annoed, i bet you would sell alot more of them.

11-29-2002, 02:03 AM
I'm guessing there are a handful of people on these boards that have the knowledge and tools to mill and anodize these slug bodies. Of the few who can do this type of work, I doubt if any will try to make a little side business providing finished bodies due to high costs/low volumes.

It seems unlikely to me that one would be able to recoupe costs and make a profit while pricing the finished bodies at a level where a good volume sales could be attained. Though I have no experience in machining or anodizing, I assume production would need to be made in good size batches to reduce costs in machining and anodizing. Seems kinda risky to me.

I hope AGD has plans to supply a finished product for sale in the future. Any comments?

11-29-2002, 02:45 AM
Awww !! I was highly looking forward to seeing some custom mags as well as the cocker threads.

I'f I owned my own Milling stuff I'd pick one up and Experiment.

I hope someone picks one of these up who has access to this stuff and does something really cool with it.

11-29-2002, 02:48 AM
Yeah, If they came premilled and annoed then I think more people would be receptive. I mean I know I would order one for sure if they came premilled and annoed.

11-29-2002, 03:06 AM
yea i think u(agd) should just announce them so people know they are availible other than that just try to sell them to other companies so that they can be milled and annoed and we can buy them pre done. and if anyone wants to do some serious custom work then they can buy one on their own and have everything done.

11-29-2002, 03:30 AM
I would love to take one to work and mill it. However, to pay 100.00 plus tax and shipping, find the time to mill it, then go thru the hassle of getting it anodized and shipped back and forth and all of the other unseen headaches that will come with it are just not worth what it will cost me in the end. I have some barrels I have to mill for centerfeed at the moment anyway and I have no time to even think about what I would do to the body. I can tell you if you had one milled with flames like a black magic cocker and anodized red I would not hesitate to buy it ;)

11-29-2002, 08:45 AM
They have access to machining gear, and it would be awesome to have an Eclipse body as well as the rails and bits.

In fact, I shall drop them an email and beg...

11-29-2002, 10:19 AM
If the bodies could be assembled
into a working marker, without
milling (all it takes is threading
it for a ball detent), would you
buy one and wait for milling to
be available?


11-29-2002, 10:50 AM
I think people want milled anno'd bodies. Complete and ready to go. Most people do anyway. I was a bit surprised to see the early emphasis on Raw bodies available. I certianly think that should always be an option but the bigger market is to chose a few styles that can apeal to a large majority and get them ready and sell them ready to go. I am not certain I follow you here Tom. Are you saying if they do not sell as Sluggo's the whole idea of Aluminum bodies is kaput? Or just the selling them as Sluggo's idea is kaput? I should think that this is no indication as to how they would sell complete and ready to go. And I should still think there would be a very small limited market for Sluggo's to build custom markers. And perhaps a few companies interested in making a line if styles too. But I should think they would be looking first to see if people would buy "finished" ones and at what price they would pay for them too.

11-29-2002, 11:59 AM
I want one (or more), but didn't get any yet cause I am trying to find a machineist that will do the work. (for trade for one or more for themselves.) Any machinists out there wnat to do some bartering?

The Frymarker
11-29-2002, 11:59 AM
Good question Cphil

Are you saying if they do not sell as Sluggo's the whole idea of Aluminum bodies is kaput? Or just the selling them as Sluggo's idea is kaput?

Becaue I am very interested if the bodies were made of aluminum. With the slugo body, I don't have the milling equipment.

However with a standard aluminum body I can engrave on it, the aluminum body is much more softer to hand engrave than the steel.

So what does this mean?

11-29-2002, 12:08 PM
IF they could fit on an RT(banjo bolt style, not RT PRO), I'd pick one up and get it milled, ano'd, and no-rise it..

And to Tom.. Any chance any No-rise bodies will be made for Old-School RTs? Or slug bodies at that..

11-29-2002, 01:01 PM
is it possible to cut into these things using a dremel type tool? if i can figure out how to carve something nice into it at home, by hand i'll probably get one. although i still have to get the ball detent drilled and tapped. do the bolt spring washer and retaining clip require anything special to install?

11-29-2002, 01:46 PM
what type of ball detent do the sluggo bodies use? any special type or whatever type you drill the hole to use?

11-29-2002, 02:10 PM
the whole idea to the slug bodies was to mill it with your own designs. like TK has already said, they wil be coming out with ones already milled, but from what i've seen people post about these, it seemed liek they were going to buy them and mill them their self.
now what i would want on them, is the detents already there and stuff. so all you had to do was get itmilled and annoed and throw it on and it works. no more extra stuff
but thats IMHO

note: i'm not disagreeing with anyone on here, yes i know you guys know the idea about them. yes i know they would sell better premilled and annoed.(just so people wont jump on my butt about it.)

11-29-2002, 02:13 PM
I just put in an order for one, so this one won't go completely unsold. :)

Personally, it was hard for me to justify $150 impulse buy during the x-mas shopping season... but $100 puts it it square in the impulse buy zone. :)

Now, I know it takes cocker barrels. And it takes an Angel feedneck... but what type of detent is designed for it? Or can anytype be made to fit? What detent would somebody suggest to fit in there?

11-29-2002, 02:28 PM
bofh, there is just a location hole now. Its waiting for you, the user, to decide what detante you wish to use. Then it will need to be drilled on out to the proper size and tapped for what ever that detante you chose is. In the interm it may end up being milled over that area so I makes sense to wait on that final drilling and taping.

11-29-2002, 02:45 PM
I kinda figured that you could put any kind in, but I was kinda hopping that it might be the right size to be tapped for a certain detent that the designer had in mind... if the designer didn't have a detent in mind, why the hole?

anyways, I'm not to familar with screw-in style detents... and I didn't have the presence of mind to whip my micrometer out when I last saw them. I even forgot to bring the micrometer with me :)
{edit} to meassure the size of the detent location hole...

11-29-2002, 03:13 PM
it says only for emag and rtp, but dont emag and rtp bodies fit on 68's and mini's?

11-29-2002, 03:13 PM
Sorry I would have, and still would buy one if there was a standard mag version of the body.

I have a feeling that there are others who are same boat.

11-29-2002, 03:23 PM
well the stainless steel emag and rt pro bodies DO fit on classic and minimags. i'm just wondering if their is something different about this body, but i would think that it also will fit a classic or minimag.

11-29-2002, 03:38 PM
BOFH, the x-mags come standard with angel detents. I am not familiar with detents at all, but these ones seem pretty nice. Also, I believe you can get them in different colors, so you can match your anno. Hope this helps!

11-29-2002, 04:27 PM
after christmas i might get one...I'm getting a dremel kit for christmas :P

11-29-2002, 04:37 PM
...these will fit regular mags. Its the pennel that is a different shape but many put the RT P and EMag bodies on Regular mags. AGD does not stand behind that as there may be a few that may rock a bit but in the field it commonly done with little or no problems. Now the other way around requires some dremmel work to make the sort of squarish Pennel in a round one but its been done too. Only thing you cannot make work with little or no effort is the old style RT. Thats due the the size of the valve itself not anything to do with the Pennel hole in the rail where the body sits.

I think your main two choices are Angel or Cocker Detantes bofh.

11-29-2002, 07:58 PM
I would probably buy a light-weight aluminum body for my 'Mag, but I will not sit in my garage with a chisel to make one of those slugs lighter.

11-29-2002, 08:49 PM
I too would like one of these bodies milled and annodized, but I can't do it myself. Once again when someone starts selling them finised let me know!

11-29-2002, 11:49 PM

Sorry too hear there not selling. I totaly plan on buying at least one of them, but its right before christmas, and to spend 150$/100$US on a body for my self is selfish. Come the middle of january I will be definatly buying one, and hope fully I will have my cad and CnC coding finished so I can have it milled right way .

I hope that because tehre was no sales you will not discontinue this product. Its jsut a rough time of year for me personaly.

Team I have no Idea

11-30-2002, 12:19 AM
Sorry to hear that they are not selling :( I guesse that just how these things go sometimes. People say they want to customise there own bodies, but they don't sell because people are too lazy to get it done.


Well at least the X-mags are selling :D

11-30-2002, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by temps
Sorry to hear that they are not selling :( I guesse that just how these things go sometimes. People say they want to customise there own bodies, but they don't sell because people are too lazy to get it done.


Well at least the X-mags are selling :D
I don’t think folks are NOT buying them because they are too lazy to get it done… but for two other reasons.

1) Most people don’t have either the equipment or skills needed to do it.
2) The price must be reasonable for the effort and work you still have to do to the part before it is ready to be used on your marker in its finished state.

You can not always blame the customer for a product not selling… sorry. And just because it did not sell does not mean the product itself was not a good idea. There are often reasons for things and you have to look to WHY, not just the fact of the sale/no sale.

I would like to see this product made available to third party companies that can take them and run with it (like they did with the SFL). If Tom can’t get the milling done himself (and make it cost effective for him), it does not mean it isn’t a good idea, or CAN’T be done by someone else. I do however, think resting this squarely on the shoulders of the AO Membership is a bit unrealistic.

11-30-2002, 12:33 PM
I emailed the guy at jackal milling and he said he could do some work on them it all depended on what you wanted done. Here is his e-mail: [email protected]

11-30-2002, 12:58 PM
also i believe another reason they're not selling is that christmas is in a few weeks. people are saving up to buy gifts as a mass number of members on AO are married and have kids. but also a large number of kids are on it too, and they can't get them because their parents say its too close to christmas so. but hopefulyl they'll end up on some of their christmas lists and will sell

11-30-2002, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Bartman

Sorry too hear there not selling. I totaly plan on buying at least one of them, but its right before christmas, and to spend 150$/100$US on a body for my self is selfish. Come the middle of january I will be definatly buying one, and hope fully I will have my cad and CnC coding finished so I can have it milled right way .

I hope that because tehre was no sales you will not discontinue this product. Its jsut a rough time of year for me personaly.

Team I have no Idea

Me also. I plan on getting one, I am just not able to this month. Hopefully they will hold off and stay in the store until about the end of January when I can afford to buy one.

11-30-2002, 10:18 PM
Well the "marketing strategy" behind this (and you know how good I am at that) was to have maybe a dozen people figure out a way to produce their own custom designs that people liked.

Once the first one is done others are easy so players could go to these people to get their own cut. Suddenly there are a dozen NEW body styles out there for AGD markers and people have a bunch to choose from. In this way the designs could change all the time and be very up to date.

From our perspective we make a whole bunch of the same body so we can control costs and not have to worry about the perfect design. We could never offer 12 versions of this body.

So for these reasons we are really hopping this takes off.


11-30-2002, 10:26 PM
have you (AGD) contacted some companies like KAPP or shocktech to see if they would buy a whole bunch of sluggo's and make their own designs? I think that would be a good way, but maybe they would only be convinced once a few of us AO'ers make some good designs to show the potential.

11-30-2002, 10:44 PM

I might buy one of these suckers. I didn't know they exsisted. I don't pay attention to the big posts all that much :) Can we order one of these suckers by phone or is it an Internet only thing?


11-30-2002, 10:57 PM
you can order by phone, just call the AGD office.

nuclear zombie
12-01-2002, 03:20 PM
Hey Tom:

Will the slug body accept a retro valve ? I have been measuring my valve seems as though it should but there might be something I'm missing here

can I get one without the feed hole already dilled and tapped ? I will admit I am addicted to using a warp feed and want to make a side feed , like the warp breech on the x-mag.

nuclear zombie

12-01-2002, 03:29 PM
tom im gunna be by tomorrow about 650 in debt when i order a rat impulse(i should get most of that back however in the same after noon when i sell my cocker :D ) i will apparently be getting a gift certificate that acts like a credit card or some <B>*POOF*</B> thing like that for 50 and ill definantly get another 50 from others so i should be able to pick one up after christmas. i think you probably need to wait until after christmas to have them take off :) (who knows maybe ill ask for one for christmas)

Warning: Do not circumvent cuss filter - Miscue

12-01-2002, 05:49 PM
I am planning on getting a mag within the year and I was also planning on buying a sluggo and having it custom milled/anodized. I hope they dont flop because it will be a while before I have a chance to buy it.

12-02-2002, 03:59 AM
Kapp, Shocktech and others understand that they can make money by making custom cockers even though that market is flooded! How is it that they are unwilling to get into this untapped market!?!

Has AGD mad it worthwhile finacially for these companies to experiment with the market? Custom mags are not established in the paintball community, so you are going to have to price that way. Once players see Kapp E-mags in their magazines, they will start getting popular, and THAT is when more companies will start buying your bodies and we'll see "12 designs".

All it takes is one player showing up at his field with a great product to make half the field want it.

The basic summary of what I'm saying is this: If you almost give away these bodies, at first, to companies (not individuals) that plan to mill them, the spark will ignite and you will get more sales and make profits. Until you have a fire, you can't throw a log on and expect your toes to get warm. Be content with sparks, and the fire will follow.

Is it a gamble? Yep. On the other hand, slugs on the shelves are no better than slugs priced below cost. Try it out, and hopefully I'll be able to purchase design #12 soon :)

12-02-2002, 10:46 AM
Gonna order a couple (one for trade and one for me). Got someone to do some milling for me in trade. The only challenge is that the AO store doesn't accept paypal. so now gotta mail order. - bah. (at least they accept visa/MC, for those that have them)
[RPEdit - just ordered a couple sluggo bodies! - thanks, Marcia!]

12-02-2002, 07:00 PM
yes i would like to have one. but like most people in the world i am straped for cash. and i don't have an emag or rtpro. and i know of some people that will do the milling and anno for me at half the price as other would charge. but i am wondering if you can just put the slug body on a emag/rtpro body rail and still be able to us my classic valve ??? or would i have to get a rt valve?? if this can be do by the all mighty tom then i will buy one. if not i will have to wait till christmas and get one.

12-02-2002, 08:42 PM
Ok now they are moving as expected! A bunch are going out to AGD family people to cnc this week. Expect some interesting stuff in the next few weeks!


12-03-2002, 12:18 PM
I'm interested in the concept, but the only 'Mag I have left is an old school RT. Combine that with the facts that it's christmas, and I'm in the middle of replacing a truck that was totaled, and I won't be able to buy one for a while.


12-03-2002, 04:16 PM
Lol tom can you tell me if you get an order from ******** Owens :D :D :D :D :D jk

12-03-2002, 04:31 PM
as soon as someone makes some lets see a couple of FINISHED SLUGGOS!

i know its off topic and that im gonna act a little childish but...
:D :D :D :D :D :D
How bout this new slogan...
Airgun Designs, the one place where the best price you'll find is FREE!

cant wait to get my free warp feed! and will the idiot who hasnt given jon his info get it going so all of us other winners can get our free warps!(its annoying that jon has to have everyones info b4 he can submit it for us to get the warps) oh well. thanks Jon.
damn AGD's cust. service owns!:D

12-03-2002, 07:16 PM
If people wanna pitch in $5k to get a ripper mill for slug bodies programmed up for whitewolf, i'll be glad to get a ripper mag, that would be hot. But then again $5k+$100 for body+Cost of milling and annodizing is a little expensive.

12-03-2002, 07:32 PM
5000? for what? how u get ripper milling to a single tube design? just like my classic timmy the ripper is 2 tube.

12-03-2002, 10:34 PM
Yea, but it cost $5,000 at whitewolf to make the orginal design for the first one. After the first one it's drastically, like only $200 for the milling.

12-04-2002, 11:09 AM
My wife just ordered a sluggo among other things. I'll see what I can come up with.
Thanks Jon, can't she be nasty sometimes. ;)

12-04-2002, 12:08 PM
sorry...i'm a little slow and look for clarification whenever i can....these fit on standard mag body rails with no modification?

i have access to a mill and lathe and have made my own parts for this and that project so thats not a problem.
i would like one so i can make (yet another) mag. i had a micromag and liked the cocker barrel aspect and still have cocker barrels i could use.

will a retro valve drop right in?

thanks for clarifying......

12-05-2002, 04:46 PM
i have a feeling that these slug bodies will become similar to the spyder VLM bodies. if they dont sell the ones that do filter out will be worth oodles of money.

12-05-2002, 06:47 PM
My slug body is in the mail


12-09-2002, 01:32 AM
they look cool, but I think they would have been a little bit better if they had the back of the tube to extend over the entire valve, to give the person more abilities as well as to have the body rail and the body as one peice. Though if yall did that it might make more sense to sell ruff xtreme bodies. It would be cool play around, I have some friends here that are Mech Es and they work with machining and C&C machines. Though I have many mag projects I am working on.

12-09-2002, 12:09 PM
see, I'm not a big fan of even having the sight rail, but that
is the beauty of ADDING metal, you can always take it off :0)

There have been rumors that the sluggo will have a variant at
some point with extra material around the valve ala the x-mag.

I am working on a slug now and it is cool. Me and autocad are
good friends. I am entertaining the notion of re-annoing the
back portion of my RT valve.

I have a valve from proteam products. I am thinking of having
the local metal finisher, remove the anno on it, then I can buff
off the micromag carving, then I can have it redone in
black. I know a guy that does laser engraving for $20.

Now I gotta finish my slug, cut it in the mill, then have
the body and the valve engraved.

Yeah, this is gonna be a one-off design unless tom
really likes it (or we do one
to 2 more for our team guys).
It will be a lot of fun to have a mag that is custom.

I may even let my cocker stay in the bag one weekend to use
the new mag :-)

12-09-2002, 12:14 PM
...You better finish my cocker body first Ez... :cool:

12-09-2002, 12:19 PM
The cocker body get's done
first, as soon as exams are over,
I'll take those motors to seneca, get them fixed, then
there will be milling done.

The idea of a table top cnc is really cool, except that it is
a really week machine..doh


12-09-2002, 10:26 PM
I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could probably find someone to do it, and if not I could always play around with it with a demel or something. I think I will order one as soon as I can get some $$$. But I don't knwo if my perents will go for it since it takes cocker threads and I would have to buy all new barrels. Does anybody know when the level 10's will be back in stock becuase that is what I really want.

12-09-2002, 10:28 PM
i ordered a level 10 late last week and it's scheduled to be delivered wednesday.

12-10-2002, 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Lee
i ordered a level 10 late last week and it's scheduled to be delivered wednesday.

Doc Nickel
12-10-2002, 05:30 AM
Tom- The Sluggo body arrived on Saturday, thank you. I have some definite plans, though the badboy really makes me wish for a good CNC.

First data though, it's my opinion that, it really should have both "sight rail" meat and a valve/reg "overhang" a'la the SFL. Second, the "lug" at the bottom for the forward retaining screw should actually be milled rectangular, as it allows some "play" on standard 'Mag rails (though I'm aware they need to be round for E-Mag and RT frames.)

Unfortunately it caught me at a bad time, as I'm kinda busy with both shopwork and a few personal projects, so I don't know how fast I can have results, but I'll see what I can do.

Just out of curiosity, are these extrusions or 1.250" round barstock appropriately machined?

RP- it looks like I'll have an extra for wild experimental purposes, though I'm still game if you are. I have a smattering of 'Mag spares, anyone have a standard AIR valve they want to sell for a fair price?


12-10-2002, 05:54 AM
I recieved my slug on friday,Thank you.
Ive already got all the parts to finish
it, and a real good idea of what I'm
going to do to it. BTW mine will be done
in strictly MANUAL mode, Since I have a
Bridgeport in the basement, and access
to a lathe. Look's to me like it's going
to be a race, to see who can finish one
I'll probably start cutting tommorow.:D
Also I'm working on doing a no-rise.
Festus {Rick};)

12-10-2002, 06:01 AM
BTW can anyone verify for me,
that the cocker ball detent
is a 3/8-24 thread.
I measured it at work tonight,
but want to be sure so I don't
mess the whole thing up with the
wrong thread.
I think I'm going to call it,
The FE-Mag.
Anybody else post pic's if you can,
I'll have to borrow a digi. to get
pic's of mine, but I'll try.

12-10-2002, 04:52 PM
I just recieved my body, now to develop some drawings for it. Being able to hold onto the body is a definate plus.

12-10-2002, 05:03 PM
pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics pics

12-10-2002, 05:09 PM
i just ordered mine. i figured since i ahve 3 cocker barrels left over from a micromag project...what the heck....

Doc Nickel
12-10-2002, 05:17 PM
Yes, the 'Cocker detent is 3/8"-24, same as the pre-2K front block screw. You'll have to counterbore a little to get the detent "deep" enough, though an Angel detent fits the body thickness a little better.

And don't worry about a race- I have three 'Cockers, an Impulse, a Shocker, about six dozen little projects and the front suspension of a car ahead of Sluggo milling. :D
It's gonna be the end of next week at least before I can even start.


12-11-2002, 11:33 PM

Yes we are going to extend the back in the next run. They are machined from solid stock.


12-12-2002, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Doc Nickel
[clip]RP- it looks like I'll have an extra for wild experimental purposes, though I'm still game if you are. I have a smattering of 'Mag spares, anyone have a standard AIR valve they want to sell for a fair price?

Doc. wild experimental purposes! woohoo! I am game! (shoot me an email or PM, I probably have some mag stuff for ya, (still need my SC sniper milled)) - oh yea, there was a bit of mixup with my order so it didn't get out a couple weeks ago as anticipated (as posted on teh guild), but rest assured, you will have these shortly after I get them.

12-13-2002, 04:33 PM
Well Tom and all AO'ers, as of 3:15P.M. C.S.T.
my slug bodie is 95% complete. I'm just waiting
to get my modified NW Paintball feed neck back
from my brother, He's cutting it down and
rethreading it as a No-Rise. Should have it
Sunday. All machining is done on the body,
the ball detent is installed,the marker has
been re-assembled, and function's perfectly.
All that's left is to polish it to a mirror
shine, and install the feed neck.
It took about 30 min's on the lathe, and about
3 hr's on the mill, remember I did this all
on manual equipment, no CNC for Me. Anybody
that goes to Paintball Sam's on Sunday will get
to see it, for the rest of you you'll have to
wait until I can get someone to take some
digital pic's so I can post them here.
YEEEEEEEHAAAAAA!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :D :D :D :p

12-13-2002, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Doc Nickel
[clip] :D
It's gonna be the end of next week at least before I can even start.

Doc. Just got my two today, and shipped them off to you. (I didn't even open the shrinkwrap for a looksee) Have fun!!!

Oh, can I have mine milled and anodized and shipped back to me by Christmas - hehehehee - stop throwing stuff, I was kidding! :D

12-14-2002, 10:21 AM

Can I buy a slug body with the ball feed 90 degrees left, hrizontal left, instead of verticle? I want a warp left configuration. If not, can I buy a slug body with no ball feed hole drilled?


12-14-2002, 09:48 PM
Hey people
check out my thread and give me you're feedback,
Do you like it or is it totally Fugly. I did it
all manually with no drawing's or spec's.
Just took the tube to the mill and went "Bzerk"

50 cal
12-14-2002, 11:54 PM
Seeing as the slug will work for the Emag, I will definately get one (after Xmas though) my mag needs some fancying up.

I have access to a few mills at work and can tear some stuff up!:D

12-15-2002, 12:14 AM
Wow, I gotta say I'm impressed. If I can get my hands on mag, again, I'm gonna skip math and go to the machine shop at school and do some nice flames or something with this.

12-16-2002, 02:11 AM
Perhaps the word just didn't get out yet. I have a miller chomping at the bit and designs waiting. I just ordered 4 slugs and plan for more later.

Sorry to read about all those without the ability to take advantage of this. I wonder how all those cocker bodies got milled?

12-16-2002, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Yes we are going to extend the back in the next run. They are machined from solid stock.

This may be impossible or impractical but could the front be extended also to give it more of a Minimag, RT look? Holes or slits milled in by the owner. Just a thought, I know it would add more weight, but it would probably still be lighter that current bodies.:confused:

12-16-2002, 10:43 PM
cmon jeff lets see u start pumpin out some mag bodies!
we all know u what want the water boy to say bout ur work...
"Now thats some High Quality Slugs!"
id like to see some bodies go into agd production. and oh yeah all u cocker guys out there, take a look at my sig, :P

12-17-2002, 02:31 AM
Future machinists,

We are going to do side feeds in the production bodies but for right now this batch only has vert feeds. Give us a chance to see how these things come out and then we can move forward.


12-17-2002, 02:37 AM
I don't see how difficult it would be to mod a slugg body to side feed.

Plug the vert feed, tap and thread the plug for a ball detent.

Of course you would have to add a side feed after that.

Is there something I am overlooking?

12-17-2002, 04:26 AM
Originally posted by nippinout
I don't see how difficult it would be to mod a slugg body to side feed.

Plug the vert feed, tap and thread the plug for a ball detent.

Of course you would have to add a side feed after that.

Is there something I am overlooking?
That would work just fine for us lefty's,
but you'll have to figure something else
for the righty's:rolleyes: :eek:

12-17-2002, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Future machinists,

We are going to do side feeds in the production bodies but for right now this batch only has vert feeds. Give us a chance to see how these things come out and then we can move forward.


E.T.A.??????? i wont buy the vert but a side feed i will jump on

12-17-2002, 10:40 PM
To "plug" the vert hole would mean you would have to either thread the plug so that the internal curve of the plug would exactly match up with the curve of the internal bore when tightened, very difficult, or plug the hole and then re-bore the internal overage to match without messing up the body walls, again very difficult.

How about one without the ball feed hole. That part is simple. I think the side feed or no hole body will sell much better than the verticle feed.

The side feed design is the main reason I had for buying an emag, flatline, adding LX and the warp from AGD. It represents an "out of the box" design that answers many of the short falls and limitations of other paintball offerings.

I think AGD offers, and I have, the best setup for paintball. I just want to add to the only thing I can to it and that's my personality and style of play. I don't want to work on something that, IMO, will always be a step behind.

nuclear zombie
12-18-2002, 07:22 AM
I'm going to try and make a low rise , angel thread warp feed adapter that will screw into my slug body. I'll let you all know how it turns out .

12-18-2002, 07:21 PM
I'd like to that when your finished.

12-18-2002, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by toysallround
I'd like to that when your finished.

in order to properly complete this sentense, an action verb must go inbetween the words "to" and "that"...

didnt your teachers never learn ya nuthan

12-18-2002, 08:51 PM

12-19-2002, 03:08 PM
when can we be expecting the next run of slugs with full vlave coverage?


12-25-2002, 03:39 PM
I love the idea of an X-mag style body being available for current Mag owners to install it in their Level 7 (or now Level 10) 68 Automags and Minimags so they can have an aluminium, vertical feed body with 'cocker threads. Will these ever be available ready to be installed without having to carve and anodize them? I do not have these resources, know anyone who does, or even wish to spend time doing that. A ready-to-install body, possibly even with the vision eye installed but optional without, would be remarkable. I hope this is possible as it will revitalize my marker.

12-25-2002, 04:52 PM
I don't think the eye will ever happen for a normal mag..the body rail doesn't have room for it and if you ever saw an X-Mag with the breech removed you'd understand why and as for getting a milled slug body..there are a few designs floating around out there..they just need the support of people wanting them to get produced..so find one you like and pimp that bad boy until one falls into your lap.

12-25-2002, 09:02 PM
There are several of us that have sluggo bodies that
are doing designs but taking our time to get it right
so that it can be machined on a larger scale.

Tom was nice enough to tell us what to think about in
that area as far as if we wanted to make and sell them.

Keep your eyes out in the spring or so for a nice sluggo
that may remind you of some emags.


12-26-2002, 12:21 AM
Are You Saying Mine Is'nt GOOD because I did'nt wait
until spring when somebody could over charge me for it.
I AM the guy AGD made this body for, "End User Finishing"
I charge $25.00 per hr For a 3-4 hr job. I dare you to
find anybody that can machine at that cost.
The best you will find is $65.00 per hr because they
have shop overhead.
I'm just a guy who has a Bridgeport in my basement,
Bought and Payed For' NO OVERHEAD.
I have at least one other player who has enough ball's
to buy a One Off.You will see pic's at the same time
my buyer does, Because he has faith in my art.
Rick :eek:

12-26-2002, 12:34 PM
Rick, you are the man!

I am not saying anything negative at all about the work
you did.

There are people who don't have the knowledge, skills, and access
that you do to machinery. *BOWS TO FESTUS*

I am saying that there are people who are happy to just
throw money into one and I am working on a design that should
be very quick to do in any moderate cnc machine.

Wow.....I said thewrong thing :-)



12-26-2002, 04:01 PM
Sorry to go off on you like that, It was just the
way it came across to me {Filtered thru too much Beer}
:o :o :o :o
My sincere apologies to you and anybody else I may
have offended. {Hangs Head in Shame}

12-26-2002, 04:18 PM

I thought that was tounge in cheek....you need more beer!

No prob rick....
